
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

11 year time skip

(11 years later)

A lot had passed throughout these years.

We had become known as a Super couple throughout the world.

My superhero name hadn't been spread but nicknames were given to me instead, of course, Diana was known as Wonderwoman.

In China, I was known as Bái sǐ(White death). In Africa, I was known as Regtig sterk(Strong man). In Russia, I was known as Ангел смерти(Angel of death). In India, I was known as shiva's calling and in America, I was known as the Shroud.

During one night during a crime rush, we finally let loose which we awoke to Mew looking at us like

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°).

"You finally got that ass," He announced which whom we Immediately chased out.

We eventually had kids who were now 10 years old now.

I received a mental message via Kirito and yuri they had broken the stick and contacted me that a teenager named Bruce Wayne had entered the compound and requested to meet me.

Smiling I decided to bring Young Anakin with me the name of my child i decided after thinking a lot.

we had twins and they were now 10 years old which left a smile on my face they were growing too fast i thought.

Our daughter though was named after Aphrodite the god who had reincarnated the amazons.

My son was quite often reading books and liked discovering the outside world while my daughter loved to interact with other kids of her age group often liking to bring them over for a play date which i allowed on the one condition she cleans her area incase of messes made by her and her friends.

Carpet stains were not my favourite stains to clean or stains at all.

Putting on my mask we teleported to Asia where we were welcomed by all the disciples and teachers along with my students looking up at us.

I and Anakin stood in front of the now large stairs which lead up to the mountain.

They all bowed on sync and shouted.


The loud shout caused me to stumble and unfortunately cause Anakin to fall on the ground.

This kinda put me off guard as i had honestly not expected such a large amount of students to greet me.

Looking up at the students i bowed and lifted my son back up patting his back and rubbing his hair.

Standing next to my son we walked toward the mountain where we found my student Kirito and Yuri still looking young and kicking bowing to me and gesturing toward who i believed to be Bruce Wayne and his butler afraid donning the famous look of his tuxedo.

"I hope you liked our welcome gift master we decided to surprise you upon your return," He snickered

"If you're trying to ruin me and my sons hearing I would have appreciated if you hadn't screamed into my ears, Though i am still thankful for the effort," I responded looking toward Bruce Wayne who seemed to get impatient.

"This man seems like another cheap scape lets move on Alfred we don't need to waste our time here with this stay a home dad," Bruce Wayne spat walking away.

Its seems this Bruce Wayne was more aggressive though this doesn't seem like the disciplined Batman I saw in the comics.

Watching him walk away i laughed i was going to test him see just how far i can get out of him.

"Look at him Kirito and Yuri This rich playboy is nothing but just that. I bet his parents would be just proud of what he's become," I sneered under my mask

"What did you just say," He paused turning around to face me.

Bam! just got his reaction it seems this batman wasn't as smart as what i had gotten to know from the comics.

"Oh, what didn't hear me i was obviously talking about your dead parents what cant get it through that stupid brain of your's," I retorted crossing my arms and looking at him just hearing his attitude I decided to mentor this batman.

Alfred knowing what I was trying to do was too late bruce ran towards me.

Bruce throwing a straight punch was immediately blocked and was counterattacked by me with a jab to the ribs causing him to flop onto the floor defeated this was like teaching Vandel.

"Lesson one don't get angry. Think before you attack," I chuckled walking back and gesturing him to come at me.

Bruce looking at me on the ground was angered but understood what to do. He was after was a battle Genius though he was still rash.

Bruce getting up stared at me before throwing a punch at me which was parried and pushing him down.

"Frontal attacks won't work on me. Get creative," I stated before returning my position and putting up a defence.

Bruce getting angry went back to his position before hurling a rock and closing in.

Getting close he threw sand in my eyes and tried punching my ribs which I countered before flopping him on the ground.

"Good although dirty your enemies will stop at nothing to kill you but i must get going I have to go," I declared gesturing Anakin to follow suit.

"Wait where are you going?" He asked confused still on the ground recovering.

"Meet me here tomorrow. Where am I going? I am a stay a home dad choke on that when you think about me," I smiled teleporting away with Anakin.