
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Batman's Biggest Mistake

Hey, guys/gals, I won't be able to post as much as I use too you know with school I have to focus on my studies but don't worry I aint dropping.

(Anakin's POV)

It's been nice fighting along with Bruce Wayne for awhile fighting crime punching people but I missed my father. He was right about being a hero. It gets tiring. Looking at Bruce I mentally shook my head.

The guy was just too edgy and hardcore brooding about his parent's death.

Looking into the moon I sighed we had just gotten a signal of a break in a recent chemical factory. If I had known that I should've gone instead of taking a break.

Waking up the next morning I found out about batman's first mistake.

This mistake would eventually grow into one that would cause fear even to the batman.

Few days went past of that incident and I brushed it over like it was nothing I would soon regret that.

Punching the usual hooligans in costumes like me I was confronted by something strange.

Hooligans being armed to the teeth transporting something strange.

Swooping in and stopping the transport i looked inside.

Opening it i was opened to a large explosion.

Covering my self with chi I was knocked.

"Oh looks like i caught the wrong fishie hehehehehe," A strange voice announced behind me.

Turning around I was confronted by a strange-looking man green hair and a sinister smile his lips bright crimson red his skin being bleached white.

"Hey their little phantom I've heard of you though I've never gotten to see you before why don't you... stick around hahaha," He declared laughing hestiracally as he shot strange acid onto me which i quickly wiped off taking off my cape.

Quickly throwing skull constructs at him I backed away trying to not get close this guy was insane like mentally unstable insane,

Quickly covering this guy in chi he was unable to move which i quickly put him into Arkham this guy was really unstable that it was scaring me.

Phantom walking to Wayne Manor I needed to have a small chat with Bruce this guy nearly killed his own men and was trying to trap someone though not me which would lead only to one person.

Phantom walking was made by me by phasing through object which my strange abilities it was strange, to say the least.


Getting there I was greeted by Alfred who leads me to Bruce who seemed unfazed by my visit.

I stopped coming here after awhile walking all the way here every day while crime-fighting also gets tiring especially when Wayne manor is located at the very edge of Gotham.

"So... what brings you here Anakin," He asked turning around and doing that annoying I was expecting you pose on the chair.

Looking over to dick he shrugged he knew that I hated his way of doing things which is another reason why i left.

It was the mission or nothing he never stood back to actually help these street hooligans.

For example, what happens after they leave Arkham or prison where do they go?

They go back to the streets.

So I created an organization with the help of my father to help support people who can't help themselves.

People who have nowhere to go and end up in the streets.

I help people who are willing to change.

The head of this company being my dad of course though I usually direct most of the plans since my dad was too busy training other disciples.

Unlike Bruce Wayne no.


Bruce Wayne died along time ago.

I'm willing to change looking at dick he also wanted to change he too was growing tired of batman's attitude to crime as well.

"I came here because a lunatic was trying to get you," I stated crossing my arms.

"Sounds like the usual go away I don't need people that hold me down," He demanded turning his chair to look at the screen.

"Of course it's the same for you. You only see everyone the same though I came here because this hooligan nearly killed his own men to get you which shows his own persistence. this guy is insane besid... never mind enjoy Gotham to yourself, Batman," I stated before walking away.

This city was getting on my nerves as well as the batman it was time to save a different city a city where the people scream hope instead of despair.

Arriving in central city the atmosphere in this brand new city the phantom will become looking at the newspaper a hero also lived here the Flash a speedster cable of running in a flash earning him the superhero name the flash that's a lot of flashes. ( :D )

Looking around this city it shined everywhere giving off a sense of hope that I looked for instead of the gloomy nature of Gotham.

It was refreshing.

I was 14 this year and looked a bit older than what most would call a teenager I was a bit bulky like my father though I had my mothers agility.

Walking around I earned a few glares from the opposite sex which kinda freaked me out a little i wasn't used to getting this much attention from females.

Renting a room I decided to play with my powers abit it seemed like a void.

Focusing on that I was shocked to my core a large black hole appeared in my room sucking everything in it Before I was sucked into it.

Getting inside I was shocked to find everything empty into where ever I was it felt empty yet full.

I named this place the Phantom zone in name of myself.

Sitting down I relaxed and thought about exiting before i saw a strange figure roaming around the area wearing strange yet futuristic clothes.

Getting sucked back into my room I finally understood why my father never could find me I was somehow using the Phantom zone as a way to hide my presence.

Looking out of my window I smiled.

I could finally be a hero and still enjoy my life.

Paying for the missing beds and that I walked out it was time to look around the city.