
A Glimpse of a Star

Spiderman's uncle said that Great power comes with Great responsibility. But what if you have something very different than a usual Superhero Power. Not something that give you Powerful strength or release Energy wave from your hands nor shoot some spider webs through your wrist but something that was a Superpower but on the other hand is not. lets follow on Vincent journey as he gain a peculiar power of giving Wings to people and how it can change the world he is living right now. P.S Pinoy po ako hahaha

AWanderingWeeb · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"There is no serious problem but your left shoulder have some misalignment and your arms have concussion so you cant use your left arm for a week or two"

"Salamat Doc Joe hahaha"

"Thank you Doctor"

"Hahaha no problem there maybe if just Mrs. Luna didnt ignore my messages I will be the most fulfilled person in the world"

"Nice try Doc hitting on my Mom in front of me but even if you look passable in my criteria you still have long way to go ahh ouch ouch Mom Im sorry I will stop"

My mother pinch my right ear then I cant help but scream in pain

"Sorry for that Joseph but I dont really have anymore thought about those things I just want to be a better mother for this rascal"

Joseph and my eyes met then we cant help but let out a sigh

"Hahaha Im just joking I am not that of an bastard to force myself into you. And I know that this rascal of yours cant replace anyone in your heart anymore"

Joe said while he mess with my hair

My Mother cant help but smile weakly

"Hey stop that"

"Mom lets get out of here this bachelor will just find a way to hit on you hahaha and it was still early so we should make it in time for school and work"

"Vincent no using your arm ok"

"Got it"

"Thank you again Joseph you dont know how much care we receive from you this past years"

"No problem that is my job hahaha its not like we are servicing you for free so no need to be grateful"

"Anyway still I need to thank you. Alright I can still make it in time for my job so I go first"

"Take care on your way I will not see you out"

She nod her head then follow her son that is waiting by the door. He see his son sticking his tounge out like a child towards Joseph and Joseph reply the same way by making face. Hayysss men are all kids


We arrive at home after having a lift on a tricycle then I see my son scrambling because we are catching time. He said

"Mom you take a bath first I can be late for the first period but you cant"

"Nahh lets just take a bath together"

"What!!!! At this age!!!"

"Ehhh are you so shy that you dont want your Mother to see you naked anymore didnt you know I know the nook and cranny of your body. Comeon where getting late and your left arm you cant be used so I'll help you wash"

"But.... Hayss alright"

After taking a exhausting bath with my Mother that looks like she are proud and accomplish something great when getting out of the bath I am now ready to go. I didnt take care of my looks that much because there is not much to do as I didnt really want to showcase my appearance. Well to be the truth I myself have above average appearance, "Hayyss" I let out a sigh while looking at the mirror and cant help but take a look back on what happen a moment ago.

Rhea is the Granddaughter of the old man I save and the Old man himself is the owner of a large corporation. The police said they will give me a medal and reward and will show to the news my good deeds through a CCTV footage that caught entirely like a movie on what have transpired. The man that is driving the van have suffered mild stroke while driving and currently in a safe condition. The mayor said that the City hall will give sufficient reward for the heroic deed of a citizen so my bank account right now receive 150 000 pesos plus a million send by another account that clearly from the Old man. I use my right arm to slap my face to be sure if everything is real in front of me right now.


Its real

That hug is real

I cant help my self but be flustered remembering those moment the soft body that embrace me and the look of her face of being relieve and worried.


I cant help myself but shout out loud after thinking of those thoughts I mess my hair that I just tidy up. The strangeness and questions I have with those little stars that are floating in the head of everyone was buried under the feeling of embarassment. I pick my things then get out of the room and see my Mom there waiting for me

"What are you shouting there are your arm's hurting if yes I will take a leave from work"

"Nahh Mom I just see a cockroach. Well Mom about the money its pretty big for me so I'll send you the million I receive later when I pass the bank on my way home"

"No just keep it buy things you want your at that age or maybe you can bring your girlfriend into a date"

"Mom I said to you we are just friends she is Rhea remember her the one I am classmates with since Grade three."

"Ok ok no need to be flustered while explaning lets go where gonna be late if we mop around"



Colorless, Blue, Red, Grey, Black, White, Yellow, Gold, Green, Violet, Orange almost all color was now witnessed by myself as I travel to the school. I dont know what those colors means above there head but I have an hypothesis that it was something that have to do to mental, emotional or physchological state. But this theory of mine have high chance to be wrong as I still have no answer about that black color that symbolize death. If I didnt stop the van in that moment I think that death was inevitable either it be the driver or Rhea's Grandfather. So that means that black carries death. Did I gain a superpower? Even I am estrange about supernatural things I still know a little about some superpowers I watch that is in cartoons, anime or movies. I look at the side mirror of the jeepney then see myself and there is no star floating above myself but the aunty sitting besides me have a grey color star hovering above her. There is no point in worrying right now I am sure that I was not in some abnormal state mentally as I can still think loud and clear without disruptions so all I can think is that sonething magical or supernatural happen to me but my questions still piled up when I get to that point. I cant help but shake my head as I conclude what the answers could be so I just put a earphone on my ear to let myself be free of those unanswered thoughts.


I rush towards the gate as I see the security guard closing it. Safe!!!! I catch my breath then smile at the guard who smile back to me then said to me

"Your gonna be late go"

"Ahhh thanks"

I rush my steps towards my room that is in the 3rd floor and hope that I will be there first before my homeroom teacher but my heart is beating wildly different from the adrenaline I am feeling from running around. Will she be there? How will I handle her? What is she thinking by doing that in front of many people?. Haysss still many questions have been filling up my brain and before I notice it I am in front of my classroom and it looks like I get here before our homeroom instructor. I was preparing myself how to handke rhea when we met that my heart stop's in different reason. The color black that I think will be rare to encounter was now in front of me and not just one.

Four!!! Four black stars are floating in four different people inside this classroom.

Sarah De jesus our Class President

Someone called in the nickname Potpot a silent male student I didnt have a remembrance I talk to from the start of the school year

Ejhie Toledo a Bully in our room and someone rumored that is into gang and shady things

And the one I am most shocked of

Jasmine Smith a American-Filipino beauty on par to Rhea that is very cheerful and energetic lass.

And now I am getting a feel of it that this thing that I have receive of is something that will make me work like a horse till who knows when.

Authors Note:

Salamat= Thank you