
A Girl Named James

At 18 James enrolled in her local college. Because of her name she was put in the men's dorm. James doesn't care much about her looks, she has short hair and baggy clothes that cover her feminine physique. Her roommate Anthony strips to find himself attracted to James but can't understand why.

Freeze_2b · Teen
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10 Chs

After Sex

Everything changed after that. We didn't try for it to but it did. I started wearing less and less when it was just us. He made me feel safe and comfortable. He was with me all the time out side of classes and sports.

He will hold me from behind sometimes while I'm cooking. I love it. He said he loves my food. It always makes me feel good. I have been keeping my hair short.

It's been a couple of months now. This weekend we are going to meet his parents. I'm excited and nurves. It's just his birthday dinner but it's my first time meeting his parents.

How do I look his mother in the eye after what we have done in bed...?

Oh Well I'll have to figure it out.

"Ha Tony what should should I wear to meet your parents?"

"what ever you want hun."

"I don't want to wear any of this."

"that's fine tomorrow before we meet them we can go to the mall and get a new outfit. We will get lunch while we are there... Maybe watch a movie... have a little pre date date how does that sound???" Tony hugs me as I look at all the clothing on my bed. I rest my head on his arm. I think about all the times girls picked on me at the mall. Locking me out of changing rooms and bumping into me on purpose... The guys that asked me out just as a joke. But now I have him... it won't be like that right?

"That sounds great." I tell him even though it makes me nurves. I was 13 last time I went and I still wasn't curvey.

I wake up to him making breakfast...

more or less.

"awww what's this?"

"Well you always cook for us, and today dinners on my parents, lunch is on me, so I thought I would make you breakfast too. so you could go a whole day without cooking and I can't really cook so enjoy."

"it looks delicious. " I smile.

He pilled two little oranges one for each of us. Made cinnamon sugar toast. With grape juice to drink. It's a cute healthy breakfast.

We do some research for classes before heading to the mall, around 9am.

We shop at Always 20, I want his parents to like me and think that I'm good enough for their son.

I decide to look at the woman's clothing. They have a lot of cute things. However most of them are made for curvey bodies. I try on a cute flower print blouse. It has no sleeves and an open back. It's very loose-fitting, making my tiny boobs not that obvious.

I actually kind of like this it's not bad, however I'm going to have to get a new bra my sports bra is to obvious. I need help with that though. What will the store clerk think if I ask for help.

She well probably laugh at me.... maybe I should just get something that works with my sports bra? I don't even know what size to get...

I can see my own expression change as I look in the mirror...

Another woman is trying stuff on too. Also looking in the large mirrors, out side the changing booths. She is so cute and curvey. I bet she thinks I look like a child. I feel colder all of a sudden. As I walk back to the booth with my hoodie...

"hey! Um... I don't mean to bother you but... I really like that blouse on you. It's so cute can you show me where you got it from?" The woman sounded very sweet. I was really surprised. Her words stopped me in my tracks.

"sure" I walk with her to show her where it is still wearing the top. I can't believe she thinks it's cute in me? Maybe I should get it.

"I'm Alex by the way." she said. "I know it's a boy's name too but it's short for Alexandria, I still like it... what's your name?"

She's being so nice why?

"well my name is James. " I am smiling? When did my mood change? " I get mistaken for a boy a lot" I laugh. "I think it's because I'm flat as a board."

"No way your way to pretty to be a boy. Plus I can see your curves you just need to wear stuff that's flattering for your figure."

We talk while she looks for the blouse in her size.

"I don't know" sigh. "truth is I gave up on looking girly years ago, I'm not sure how to."

I'm sure she's going to laugh at me. Sticking my foot in my mouth again.

"oh my Gosh! That's wonderful!" she squeals hugging me.

"What?" not what I was expecting. What the hell just happened????

"ok so I'm wanting to be a fashion designer. please please please please let me help you pick up an outfit or a couple outfits I know I can find something that you look beautiful in and feel beautiful in!"

how do I say no to that?

"ok, um thank" this is awkward we literally just met. This girl is way too friendly.

"Yay!!" she takes a deep breath and looks at me really hard... "ummm let's see. I think this should fit oh and this. um how do you feel about brown? Nevermind the green would go better with your hair...." she drags me around the store handing me all kinds of stuff. I'm not even sure how to put some of it on ... After less than 15 minutes I have like 50 things in my arms and she leads me to the dressing room. We set everything down on a bench.

"alright.... Let's try this on first. To see if I got your size right. " She smiled such a sweet smile.

"alright... " This is kind of fun I've never been shopping like this. I wonder if Tony's back from the food store with drinks yet. It is on the other side of the mall.

I put on the pants They are tight and light green. They are soft and comfy. Then I try to put on the bra. I've never seen a bra like this it's soft and padded. The back and straps are see through. It's a combination of a soft white mesh and clear plastic. it's surprisingly comfortable. It really makes it look like I have boobs. I Laugh at myself. I am having fun. I feel kind of sexy.

I walk out of the booth. She looks like she won the lottery she starts clapping and dancing.

"you look amazing... here this one next!!! oh and I'll be right back I forgot something. " she starts to walk away when she turns back "you have to let me see it befor change again ok?"

"okay okay I will." this is fun. This outfit comes with another bra. Again it's padded like crazy. I look at the hook.. "push-up" is what it's called.

ok so here we have some cute jeans with a flower sown down the hip on one side, a tight white tank, and a loose see throw over shirt that opens in the front. The light pink matched the flowers on the pants. I step out and look in the big mirror. she comes back as I do. She walks right up to me and puts something on my head then ties the pink shirt right under my chest.

"ok now look." she smiles.

"oh that's cute." she found out simple flower head band that matches.

"oh by the way there is a sexy man out there looking lost. Is he yours?"

that's a wired way of wording it but "yeah I think so"

"let's show him!" she takes my hand walking me out of the changing room. Tony is standing there. He doesn't say anything.

"so what do you think?" I ask turning around.

"what have you done with James? Are you a body snatching alien?" He's blushing. Although he's making a joke. I giggled but I still want an answer.

" For real Tony what do you think."

"I think you look beautiful. Hun, I love this look on you. The real question is how do you feel in it?"

"beautiful." I answer without thinking.

"Then I'll get it for you. " he smiles.

"wait we have more outfits. " Alex said dragging me into the dressing room again.

Three outfits, a dress, a bathing suit, four hair accessories, two flats, and a pair of boots latter we are done.

The total came to 154.32.

"sorry, Tony that's a lot I can put some back. " I say.

"nonsense you look amazing and all of it." he smiles paying.

Alex checks out right after us. she gets just the top, and earrings.

"Thanks for letting me shop with you." Alex said.

"Thank you. Everything you picked up looks so good." I can't stop smiling she's fun to be around.

"so I'm new here, I'll be starting school at x college as soon as the new term starts. so.."

I feel like she might be lonely.

"want to hang out with us for a while?" Tony asked.

"yeah we go to x college too." I added.

"really you two don't mind?" she asked.

"not at all we are going to the food court for lunch want to join us?"

"yeah, can we stop by the Piercing Booth along the way?"

"yeah." I answer.

The three of us walk together talking and laughing. Tony held my hand the whole time.

Once we got to the booth. I watched Alex get a third hole in both her ears. I've never had my ears pierced. It's free if you get earrings.

.... hummm.... Oh I like these ones. They are cute little studs.

"I would like mine done next please. " I say to another worker.

"Alright. " the worker said emotionlessly

Then he handed me a couple of papers to sigh and gave me an informational paper in case of infection and basic care.

I get the cute colorful studs. They are multiple colors. I get the pink ones put in. Because the outfit I want to wear tonight will have pink.

It hurts surprisingly a lot. Alex didn't flinch so I wasn't expecting it.

At least it was over quickly.

We ate lunch together and exchange numbers before going to the movies. I made a new friend today. Everything is going great today.