
A Gaunt's Life ( Harry Potter A.U)

Story is about a individual who reincarnates from 2018 as a Gaunt's family member in 1817. Mc has very little idea about Harry Potter series. Disclaimer: This work is not for profit. No copyright infringement intended. All recognizable characters, plot, setting, etc. are the property of J.K.Rowling and/or Warner Bros.

himailsatish · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

~No title~

Morvous has taken a break from his mission . He informed maven that he is not going to go out of country till next year. Which made maven realize the seriousness of the situation. Now a days Morvous comes home drunk or some time Maria brings him back when he is in no condition to walk. People in the house we no longer happy. Even twik and the bloody snake Sinus were sad. Everyone was in there own thoughts.

One day Maria couldn't hold her anger any longer she burst out on Morvous saying what he was doing is not good for maven and would affect the kid badly. And even she was getting affected by his antique s . So he decided to change his behaviour on the suggestion of Maria.

Few months passed by and now a days Morvous goes out early in the morning and returns only in the evening.

Maven's pov

I maven didn't know what to do and continued the way I was and spent most of the time with my routine. It was almost evening when I came to our garden I felt intoxicating smell it smells so good my mind went blank. And I started searching from where the smell was coming from I suddenly found a flower in middle of leaves on top of a tree which was at the end of our cottage. The Flower was so beautiful which I have never seen in my life before.

I looked around if Sinus was there he was sleeping on the lawn far away from the tree. There was a wooden fence around the tree I climbed the fence went near the tree and started climbing the tree. The tree was nearly 100 feet tall with Lot of branches coming out of its trunk. This tree had barks which helped me in climbing.

I slowly climbed and almost reached the branch where the flower was, the smell was so intoxicating I didn't even remember how I climbed till here. I was almost 90 feet away from the ground I didn't care about it all I was focused on was the flower. I stood up on the branch slowly walked near the flower. I moved near flower watching it then I found something was moving inside the flower and it had two tiny eyes in the center of flower.i don't know what happened I felt cold and sweat down my spine. My mind was alarmed I felt danger panic for the first time since I reincarnated.

Then suddenly a small vine which looked like a tongue from the flower attacked me, I tried to move back but tripped and started falling down. While falling my leg hit a small trunk sized branch I heard a cracking sound and felt pain it was all happening so fast , I involuntarily tried to get hold of a branch . I caught hold of a small branch but it was shaky I was feeling severe pain in my leg. My hands slipped with in 10 seconds before I could react right below me was fence which had sharp spike if I fall I would die.

As I was falling down I felt panic,fear, helplessness then right then my body moved away from fence and I was levitating 3 feet top of the ground . Then I feel down I heard a cracking sound it was my right had it's broken . Both my right hand along with my left leg were broken and had lot of cuts on my body. I was bleeding heavily from my mouth I couldn't speak.i turned my head towards Sinus who was sleeping. With great difficulty I spoke


Suddenly the snake sprang awake and looked in my direction. Then I looked in to its eyes. and said

". I ss Command sssss eyy to protect and sss ssssavee mee ssssssss".

The I saw the snake rushing towards me. I felt severe paint in my head felt dizzy and lost consciousness.