

"I'd go to guard the grave with five of my strongest demon soldiers, and trust me, no one will come near." Magedon stated.

Max sighed. "Are you sure you want to leave your sit empty?"

Magedon nodded assuringly. "I know it's in good hands. Your hands." He stated.

Max nodded. "Okay, you are free to go. But you can come back from time to time to check on your people, provided the five of your toughest guys continues to mount guard on the grave."

Magedon smiled happily. But pretended that he was just doing it for the good of the kingdom, but deep down, he was very happy that everything was going on smoothly according to how he wanted it.


"I need to pay my old friends a visit" Michael said, as he tapped Leo's shoulder briefly smiling at him from chin to chin.

Leo just sighed and rolled his eyes over, he had gotten tired of pleading with Michael to let him go. Now he had just gotten used to waiting for anything that wanted to happen to happen.

He watched on sadly through the window as Michael looked around to make sure that no one was looking at him, then he brought out his wings and flew away. Leo was still looking outside when Michael landed again with some new clothes in his hands.

"Did you forget anything?" Leo asked Michael as he walked into the room.

"Uhm yes I did. I forgot you. I'm taking you with me." Michael said. Before he brought out a sharp angel knive from his pockets and cut Leo free from the demon ropes that he had tied him with.

Leo's heart skipped a bit when Michael had told him that he came back to take him along, he thought he was ready to face anything but right now, he was not sure if he could face Michael. But either way, he knew this moment was going to come all along.

"Go take your bathe, and then you change to this new clothes that I got for you. The bathroom is by the corner, and don't even think of escaping, because that would be the death of you." Michael said as he gave the new clothes that he came back with to Leo while directing him to the location of the bathroom.


In heaven...

Gabriel looked down at the  earth for some time  wondering what was happening. God had never left the throne for this long without Sending any message to anyone. He could not help but wonder if Michael was right about him being trapped in time or something. 

He sighed as he turned around and saw that some angels had gathered around him. "We need to talk to you." One of the angels stated.

Gabriel turned to look at them wondering what they wanted to talk about. "is that back?" He asked.

"No, he's not, and that is what we here to talk to you about. We all know that the Election is around the corner. We'd like you to contest." The angel stated.

Gabriel frowned. " I told you that I did not want to have anything to do with your senseless elections didn't I? I was not interested then and what makes you think that I would be interested in it now." He asked.

"We might not want a new God, but the date for the election is by the corner, it's obvious that Dad might not return before the election day. And nobody wants Michael to Rule the universe, you and I know how that would turn out if he sits on the throne." Another angel said.

What the last angel had said seemed to make sense in Gabriel's Eyes. The election date had already been fixed and wether he liked it or not, it was going to hold. And as it was now,Michael was the only one that had indicated interest, if he comes out unopposed he was definitely going to sit on the throne.

But what if he decides to contest against Michael and eventually wins and then God returns, what was he going to say to him. Well he was going to find out when the time comes. Anything else was better than letting Michael sit on the throne.


Tracy Fell on the other side of the bed panting hard as beads of sweat ran down her skin, she had been riding on Felix for quite a while now and he had only just c*m*. They had only intended to have a quickie but it turned out into a steamy session.

"Gosh, we are going to be late for the meeting." Felix said trying really hard to catch his breath. Michael had informed him earlier, that he was coming to meet with him and the rest of his team as soon as possible. He had told the others to wait for him at the conference room. That he needed to get changed. 

Momentarily, when he came to the room he could not resist Tracy's alluring skin as she sat in the bed, rubbing some lotions on her body. He tried to resist her, but then he couldn't...

He sighed as Tracy got into the bathroom to wash off the new sweat that had gathered in her body after the s*x. 

"Ain't you coming in?" She asked.

"No, i am cool. You where the one that did all the riding." He said giggling. Tracy too started to say something, but he could not hear her because her voice got drowned by the sound of the water from the shower.

Felix hit his hands on his head, now he was confused, he had thought that he wanted Luciana back into his life and that was why he asked them to join his team in the first place, now what was all these with Tracy?..

He could not help but wonder if his simple vampire nature had started to become adulterated with Human nature due to his long time on earth?. Vampires where known to have feelings for just one person for the rest of their lives until the person dies. But here he was - he can't even tell who he wants amongst the two ladies - gosh why was he becoming so f**ked up.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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