
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Becoming the phantom

(Anakin's POV)

Watching my father walk away I turned to Bruce Wayne who also stared at me.

"So where to now," I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"We get ready," He Stated before walking toward his million dollar plane.

Turning to me he looked confused.

"Arnt you coming," Which he smiled before heading inside.

Looking in disbeleif I followed in suit.

"Greetings Young Master would you like any refreshments?" Alfred asked gesturing me toward the refreshments.

"That would de delectable Alfred," I replied smiling before grabbing the apple juice. (Yep he's one of those)

Using my chi I filtered all the added sugar and unwanted substances from the juice before drinking it was a technique i learnt from my father to filter out poison but i altered it a bit.

"Delicious I presume," Alfred declared raising his eyebrows.

"As always Alfred," I replied smiling.

This wasn't the first time Alfred had asked if i wanted a refreshment he would often ask me which I at first would filter his drink every time I aint taking my chances.

Walking toward the plane I saw Bruce Wayne chilling it seems the plane is auto-piloted.

"Hey Anakin how are doing," Bruce smiled towards me as reading a history book.

"Feeling a bit excited it's my first time on a plane," I exclaimed which was true my father usually teleported instead of taking a plane like a normal person.

My father truly was strange he can be a little crazy when he's angry though when see's me and Aphro he calms down.

"Oh really well there's going to be a lot of firsts for you then," He chuckled before he continued to read his book of history.

Taking a peek at the history book I frowned I saw my fathers name with all his titles.

I wasn't stupid when I was in my father's room I found a similar book and read it.

It had my fathers name written throughout the titles but I slowly realized this book was about my father, not different people.

That day I realized that if my father went rouge No one could truly stop him.

I loved My father but if there was anything that would change his mind I would be the one to stop him.

"Why are you reading on my father?" I frowned.

"Your fathers a strange man kiddo he's appeared in every single history book donning the infamous mask," He smiled but looking into his eyes I saw he was thinking the same thing i did 2 years ago.

"You won't be able to beat him," I stated shaking my head.

"Why's that?" He questioned turning his head towards me.

"Because He wouldn't hesitate to kill you if he pleased," I started turning to walk back to the refreshment ile.

"So who would be able to beat him," He asked turning to me.

"He wouldn't hesitate to kill you but he would hesitate to defeat me," I smiled before I continued on.

Bruce understanding put his book away and contemplated on what I just said.

Arriving at his manor we both walked into his library which looked ordinary.

Bruce Wayne seeing me confused went toward the shelf and pulled a series of books before the shelf suddenly split in half revealing an elevator.

Going down the elevator I felt excited this felt like a roller coaster ride.

Arriving down the elevator All i saw was A large advanced computer and a bat-like car which was near pitch black.

"Your man cave is kinda... Empty," I said before scratching my head it kinda ruined my expectations.

"What were you expecting," He asked raising his eyebrow.

"I thought you would have gadget everywhere like an armoury containing weapons like my mother," I choked as I shouldn't have said that last part.

"So your mother has her own armoury though I'm not surprised Wonderwomen is a amazon is she not," He replied before he walked over to his supercomputer and putting on what i believe was his armour though it looked batlike was this his thing bats?

"So you're like a bat?" I questioned.

"I'm Batman," He stated before turning back to his supercomputer and checking files on what seems to be an arms deal.

"Look kiddo I aint a fan of partners I usually work alone but because of your father's training I know You'll do fine," He said before he hopped into what i Belive is a batmobile?

Hopping in he stopped me.

"You ain't going anywhere with that outfit. ALFRED!" Bruce screamed.

"Yes, Master Wayne," Alfred appeared which was quite unsettling as it felt like he teleported behind me.

"Get this kid something to hide his identity I'll be riding solo tonight," Batman declared before driving off out of the Batcave.

Looking at Alfred I chuckled.

"Hey, Alfred just gets me some material I'll be fine my father taught me how sow just get black and white cloth," I responded before heading with him up the elevator.

(3 hours later) ( If read this in the SpongeBob narrator voice your a legend)

Getting the material I started designing my armour remembering my father's armour I decided to get inspiration from it creating a mask with a skull on it.

Remembering his robe I decided to create a hood to cover my hair. (https://www.google.com/searchq=task+master+marvel&sxsrf=ACYBGNT_hdkyQwtz_lIyb0s8k_7lVTY9qA:1571547463078&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiF16LChqrlAhWR_XMBHYPnCP8Q_AUIEigB&biw=1536&bih=723#imgrc=KqwbSBLR9-XV0M:)

(He looks like Taskmaster from marvel)

Looking at my costume/armour I smiled.

"I like the look," The voice declared turning around I saw it was Bruce he had just returned from his patrol.

"Yeah, think so I need some Kevlar under this with some plated titanium alloy and were good to go," I smiled turning to Bruce.

"Hmm I'll have Alfred patch it up but I heard there's a circus act coming up tonight why don't we check it out before," Bruce replied.

"Hmmm okay," I responded and followed him into his car before we drove off.

Reaching the cirus I got out of the car and saw the poster.

"The Flying Graysons," I thought before entering.