
Broken Trust


Magedon smirked at Sia, remembering how he had driven one of his demons knives through Lucifer's chest - he wished he had killed him by himself.

"At least let the doctor change the bandage on your head to something stronger first, before we can take you home sir." Sia said, disrupting him from his thoughts. She could not help but wonder why the sheriff would be staring at her like that. It made her want to puke.

"Fine!!, Make it fast." Magedon said, when he saw that the blood was not going to stop dropping anytime soon if the doctor did nothing about it. He walked back to the bed and sat. Then the doctor proceeded to changing the bandage on his head.


"So what are we going to do about this?" Luciana asked pointing at Joe's ashes on the floor. He had fought briefly alone with Azrael, but he was no match for Azrael as Azrael easily dodged all his blows and kicks, before snapping the life out of Him in a way that non of the on Lookers understood or even knew how. Not even Divina or Luciana could tell how he did it.

Well he was the angel of death, so he knew thousands of ways to put to death - as he ought to know.

"Let's just gather the ashes and keep to ourselves, we would not want Felix to know that He is dead. Perhaps later - but not now." Azrael stated.

Josh hurriedly picked up an empty container that he said by the side of the road and soon enough everyone started to gather the ashes and pour into the container.


Felix sighed as he tried to contact Joe for the umpteenth time. He was beginning to get anxious and impatient but he was able to comport himself properly as he sat down as still as possible on the stool where he was sitting. Tracy was the only one who showed her panic and distrust, without pretending or mincing words.

"I told you guys, this was going to happen. We should have gone there immediately after he tried to reach us but hung up before you could pick up the call." She stated as she paced from one point to the other in the bar. As though she was trying to calm her nerves that where trying to explode.

"Relax Tracy, he might have ditched his phone or something, in order to avoid getting caught." Linder Saïd, trying really hard to make her self believe that Tracy had not been right all along.

"How can you even say this at this time?" Tracy asked frowning at Linder, then she turned to Felix.

"We need to go in search of Joe right now." She stated.

At first, Felix wanted to push her suggestion apart and wait until morning. But then he remembered that he was the only vampire who could stand the sun on earth right now and also, if Joe was still alive, they would be his only chance of survival if...  

Felix sighed deeply, he could not help but wonder at what the hell he was thinking, As far as he knew, Luciana wasn't going to hurt Him, and Joe was one of his Vampires and she knows that hurting Joe would be hurting him - unless she was working with someone else who had an audacity.

"Let's go to the warehouse now!".  Felix thundered as he stood up from his sit. And dashed out of the hotel room, Tracy and Linder running behind him.


Within split seconds, Felix and the vampires had already arrived at the empty warehouse. They got in as quickly as they could but they could not find anybody on sight.

"You see, no one is here, they might have all gone to the club together, after they got what they came here to get. Or perhaps met with who ever they had come here to seem. Everything works." Linder stated.

"Wait." Tracy said causing everyone to stop walking  and turn to look at her. She stopped because she had felt as though she had stepped on something, she bent slowly on one of her knees as she took her leg off what she had stepped on - it was a phone.

"Joe's phone!! This could be Joe's phone. Call his number." She stated.

Felix's mind skipped a beat, he knew that if he called Joe's number and that was really his phone, then he must have been in real danger. And worse still, He was going to loose Luciana forever, because they where going to be sworn enemies from then on, as none would ever be able to trust each other again - forever.

Felix quickly brought out his phone from his pocket and dialed Joe's number. Momentarily, the phone started to vibrate steadily as it came on, confirming that indeed, it was Joe's phone.

Tears gathered all around Felix's eyes, he wasn't just heartbroken - again! - he felt betrayed, and that felt worse than heart break. He felt like his heart was being consumed by millions of tapeworms all trying to finish it up at the same time. Deep down he vowed never to forgive Luciana. Ever again.

"Now does anyone still doubt my point?" Tracy asked with a smirk on her face.

"Find them!!! Search every where in this town, they might not have gone far. And if in the course of searching for them, you find out that Joe is dead, none of you should touch Luciana, anyone who kills her would have me to contend with and trust me, none of you want that - I'd kill Luciana by myself." Felix stated angrily. Then he shouted in pain and agony.

Linder did not really understand why Felix was in so much pain - for all she knew Joe might still be alive, but Tracy on the other hand Knew exactly what was making Felix sad. 

But all the same, she was glad that they where going to get rid of Luciana after all. She only wished that she was the one that was going to do it.


(WRITERS NOTE: Thank you all for your love and patience, “A Gift From Hell 2” Promises to be more exciting and interesting, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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