
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs


(Vandel Savage POV)

Over the many years, Revan has been with us he was the strangest between his brother. His brother Rex had been the most outgoing and interacted with all of us villagers. He had only spoken to me and his brother.

He seemed to be looking at the rest of us like ants .which I felt angry about. but over time i saw it. He spoke to me as if i were an ant. I half apologized not truly meaning what i said when i was a child but what he said really stuck with me.

One day I chose to sneak Behind him when he went hunting to see if he truly was what he claimed. what i saw truely shocked me to my core.

Laying on a mountain edge i stalked them form the mountains

I hid behind him for a long time before he started moving forward. I started to get bored when i suddenly saw 600 beasts surrounding Revan.

He seemed shocked or i thought he was as he suddenly exploded laughing.

Was he not crazy had he not seen himself being surrounded by 600 beasts ready to pounce onto him. Did he just see this as a joke?

That's when i saw something crazy. Every single beast had collapsed on the floor each one not making a move. I was flabergasted how strong was this monster.

As if feeling my amazement and fear he turned around to look at me stared directly at me. His eyes piercing my soul. His mask smiling back at me.

Never in my life had i felt so fearful of a being. when i had hunted before i never felt fear even when on the verge of death i stood there determined but from this one thing no from this beast of man i felt true fear.

Looking back at me he put one finger up to my mouth as if to shush me. To keep it a secret before disappearing.

That day i ran back home but something unexpected happened as i did the stars had started falling from the sky.

Raining down onto the earth. That's when i heard a thoom. I looked over to see something glowing. I approached the rock and had a feeling of being drawn into it.

Corpses littered the ground as i kept walking and as i did i was slashed in the face by a bear that i thought was dead.

not wanting to die i picked up a rock and directly hit it in the chest before jumping and hitting it on the head smashing its skull inwards.

The bear trying to survive slashed my body leaving deep cuts into them.

Not waiting for my death i kept bashing the rock straight into the bears' skull not letting go as it kept clawing my arms and back until it eventually and slowly stopped moving

Getting up from the dead bear i made sure to jam the rock into the other animal corpses head before proceeding.

Finishing them i walked over to the glowing rock and layed there. I felt exhausted the blood of my wounds poured out as i layed there. Closing my eyes i saw him Revan getting closer to me. Scared i nearly panicked but was instantly knocked out.

Waking up i found myself back at the village. asking the villagers where Revan was they said he had decided to leave with his brother Rex. That was the last time i saw them until later but that's a story for another time.

(Revans POV)

Today i decided to go hunting i decided to get new leather and fur for my cloths as me and my brother decided it time for us to leave we had grown tired of staying in the village mostly me.

Though Rex was reluctant to leave the kids i forced him to do so as i was tired of training Vandel it started to get boring as he did the same thing every day.

Walking i noticed he was following me i had always trained my chi sense to be able to detect movement as to not be caught off guard.

I decided to ignore him and press on as this was probably the last time i was going to see him.

Walking i detected an abnormal amount of life forms surrounding me.

Looking around i waited before hundreds of beasts flared up.

This made me explode of laughter.

After finish laughing i simply manipulate all their air circulation to stop i simply stopped their lungs from converting their oxygen into carbon dioxide any they all fell in a matter of seconds.

It seemed they wanted to finish me off as i had been killing their packs in the 40's every week or so to have a feast with the villagers.

Looking up vandel i gestured him to be silent staring at him before looking at the sky above him.

I then used my chi to move so fast that it looked like i disappeared collecting the fur and skin and creating anew pair of clothes for me and Rex.

walking toward the village i felt something odd.

It was that same feeling i had when i was in the dino era looking up i saw a meteor shower.

Smiling i looked to my right to see a meteorite falling and hitting an area.

Thinking of somthing i walked slowly toward the rock.

Getting there i saw countless corpses which were oddly smashed to death by a rock as there was a bloody rock on the ground a bear with mushy head and its brain spilling out.

Not a nice sight to behold. Looking at the crater below i saw Vandel bloody and next to the glowing meteorite.

Looking at me he started to panic most likely from what he saw from before i quickly knocked him out.

Looking at his body he seemed the same but his body was healing at an unnatural rate. His DNA being altered little by little as he layed there.

Thinking about this world i could now guess i was transported into DC universe but to which one it seems as if this is one of the many possible universes.

Throwing those questions at the back of my head it seems i had a lot of training to do if ever want to fight those gods that are going to appear.

Looking at Vandel Savage i decided not to kill him.

"Do well Vandel Savage let me see what you can now that you have the power to rule the world, though you'll never be able to achieve your second goal" Smiling i took him to his village and spoke with Rex.

"Its time for us to go now. The kid knows let's go Rex lets see what this world has instore of us" I stated before walking away from the village as if agreeing Rex following behind