
Mount guard


"What?" Luciana asked when she got to Wendy and Josh's table. They had almost devoured all the Sandwich and Juices that where on the table.

"You went jogging like this?" Josh managed to ask with his mouth filled with food.

"Oh, me? No I didn't go jogging, I got an urgent call, so I ran to answer and got distracted on my way back." Luciana replied.

Wendy and Josh turned to look at each other, they had asked Sia and Divina about Luciana's where abouts earlier that morning, and they had said that she went out for some morning exercises. And now here she was with a different story, The guys could not help but wonder what the ladies were trying to hide from them.

"I thought we where all in this together?" Wendy whispered to Josh and the watched Luciana Climb the steps back to her room.

"I thought so too. But don't worry whatever it is that they are hiding from us, we will surely find out." Josh. Replied.

Luciana sighed Briefly as she walked up the stairs hopping to have completed all interrogations, but was shocked when she opened the door to her room and saw her roommates with their hands on their waists and a straight forward  "alright bitch, start explaining" look on their faces.

She sighed. "Relax guys I just got a call and went out to see someone." She said as she took of her clothes wanting to go into the bathroom for a shower.

"Why don't we cut to the chase? You got up by 12 midnight and ran zoomed off, I wanted to go after you, but I decided to trust you with your privacy hoping that you'd trust us with the truth when you return. But i'm starting to think that I was wrong." Divina stated.

At this point Luciana knew that she had been bursted, and there was no need to lie anymore, after all they where all in this together, so why would she have to lie to them.

She sighed briefly as she tied a white towel around her chest before taking of her clothes completely, then she walked to the bed and sat down. Her room mates gathered round her.

"Alright guys, I'm sorry for lying at first, it's just that I could not process the amount of information that I have gotten within this short period of time." She said..

"We are all ears.." Sia said....

Then Luciana proceeded to narrate all that had happened between her and Azrael.


In Hell...

The fallen angel was about to complain to Max about Magedon's nonchalant attitude when he had gone to inform him that his urgent attention was needed in the palace. But Magedon walked in momentarily.

"You where saying?.." Max asked, interrupting the falling angel while gesturing towards Magedon's direction.

The angel turned around briefly and was shocked to see Magedon already standing behind him with some of his demons. 

"Never mind." The fallen angel replied, after he had turned around to look back at max, then he sighed briefly before walking away.

Magedon smirked wickedly as he watched the fallen angel walk away. Then the moved closer to Max and made a short Bow gesture, as a sign of hierarchical reguard.

"You sent for me. And I heard that my attention was needed urgently. Is everything okay?" Magedon asked.

Max sighed as he gestured for Magedon to have a sit on one of the chairs nearby, which he obliged to, trying to hide the fact that he was in a haste to go to earth.

"I had a really bad dream about Lucifer." Max stated.

Magedon chuckled, but he stopped immediately when he saw that Max was not laughing. "But my Lord, Lucifer is Dead, and we all know it." He stated.

"I know. But I need you to send some demon guards to mount guard on Lucifer's grave, day and night." Max replied.

"But my Lord, we burried him in the desert.." Magedon started to say in a low voice and later bit his teeth together, in other to Lower his voice the more, so that no one apart from Max would be able to understand what he was saying.

"No one could possibly find his body." He added.

Max sighed briefly. "I insist, that you send your best men to mount guard on Lucifer's grave, it doesn't take anything off you."

Magedon nodded as he thought about what Max had just said. This was an opportunity for him to go to earth, without being bothered about who was in charge of the Western region or if Max was going to send for him or not. Because now he knows that if Max sent him to earth on his own accord, he himself would keep an eye on the western region hence they will not tear themselves apart.

"I'd go to guard the grave with five of my strongest demon soldiers, and trust me, no one will come near." He stated.

Max sighed. "Are you sure you want to leave your sit empty?"

Magedon nodded assuringly. "I know it's in good hands. Your hands." He stated.

Max nodded. "Okay, you are free to go. But you can come back from time to time to check on your people, provided the five of your toughest guys continues to mount guard on the grave."

Magedon smiled happily. But pretended that he was just doing it for the good of the kingdom, but deep down, he was very happy that everything was going on smoothly according to how he wanted it.


"I need to pay my old friends a visit" Michael said, as he tapped Leo's shoulder briefly smiling at him from chin to chin.

Leo just sighed and rolled his eyes over, he had gotten tired of pleading with Michael to let him go. Now he had just gotten used to waiting for anything that wanted to happen to happen.

He watched on sadly through the window as Michael looked around to make sure that no one was looking at him, then he brought out his wings and flew away.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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