
Entering The Golden City

He didn't have everything already figured out, but he knew that whatever they where doing, they needed to handle things in order of greatest importance. And as far as he was concerned the most important thing on his scale of preference was the election that was going to be held in the golden City the next day.

 He needed to go there today and set his things in order for the effective propagation of the plan that they had for the election which was coming up the next day.

"I wish I could come with you guys to the police department today but you know how things are, but I assure you that when we return from the golden City,  the police department would be the first place we'd visit." Lucifer started.

Then he turned to Josh and Wendy. "You guys should keep an eye on Victoria and take note of all the movements she is going to make today, we might get something out of it."

Josh and Wendy nodded in acceptance. "Aii sir!" They responded.

"Okay guys, I think I am done, we can now put on the disguise." Divina stated as she brought out the liquid substance.

"We just hat to rub this stuff that I have created on our faces and I assure you that no one would ever recognize us." She added.

"Wait guys, there's something I need to do before I rub this stuff." Luciana said. Everyone looked at her expectingly, they where not sure what it was that she wanted to do so nobody said anything.

They continued to watch as Luciana walked towards Josh and kissed him passionately on his lips. Josh blushed briefly before he responded to the kiss. Their lips danced ecstatically with each other for some time.

Luciana had suddenly realized that she had been so busy with every other thing that she was almost missing out on her relationship life. Atleast she needed to do this, so that incase something bad happened while they where in the golden City, her mind would be rest assured that Josh was still in love with her.

Lucifer cleared his throat a bit loudly in order to get the attention of the love birds, and it act worked because they stopped kissing and turned to look at each other shyly for a moment.

"What was that for?" Josh asked smilimg softly.

Luciana rolled her eyes, "Just an Insurance." She answered giggling.

"You guys, we really need to rub the mixture - like right now - for it to work effectively." Divina stated.

Lucifer smiled as he rubbed the substance on his face, Azrael and Luciana did same before Divina Did. And they almost did not recognize each other except for the out fit that they where putting on before they rubbed the substance.

"How long is this going to last." Azrael asked.

"As long as we need it. It will not fade until we rub the antidode which I am going to make when we return." Divina  stated as she kept the remaining bowl of the substance in a place that she thought was safe.

"Alright guys, don't forget to carry out the duties that you have been assigned to carry out individually, we'd be black in a few days." Lucifer stated, he turned to look at Sia. She smiled at him, she still looked a little bit tired from what had happened the night before.

He secretly hoped that she was fit enough to go to work that day. But all the same, they waved themselves good buy as they all parted to their various destination.


In The Golden City...

Michael was already moving around, the whole city, trying to gather as much vote as he could, from his observation he seemed to have convinced almost 70% of the whole Angel population and still counting.

He had a strong feeling that he was going to win the election as he had already put so much effort into the whole thing, unlike his opponent who seemed as though he wasn't really interested in wining the election - just to prevent him from sitting on the throne.

As far as Michael was concerned, majority of the angels had already voted for the election, so Gabriel has little or no power to stop it.

Currently, Michael was discussing with some of the angels that Guard the Gate of the Golden City. 

"So why should we vote for you to be God, when we know fully well that you are not as humble as your brother, we are thinking that you might even turn into a dictator." One of the angels at the gate stated.

Michael smiled briefly, he had expected and heard this same question from most of the angels that he had met earlier and he gave them suitable answers that where able to convince them to be on his side, he hoped that it would also convince these ones too.

"I really appreciate the fact that you want the person that will be in the best interest of the Golden City and also the entire universes at large, and you can see that, I - unlike my brother am really passionate about the throne, I would..." Michael had started to say, but he stopped briefly when he thought that he had seen people that looked familiar approaching the gate.

He looked at them carefully when they got closer to the gate but something seemed strange about them, they had an evil aura around them, but they looked like every other angel present so he did not bother to pay attention to them. 

He nodded acknowledging their greeting as they passed, then he continued talking to the guard angels that where at the gate.


Luciana hieved a sigh of relief, immediately they got passed where Michael stood talking with the Angels at the gate of the Golden City. At first they had thought that he might have recognized them because he had paused to stare at them, immediately he sighted them from a distance - even Divina was worried.

But when they got closer and where able to pass without him saying anything, they where all relieved that the disguise was working perfectly.


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