
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

The choice

New Novel about Borderlands. One-piece just didn't really stick out to me.

"So bats why are we all here?" The flash questioned his back leaning to the wall with a smile that could dazzle any girl if it were not for his mischievous behavior.

"I've assembled the team to propose the idea of a team that is composed of our current or former sidekicks," Batman followed through with his monotone voice and expression.

"I do not believe the children are ready for such a task. They are still too brash, young, and lack the required experience to successfully achieve any task set" Red Tornado replied.

"I agree with him I don't believe my current and former sidekicks are ready for it," Replied Green Arrow who kept a dazed face reminiscing about red arrow who seemed out and about.

"Although I understand they are brash I believe when there is a time when we are unavailable they can step up to take the mantle," Batman replied.

"I agree with Batman lets give these kids some trust besides if Batman agrees with then I don't see a reason to turn them down," Superman added.

"Yeah you could grab the milk honey I'm Kinda busy beating these weird-ass wizards right now," A voice boomed from Wonder Woman's phone which garnered the attention of everyone as the hall went silent for themselves to decide their choice's.

"Look honey defeating an in games boss doesn't excuse you to just not get the milk," Replied Wonderwomen who rolled her eyes before nearly hanging up.

"Who said I'm playing games?" The voice questioned before large explosions could be heard over the phone.

"Poor suckers. Ight nevermind I'm on my way to the milk store see you soon you still haven't beaten me in Smash so I'll be waiting," The voice then chuckled before hanging up and leaving the entire hall dead silent.

"So He's still mucking about," Batman sighed which piqued the interest of superman who turned his towards him.

"You know him," Superman asked.

"More or less depends on what light you see it in but we're getting off-topic what is the verdict?" Batman asked.

Batman surveying the room earned the rest of the votes.

"Then it decided the team is allowed to created," Batman declared before walking out of the room and messaging their sidekicks for an invite.

Dick looking at the confirmation high fived wally.

"So who'd you think would be joining the team?" Wally asked as he devoured the entire pizza.

"Man slow down would you," Dick asked annoyed before he pulled the second box and munching on it.

"So how'd it go?" A voice questioned his voice appearing behind both wally and Dick.

"You know Anakin you really got to relax will all that mysterious entrances it really scares me," Dick chuckled before offering a slice of pizza which Anakin declined before pulling out some fried rice.

"Don't worry I brought my own," Anakin said before eating with his mask on using his mask as a sort of hologram to eat his food.

"You don't trust wally?" Dick questioned turning his attention to Anakin who kept a stiff posture during his entire meal.

"Can't trust everyone yet can we?" Which earned the smirk of Dick.

"Yes our team's been allowed to be created so our teammate will arrive tomorrow at these coordinates don't be late," Dick smiled.

"Found a girlfriend yet Dick?" Anakin asked.

"No not really I haven't really found the one for me yet, to be honest, some girls just can't handle me if you know what I'm saying," Dick chuckled before continuing "What about you the legendary Phantom shouldn't you be getting some girls or is it a guy?"

"No, though a guy is more of a Batman thing and you are his protégé, just looking at your weak ass muscles I understand that pretty face is all for show," Anakin laughed before turning to away and teleporting out of the room.

"Rule 23 always have to have the last word huh." Dick sighed before walking away with wally who seemed silent.

"What's up with the guy he gives me the creeps," Wally replied anxiously of who that was before grabbing a piece of pizza.

"He's A bit rough though he's the most real person you'll ever meet that if you can handle his cheeky nature," Dick responded before slabbing wally "Don't eat the last piece you dick!"