
Finding Mark


"I really appreciate the fact that you want the person that will be in the best interest of the Golden City and also the entire universes at large, and you can see that, I - unlike my brother am really passionate about the throne, I would..." Michael had started to say, but he stopped briefly when he thought that he had seen people that looked familiar approaching the gate.

He looked at them carefully when they got closer to the gate but something seemed strange about them, they had an evil aura around them, but they looked like every other angel present so he did not bother to pay attention to them. 

He nodded acknowledging their greeting as they passed, then he continued talking to the guard angels that where at the gate.


Luciana hieved a sigh of relief, immediately they got passed where Michael stood talking with the Angels at the gate of the Golden City. At first they had thought that he might have recognized them because he had paused to stare at them, immediately he sighted them from a distance - even Divina was worried.

But when they got closer and where able to pass without him saying anything, they where all relieved that the disguise was working perfectly.

"Phew.. That was close.. now that we are in, where do we go next?" Luciana asked.

"We have to find Gabriel. A lot of Things have not really changed in here from the last time that we visited" Lucifer said, 

They looked around and everything seemed to be happening decently and orderly as though God was still on the throne.

"Indeed the place still seems the same." Azrael stated pausing briefly.

"I Think I know where Gabriel would be." He added.


Victoria Frowned as she sniffed around the atmosphere, when she finally landed on earth with her vampires. 

"Are you sure that none of you know where Mark and those vampires came to earth for?" Victoria asked. All the vampires with her shook their head negatively including Klaus who claimed that he ran straight to the throne room as soon Ihe saw Mark leave the gate of hell.

Victoria nodded as she continued to sniff to see if she could find Mark's scent. It led her to the place where she had gone hunting with him and some other vampires earlier.

When they got to a spot in the secluded area she stopped and bent down slowly, then she touched the ground and perceived something.  She wasn't sure she got the scent well, so she repeated the action.

"He is dead." She muttered. 

"What?" Klaus asked, pretending as though he was not already aware of tge predicament. The look on his face made Wendy and Josh to laugh out loudly from Tiffany's house where they watched from.

"He got his reward for being so stubborn. He might have probably hunted the wrong people." Victoria stated as she stood up from where she knelt.

"He must have gotten his punishment for being rebellious, but that does not mean that we will not find out the cause of his death." She added.

She sighed briefly before looking around the place where they were standing. "we need to pay my brother a visit, he might know something About this. And also, it's been a while since we last spoke." 


Sia, James and Wendy arrived at the police department at the same time, some of their colleagues could not help but stare at them, wondering the kind of chemistry that was going on between the trio, they seemed to have formed a new Bond and where doing things almost together from what they had noticed.

Sia smiled as she walked to her office which was literally in the same hall with the office that detective James and Lucifer shared. She seemed more comfortable as her knew Detective status seemed to suit her more than her former position.

"So guys, I'm gonna see you guys later, I have to rush down, to my Forensic department as you know Us scientist got lots of work to do." Tiffany said giggling. She waved at them and turned to go, but then she stopped briefly as though she had remembered something.

"Don't forget to keep me posted on any new encounter with the Sheriff if he shows up today." She added, winking at detective James who winked back at her before she left.

Sia lowered her eye lids as she stared at James while they walked towards their office. James noticed the intense staring.

"Spill!." He stated giggling.

"Are you and Tiffany....?" Sia asked.

Detective James laughed out Loudly, then he stopped and covered his mouth with his palm when he saw that he distracted his busy colleagues. "No. Not yet, we went on a date tho, but we got distracted when I was about to ask her out."

"Awwwn, so cute. I hope you get another chance to do so soon enough." Sia stated as they walked into their desks.

Momentarily, Magedon stepped into the police department with his bandaged head. 

"Holy! Shit! Sheriff Dan is here." James stated as they both  busied themselves with the case files on their desks even the other police officers that where less busy started to act as though they where choked up with work.

They where all shocked to see that the sheriff came to work that day, but non dared say a thing. But surprisingly the sheriff did not bother to check and shout out instructions for them as he always did. He just walked straight into his office, and sat down.


"I really wish you guys where not human vampires I'd have gone out with you guys in search of those betrayers but the sun would melt the both of you before you even step out of the compound." Felix stated.

"But I suggested that we go at night " Tracy replied.

"We cannot go at night, it would be suspicious, people might have already retired to their various homes and no one would want to entertain strangers when the sun goes down." Felix replied...


(WRITERS NOTE: Thanks to everyone for following up the story so far. I'd like to see more reviews as it would help future updates, if you haven't dropped any reviews yet, please do, I hope you enjoy as more updates will be posted everyday.. https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJ4wbTeFKfiJbnYnYWrzmt Click on the link to join the Whatsapp group where Thousands of other Lovers of the Book from all over the world talk about the book and bring about opinions for upcoming chapters.  

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