
A Gamer in Multiverse

A young man named Arthur was given an opportunity to have a cheat like the power he desires and a chance to travel the multiverse if he accept a task from an unknown entity. It's a gamer fanfic. as you read on the title. I'll write it mostly for my own amusement and practicing english .

Ragdin · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 3: First Day (2)

' ': speaking to himself

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation



After buying the skills he needs Arthur put all three of his stat points into the intelligence just so he can use his new spells longer.

<Bound Greatsword>

Arthur used a spell for the first time and summoned a large sword to cut some branches from nearby trees to reinforce his little shelter for the night.

<Bound Greatsword>

'I should cut some branches for the campfire too. I don't know which season this island currently is but it might be cold at the night and it can help me keep animals away .'

Arthur cut the branches that he can reach and some small trees he can take down with his sword. For his shelter, he first digs the ground at both sides and places the larger branches at these holes and used mud to stick them the rock at the upper side.

For the fireplace, he simply created a circle with rocks and break the leftover branches to more manageable sizes and ready them for the night.

It took nearly an hour to prepare his shelter. After completing it Arthur sat down at his shabby bad he made with the leaves he gather and open menu check notifications he heard earlier.

[ You gain +1 Strenght, +1 Stamina]

[For continuous use of a sword you gain "Sword Mastery" ]

"After using one for an hour, It's not a surprise that I get this skill, let's see the description before doing anything else."

❃Sword Mastery (Common)- Level: 1/10

A skill that allows user to freely handle swords. Sword Mastery is obtained through continuous sword training.

+5% damage with swords

+3% attacking speed with swords

"It looks simple enough but common tier level 1 out of 10, instead of tierless skill with level 100 cap. I guess It's not just my attributes that different than the original. "

Show [Missions]

♦[ Survive ]:

(You have been stranded on a foreign island. Locate items or beings that can be useful to you for survival. Law of the jungle is absolute, the weak will die.

➡Found (Build) a shelter( ✓)

➡Locate 20 different plants (0/20)

➡Locate 20 different animals (0/20)

➡Survive for a month ( )


→10 stat points

→5000 store coins

Failure conditions:


♦[ Training ]:

(Power is the base of everything. Without it, you destined to hide in the shadows. Start training and obtain the right to walk freely in light

➡Reach 100 in every attribute (0/11)



Failure conditions:


"Well both of them are things I will eventually do anyway so I will just get some extra rewards doing it," said Arthur and leak back to get a more comfortable position.

Arthur takes a small branch to his hand and draws three circles to ground." I can group my attributes into 3 groups. The first one is the body, which consists of Strenght, Stamina, Vitality, Defense, and Dexterity. I don't know how to improve my defense except getting hit but rest of the body attributes are easy, I think just by running constantly I can increase them to a certain level after that I can use some big rock as a weight to do some lifting and carry them while running."

After filling the first circle with his ideas on how to train his body, He passed on the second circle "Second one is the mind, which consists of Intelligence, Wisdom, Perception, and Willpower. I got the mana gathering technique that will help quite a while and I guess observe will add points to the perception maybe I can get the < Analyze > too if the < Observe > helps, Wisdom will add points when I'm making plans for the future like this one or when I make some smart decisions in my way of doing things but willpower kind off.... I don't know really, maybe If I can resist the pain from some sort of training or get hurt and keep fighting on or maybe something like that. If that's doesn't work I can buy a technique for it just like the mana gathering technique and practice that."

As for the last circle, Arthur frowns a little while thinking about it." Soul and Luck... I think there are a couple of ways to improve them but the problem is how do they work. I mean gambling and winning possibly will help out with the luck and soul certainly needs a cultivation technique but What will change when I get more luck, am I currently count as unlucky as I only have 1 point in this stat. Just because of this will I get randomly put in dangerous situations?"

"For the soul what gonna happen when I got a stronger soul? What kind of disadvantage would I be in if my soul stat stays low?"

After thinking about how should he train himself Arthur gets up and walk towards the coast. "I'll think about that troublesome stuff later on when I get strong enough. Now I should better start running there is a lot of time before the sunset, I better start running."

10-C: Below Average Human level

Characters capable of exerting force comparable to humans who are below the average norm in terms of strength, such as small children or infirm people, as well smaller animals such as cats and dogs.

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