
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Games bring Love.

(Okey tell me what you think of this chapter I'm not experienced with love)

Waking up i found myself on a soft surface it felt nice and warm though it was not a pillow as i felt it different.

It was living.

Looking up i saw Diana looking at me downwards which confused me.

"I've been working at the bar in spare time waiting for you," She whispered to me tears dripping onto my face.

"Why did you leave I've been waiting ever since you left, " she whispered slowly starting to cry.

"Oh come on sugar buns the princess of Themyscira shouldn't cry," I murmured before wiping her tears with my hands.

"Besides i knew it wasn't going to work the day i arrived, "I smiled before standing up and putting my hands behind my back.

"What do you mean," She asked confused tears still dripping from her eyes.

"Joining the war was so no mear accident i knew that steve was going to crash on your island he was meant to steal you heart not me," I sighed pausing before continuing" I wanted to make things work between the two of us but i rushed too hard into making our relationship work it felt too forced on my part, so i decided to give us space to test if my love is real," I smirked before taking off my mask and closing in on her before hugging her and wiping her tears.

"My love for you was real," I whispered before she tried kissing me which I blocked standing back up.

"What you have pent up in you is lust, not love," I started gesturing my hands below i decided to take things slow with Diana or the now-famous Wonder Women.

"I believe it's only fair if you get to know the person your intrusting your heart," I replied before picking her up princess style and walking out toward outside.

Flying up i decided to give her a sight of the century it was an overview of the entire city the lights blooming up.

It glowed like Diana's cheeks looking at her we stared each other before melting into the night.

#mew mew mew mew mew clap clap clap#

<Yeah boy, Get them cheeks father> Mew mentally sent to me which I immediately blocked afterwards didn't want to be like Batman and have bat mite screwing things up.

Looking at my past deeds I noticed my personal health had degraded over the many years I would often turn serious and then quirky.

So I decided to heal my brain back to that of when i first came to earth if i was ever going to marry Diana i needed to heal my mind as to not go insane or too far.

Holding her up in the sky we stood there watching the ever-shining city of New york.

"So what have you been up to?" She asked still looking at the city below us.

"I've just been creating a highly technologically civilization," I responded flying toward the roof a nearby building and putting her down.

"So why do you like me?" I asked which she answered on point.

"Your charismatic, handsome and the first man to not only see me for my beauty but also for my strength," She smiled.

"Sounds a bit cliche but i understand," I said smiling. "So what you like?" I continued.

"A good challenge," She smiled.

"Come with me you might like it," I said before swooping her from her feet and flying toward the nearest arcade which i found when i was being assaulted by berry.

Looking to the arcade we saw a variety of games through the one i wanted her to try the most was Metroid.

Walking toward her I gestured her to play it.

Which obviously earned me a confused look.

"What is this glowing machine is it an enemy?" Diana questioned as she played with the joystick.

"This is what i like to call an arcade game its entertainment," I responded and then proceeded to teach her how to play which she really picked up on.

( 1 week later)

She now understood how to play the game and we would often go there in her free time as i basically had nothing to do but freeload.

"So I heard a new game came out today it just got in," I said before walking to the bathroom and getting ready.

"Oh what game is it," She said stretching before doing one-arm push-ups.

"It's a fighting game you can finally challenge me," I smiled

"Oh really, well see who can defeat who," She chuckled before also getting ready.


Looking at the brand new arcade machine i smiled this was something i use to play when i was feeling down during my depression as a teenager.

"Streetfighter huh," She murmured before walking toward it and started playing it.

Walking toward the game with her i decided to play it with her and I destroyed her as i had enhanced my brain to see incoming attacks so seeing her attacks or combos were easy as i saw her hand movements as well.

Diana looking defeated i decided to walk away this would give her the encouragement to better herself as well as further improve our relationship.

(10 weeks later)

She was hell-bent on defeating me and even taking the time of the Bar to challenge more people.

During these 10 weeks on Saturday she would challenge me which she obviously lost.

she really did love a challenge.

During her campaign of training, she was nicknamed Queen Legasus for her main being Chun-li.

After defeating everyone that she challenged she finally decided to challenge me.

"Rev i will finally defeat you," Diana declared to the whole crowd as everyone knew her even some recognizing her as Wonderwoman which i didn't mind.


the crowd was cheering for her which I obviously smiled today i was going to lose to her.

During her combo I intentionally let them connect before doing a final assault which she then blocked and punched the rest of my health away.

"I finally did it," Diana screamed and turning toward the crowd.

"Since you won i guess you deserve your prize," I stated.

Diana turning around saw me on one knee and pulling out a small box.

" I love you Diana will you marry me," I smiled.

Diana smiling went down to hug and whispered in my ear.

"Of course,"

Taking her hand I decided we would tour the world and see the sights.

Special thanks to these lovely people:










And the rest of you lovely people donating you stones thank you