
A Gaunt's Life ( Harry Potter A.U)

Story is about a individual who reincarnates from 2018 as a Gaunt's family member in 1817. Mc has very little idea about Harry Potter series. Disclaimer: This work is not for profit. No copyright infringement intended. All recognizable characters, plot, setting, etc. are the property of J.K.Rowling and/or Warner Bros.

himailsatish · Book&Literature
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18 Chs


Corvus Gaunt( I/he) pov continues...

Callidus he left a mark in my heart, with his birth he broke the family. I don't know what to think now. Morvous created a illusion to everyone that the child died years ago. But last year found out the child was alive. Why was he trying to keep the child in secret. As I was thinking my thoughts were distributed

" Master it's about time we left for meeting the seer"

" Ah yes butler John let's start, I still don't understand why the seer wants to meet us at such a odd time "

" May be it has something to do with the time for better predictions"

" Yes may be I am getting old John it's been so many years since I went out of the manor let's see how the world changed in these few years "

Speaking in a jovial tone both apparated to there destination. Reaching the destination they look a house in front of them, It old . Walking near the house they found a middle aged man waiting for them. Then the middle aged man spoke

" Hello Lord Gaunt , IAM Andrew trelawney son of Cassandra trelaweny . Could you please wait my mother is speaking with a client now."

" How much time will it take boy" ~ corvus (sarcastically) .

" My lord only few minutes the old couple should be coming out any minute"

Just as Andrew finished speaking two old couple walked out of the door. Looking at them you could say only one word sorrow. They looked at Andrew nodded at him and apparated from there.

" Come now Lord Gaunt you're will the last session my mother will do in this life".

" What do mean last"

" Lord Gaunt my mother was in her retirement but because of you and the previously left old couple she has come out of isolation. Their reading is done now once your request is also done. She would not do reading again".

With a puzzled look corvus asked " who are the old couple I have never seen them".

" Lord Gaunt we cannot disclose there details just like yours this a private reading no one's details are to be disclosed. Now then let's get inside"

Walking inside they found an old lady sitting on the ground with bones of some animals, hanging ravens and some animals . Weird smoke and smell was present around the room making it look creepy.

" Welcome welcome Lord Gaunt please sit . Tell me what you seek for which you went to such great lengths to meet me. We shall see if I can offer you the answer you are looking for" said Cassandra

" Lady Cassandra thank you for meeting me" said corvus.she asked him to speak on out his issue, then started explaining here the dreams. From when they started and how he felt about them. After he completed explaining about his issue, Cassandra looked at him then she took a bird from the cage broke it's neck and started some type of ritual.she gather different types of blood and poured it in to a couldron with some smoke coming out of it. Then she handed few bones to corvus and said " when I tell you to speak your request then shake the bones in your hands and chant ' O Mother of nature and magic show the path I seek' for three times and throw the bones on the floor do you understand me ". corvus nodded his head. Then she started chanting and shaking in a weird way for few minutes, she suddenly stopped and looked at him in a weird way and with completely different voice she asked " speak you request ".

Then he started shaking the bones in his hands with fear and said " o mother of nature and magic show me the path I seek' for three times and dropped the bones on the animal hide present on the floor. There we Whispers in the air strange and felt surreal. After few minutes everything became dead quite Cassandra opened her eyes looked at corvus and said

" These dreams you see is because there is a change in your family's fate. Change the old ways you follow and keep your family members together without discontent . Then your family shall reach new heights that has never been. If any of the above said two things is broken or not done then your family's fate shall be decided by the one who changed the fate of your family to begin with" .


Third person pov

After that there was some blood seeping out of her mouth and nose then she shouted " your reading is done you have your answer leave immediately". Looking at sudden reaction Andrew took corvus Gaunt out of the house where John was waiting. And ran in to his house leaving corvus and butler John in shock. Running inside Andrew closed door went near his mother and asked " is everything alright mother I have sent them out". She stool up in a paralysed way , her eye balls went white and she started shaking and said

" One who has embraced death but is still alive

Banished from family he is and it is the family that decides his path

A darkness shall take a form, he will choose his path.... thought which he decides whether the wizarding world shall follow it's actual path of destruction or shall he move it to greatness...."

Then Cassandra fell on the floor. And she stood up as if nothing happened and looked around and asked Andrew

" Where is Lord Gaunt Andrew "

Looking at his mother in anger " what the hell mother you made a prophecy. Do you want death of all wizarding people".

" What what did I say" she asked innocently

" Oh Merlin hell".

Yo hope you enjoyed this chapter

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