

A girl child deserves more attention from her parents in order not to be a victim of any bad factors

Boss_B · Teen
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Ava was an orphan. No members of her family(maternal and paternal) care for her. She sleeps wherever night met her. She helps people to carry loads to feed herself and gets clothes from those who respected her efforts. Ava couldn't afford to send herself to school but she's always eager to read any words written on a paper. She keeps living an unpleasant life.

One fateful day, Ava meets a group of girls like her. They are four in number. They look good than she did and they seem to be from a rich home. Ava was surprised to see beautiful four young girls in such an environment where she used to sell most time. She decided to talk to them to know why they were there.

Ava: "Good day"

The Girls: "Yeah, good day. How can we help you?"

Ava: "Sorry, when I sighted you from afar, I noticed that you're far better than me but I was wondering why you guys are here in the slum."

The Girls: "Are you a spy?"

Ava: "No, I sleep around here most time."

The Girls: "Why?"

Ava: "I don't have a home."

The Girls: "Hmm, we understand as we're a victim too."

Ava: "Victim of what?"

The Girls: "We're orphans too."

Ava:(she looked at them well), "how do you want me to believe you when you look healthy and well dressed?"

The Girls: (Look at each other), "We've our ways of achieving whatever you see."

Ava: "How? Are you guys working?"

The Girls:(Look at each other once again), "yes, we are."

Ava: "I thought as much. Though, I thought you were from a rich home.

The Girls: "We worked our lives out!"

(The girls tell her their names while she introduced herself too). The names of the girls are Charlotte, Rose, Ella, and Catherine.

Ava: "Nice meeting you girls! Where do you guys live?"

The Girls: "Somewhere close?"

Ava: "Is it an open space where I could manage too?"

Rose: "It's not an open space; it's a house we rented and we can accommodate you."

Ava: "House? Where did you get the money from?"

Ella: "We just told you we're working."

Ava: "oh, yes you did tell me. If you accommodate me, I don't think I would be able to pay as you all?"

Catherine: "It will be our responsibility until you start making money too."

(She jumped up and thanked them for accepting her)

Charlotte: "You don't need to do that girl, we are once like you and that's how we all met."

Ava: "It's so sad to lose one's parents." (She began to cry)

The Girls: "Don't do that please, we have had enough sobbing when four of us met."

(They hold her hands and walked down the street to their possession)

Ava: "Wow! This place is lovely."

The Girls: "You can say that again girl!"

(They were all smiling)

Rose: "You need to shower now and change your cloth."

Ava: "I need to."

(She was taken to the bathroom while Catherine went to get her food). She came back to the room after bathing.

Ava: "I don't remember when I take a thorough bath like this! I'm refreshed."

Ella: (Smiles). "You look calmer than earlier."

(She was served a nice meal)

Ava: "Wow! I'm the one to eat this food?"

Charlotte: "Yes, it's all yours."

Ava:(She cried again). "This is too much for me!"

The Girls: "If you keep crying for every help rendering, we're afraid that we might send you out." ( Ava quickly cleaned her face as she sat to eat)

The Girls: "Good of you. You don't need to cry again, please."