
A Gaunt's Life ( Harry Potter A.U)

Story is about a individual who reincarnates from 2018 as a Gaunt's family member in 1817. Mc has very little idea about Harry Potter series. Disclaimer: This work is not for profit. No copyright infringement intended. All recognizable characters, plot, setting, etc. are the property of J.K.Rowling and/or Warner Bros.

himailsatish · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

A flower and experimenting

After good sleep maven woke up looked around found out it was already morning. He felt hungry and called twik

" Good morning young master "

" Twik get me something to eat I'm Hungry".

" Yes young master".

While I was having my breakfast, Father and Maria came to my room.

Looking at me my father asked, " Maven how are you feeling now".

" I'm feeling much better now ".

" Good, now we can talk. Can tell me why you climbed the tree that's at the edge of our cottage".

Both Maria and morvous were seriously looking at him for a reply

" I found a flower at the top the tree it's smell was intoxicating . So I wanted to get the flower I don't even remember how I climbed. I reached near the branch where the flower was , after looking the flower so close I was intoxicated. I saw the flower had two tiny eyes and then out of nowhere it suddenly attacked me with some vine like thing.Then I slipped , as I was falling i tried to catch branches. But when I caught hold of some branches i couldn't hold on to the and my hands slipped. And I fell down That's what happened."

Though what I said was true I omitted few parts where I used magic.

Maria looked straight in to my eyes and asked " are you telling the truth maven . Complete truth".

" Yes Maria this is what I remember" I said looking straight in to her eyes.

She turned to my father and smiled. He looked towards me and said " ok maven let's say what you said is true . But we didn't find any flower on the tree. Come with us and show us the flower".

I was shocked the story about the flower was true . But now my father is saying there is no flower at all. How is this possible.

I walked towards the edge of cottage along with father/ Maria . As I approached the tree I felt experienced the same intoxicating smell. Then I said

" Wow what a sweet smell. Father/ Maria don't you both feel the smell".

They looked at me with wierd expression .

" No we don't smell anything".

Then I didn't know what to say I looked at the top of the tree. And pointed my finger at the flower. They both looked at the direction my finger pointed. Looking in to branches which completely covered the flower Maria screamed

" How !!!!! It's impossible "

My father looked at the flower and said stuttering " this this no no way how is this possible".

I looked at both of them in surprise.

Maria was the first one to react with an expression of awe on here face

" It's blood mendalian. No one has seen the flower for last 250 years".

" Yes it's blood mendalian the one that blooms once in 100 years and Withers after a month" there was big smile on morvous's face while saying this

" What's the use of blood mendalian" I asked curiously.

" There is no need for you to know at this age. And son don't tell anyone about this flower . At any point of time people will even kill to get it" he said looking at me seriously.

" Ok Father"

" Then you go inside and take rest we will take care of this flower" said morvous

I turned left to my room. Not knowing what to say or reply. After reaching my room I decided to forget about the flower. Doubts about my fall has been cleared. So I decided to clear my mind and started meditating. After an hour of meditation my mind was clear and my body felt good.

I went out of my room to check what father/ Maria were doing ,but both were no where to be found . I came back to my room sat in front of the table pointed my finger towards a thin book and tried to make it levitate. The book moved slightly up may not more than few cms and it fell down. Then I started sweating heavily and felt weak. Then to my bed and slept.

Few days went by daily I worked on levitating the book. Then I understood that I was weak , after levitating the book for few seconds I'm losing all my energy . So I created a curriculum

1 . daily meditation for one hour in morning and one hour in evening.

2. Doing basic exercise like running etc in morning.

3. eat more food.

4. Practice levitating a book until you can't levitate.when nobody is at home.

I started the routine . Everything was going fine but on the third day my father came to me when I was running and asked

" Why are you running son .i am observing for last 2 days is there any reason".

" Father it's just that I feel I'm kind of weak so to increase my strength and stamina i am running ".

" Ok so you wish to increase your stamina . Then how about this I will training in fencing. You must have read it in books. Most people in from wizarding families learn fencing I will teach you. What do you say !! ".

" Ok Father if it helpful for me I will learn fencing".

" Good, let's start our class fro tomorrow. Continue with your running". Saying these words his father left

From next day on, fencing was added to my daily routine . In the beginning hands and legs were cramped after the training in fencing. After few weeks I got accustomed to it. Fencing increased my flexibility and endure a lot.

Few months went by now I was able to levitate book from corner of the table to where I was sitting. During this process one day in my garden I found out I was able to manipulate a flower at my will. With the succes of levitating a book and manipulating a flower. I had a thought if can manipulate living animals.

so I started experimenting on this idea I caught a common beetle took it to my room placed it on the table started looking at it and tried to command it to come near me. At first it didn't move as if it was paralyzed. I repeated this process for few days try different ways of calling it .one day my experiment was successful.on my command beetle slowly came to me. Then I understood that I need to have strong intent when I command it.