
A Glimpse of a Star

Spiderman's uncle said that Great power comes with Great responsibility. But what if you have something very different than a usual Superhero Power. Not something that give you Powerful strength or release Energy wave from your hands nor shoot some spider webs through your wrist but something that was a Superpower but on the other hand is not. lets follow on Vincent journey as he gain a peculiar power of giving Wings to people and how it can change the world he is living right now. P.S Pinoy po ako hahaha

AWanderingWeeb · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Questions and Hugs


While the sun is still rising in a certain intersection there was currently a commotion that have group of people gather around two police mobile was parked in the vicinity while a ambulance just arrive then 5 medical rescuer get off.

"Vincent is that you?"

"Hahaha Ate Ronalyn its you"

"What the heck happen the police call saying they need medical assistance so we thought it should be some kind of accident but why are you here. And your arm.... Lets handle that first"

"Hehehe thanks Ate Rona but you should look first to that old man it looks like he need more medical attention than me"

The medical rescuer Rona look at the old man that is covered by blanket while looking at the young boy Vincent while talking with a police then said alright that is our job I let others take care of you"

"Hahaha thats a relief thanks again"

"Hayyyss the police should already called your guardian so maybe Mrs. Luna is on her way. I dont know what is the complete story but I am sure you need to prepare for her nagging"

"Hahaha thats what I am preparing for right now"

"Anyway I see you later"

I see Ate Ronalyn that is a MD in the Hospital that I am frequent on and she was still working as a emergency rescuer even she is a full time Doctor arent she very amazing. I am sure that her partner will be very happy for having someone as passionate as her. I take a sip of the bitter coffee while remembering what just transpire right now. As I see the inevitable faith in front of me I rush without much thinking to save the distress old man. I was grazed by the closed van that is forced to a stop so that is why my left arm looks broken like now. I wish it do not need to be cemented Haysss my life but that thing. I see many stars floating around everyones head majority of it are colorless right colorless. I dont know how I can Identify that it is a hue that is colorless but that is what my mind told to me. The observers, Police, Rescuers and the old man they still have those floating stars above there head. The only thing that is striking is that they have different color to each other like the old man's gold star that is shining more brighter than before, The police that is taking picture's have a colorless color like the majority, a small child that observing the commotion in a distance show a star with color blue and the black star above the close van just vanish a moment ago and just now Ate Rona's star that is Green color floating above her head. I hold my head using my right arm then the rescuer that is bandaging my left arm was shocked on what to do.

"Is your head aching? Did you hit your head"

"Ahhh no no no its just that I didnt have much sleep hahaha sorry for worrying you Im fine"

"*Sigh* thats fine but you should say it if something hurt in your body it is better to be safe than sorry"

"Ok sir thanks"

"But you really are amazing I hear what happened just now and you really was a hero hahaha I dont know what to say but I am happy you save a life well that is just coming from me because I am a medical practitioner"

"No that is just a coincidence and I think anyone will do what I have done when they are in my situation"

The young rescuer pause for a moment then continue at bandaging the arm of the boy and keep the words that he cant let out to himself. He want to say that not anyone can do that thing where they can offer there lives for someone else more of it by saving a stranger. He became a medical rescuer because there was this guilt from the past that he want to compensate into and seeing the boy in front of him he cant help but notice that this dying fire inside of him was lighten again and was now ready to light his world again.

Its changing!!!!!

I look at the man no above the man's head that just taken care of my injuries the colorless star are now turning blue. What happen there is this stars magical thing? What is it purpose? My head is full of question right now having encounter a phenomena that I cant explain with the extent of my knowledge.



A smartphone has fallen when she see a police officer saying his Son's name. A feeling like her heart was being squeeze take a hold of her and with trembling lips she ask then she sigh in relief but the worry is still overwhelming her. So even if she still wear her pajama she rush out of the house and see a commotion happening three streets away from their house. She see a boy siping a cup of coffee while his left arm was bandage then without her noticing it she already rush while tears flow down in her face.


"What happen to Dad? Accident Ok Im going? Call the Police Director of Manila and the Mayor. Contact the Upper Management and our family Hospital"

"Dad what is happening?"

The middle age man look at the one who call him then see her Daughter just woken up. He didnt lie to her and said the truth because he know how much she care about her Grandfather.

"Rhea it looks like your Granpa get into an accident"


I was suprised that Mother rushed without any warning I put the hot coffee down in a corner then receive her. I ignore the star that shining like a blinding light above her and just spread my remaining functional arm toward her. I shake my head as my Mother didnt even change her attire before leaving the house. Even if Mom is now 34 years old her appeal was still something that can mesmerized many bachelors specially the police that was looking at her with his mouth wide open. I glare at the police while hugging my Mother then he realize my gaze so he bow down his head while scratching his face for being caught red handed. Mother cry like a child like from the time when she know that I have similar faith like my father. I put the blanket given to me to cover her then pat her back to calm her down. I see Ate Ronalyn smiling at us while wistling then I see black cars and more police cars coming from the road then see them stopping in this location. I think about why there are more coming even if it was not that serious situation as no one have been seriously injured. But all my question was answered when I see the City Mayor Kiko get off on one of the cars then approach the old man that is siping coffee. Men in black suits get out of vehicles in unison then approach and surround the old man. My Mother calm down as she let go off me but that glare is still piercing through me then I heard her talk

"You have many things that you gonna need to explain to me later Right?"

I smile without any strength on it then reply "Opo Mom"

As I turn my head I notice a girl wearing shorts and simple Tshitrt walking towards me she was coming from a car that just stop near our location then everyone cant help but focus her attention towards her. Long black hair, red lips, sharp nose, Long white legs and sparkling eyes that can captivate any man. She is walking toward me in a walking pace then when I recognize her outline and a sense of familiarity strike me her pace fasten then she rush towards me then like the earlier situation replaying itself I receive a hug again but this time it was different. A hug from a family and a hug from someone that should be a opposite sex classmate/friend is completely different.

The old man: "Huh"

My Mother: "Huh"

Ate Ronalyn: "Huh"

Me: "Huh"

Everyone: "Huh"

Authors Note:

Ate= Big Sister
