
Journey to raising Lucifer


Tears gathered all around Felix's eyes, he wasn't just heartbroken - again! - he felt betrayed, and that felt worse than heart break. He felt like his heart was being consumed by millions of tapeworms all trying to finish it up at the same time. Deep down he vowed never to forgive Luciana. Ever again.

"Now does anyone still doubt my point?" Tracy asked with a smirk on her face.

"Find them!!! Search every where in this town, they might not have gone far. And if in the course of searching for them, you find out that Joe is dead, none of you should touch Luciana, anyone who kills her would have me to contend with and trust me, none of you want that - I'd kill Luciana by myself." Felix stated angrily. Then he shouted in pain and agony.

Linder did not really understand why Felix was in so much pain - for all she knew Joe might still be alive, but Tracy on the other hand Knew exactly what was making Felix sad. 

But all the same, she was glad that they where going to get rid of Luciana after all. She only wished that she was the one that was going to do it.


Luciana and Azrael had landed on Sahara desert. Where Michael had told Azrael that Lucifer was burried. They panted slowly as they had flown a long distance into the spot where they now stood.

Luciana had carried Divina, while Azrael had lifted Both Wendy and Josh who was holding Joe's ashes in a container. The two angels (one fallen and the other - well not so fallen) Had carried the rest of the team all the way from Scotland to the spot where they where now in the Sahara desert.

They looked around and the place seemed as quiet as every other desert that one might know. The whole place was almost absolutely  quiet, Except for the normal sound from the whistling wind occasionally passing by carrying some sand along with it and the sound coming from some desert animals that they passed by as they moved further into the desert.

"Great, we are on the desert now, how do we Figure out the particular place where Lucifer was burried." Josh asked.

"Relax dude, don't forget that we've got a witch in our midst, we'd let the witch do what she knows how to do best. If she can't find him, don't forget that we also have the best bounty Hunter in the world right here - moi!!." Luciana stated excitedly.

"Why don't we just go straight to the bounty hunting, I think that would be faster." Wendy stated, looking at the faces of all of them present.

"Both actions are good, but we can not just go  bounty hunting without knowing what we are up against, I mean we can... But we can't risk taking such action at this time." Azrael stated. He bent down and picked some particles of sand which he let go of almost immediately, it was more like he was enjoying the kind of audience that he was getting.

"From what Michael had told me, I think the demons did the burial, so we should be expecting some demon company, the witch's survey would help us know how many, we where up against." He added.

"Wait, did you just say demons?" Luciana asked as her eyes widened in shock, now it dawned on her that that might be the only way that Max would have conquered hell so easily - only when he had the demons on his side. 

"Damn, those bastards betrayed him.. but I don't understand, he was the one that gave them life, why would they turn against him." She muttered to her self wondering what really went wrong.

She knew that the only rebellion demon as at that time was Magedon, and he was dead - or so she thought.

"I thought you said you killed magedon?" Luciana turned to ask Divina.

"We did, together with Felix and his vampires, that was the first time I ever met them on earth, I told you everything when we where in Africa, hence the demon knives that I had." Divina replied, not really sure why Luciana had asked.

Luciana sighed deeply. "Something does not add up.." she muttered.

"Well now is not the time for this, let's get Lucifer back, first of all and then he could tell us who planned the hit." Azrael stated.

Everyone present nodded as what Azrael had said seemed to make sense in their ears.

"Alright Divina, over to you." Luciana stated as everyone gave space for Divina tout do her stuff. They watched her momentarily as she started to mutter some words.


It was already morning and the sun had started to rise above the sky. Sia, Detective James and Tiffany where still at Sheriff Dan's house. They had driven him home from the Hospital the night before. He seemed to be acting really strange.

Sia was the first to notice, she started suspecting him after he had stared at her the way he did back at  the hospital, she had told  Tiffany and Detective James but they did not seem to notice it then, but now it seems as though they where now on the same page. 

Magedon sat comfortably on the Sofa in sheriff Dan's body, he felt really happy and free. Although he was  ruler of a particular section of hell, and literally had whatever he wanted, he had never felt this way in almost all of his entire life, he closed his eyes as he turned himself a glass of wine that was on the side stool.

He sipped the sweetness of the wine and let the liquid flow smoothly down his throat.  "wow hell never felt this sweet." He muttered to him self, but when he raised his head up he saw The trio staring at him.

He comported himself almost immediately and stopped touching the arms of the sofa where he sat.

"Don't you have any work to do today?" He asked.

"I don't know sheriff, you tell us, what do we have to do today?" Detective James asked lowering his eye lids..


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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