
A Gamer in Multiverse

A young man named Arthur was given an opportunity to have a cheat like the power he desires and a chance to travel the multiverse if he accept a task from an unknown entity. It's a gamer fanfic. as you read on the title. I'll write it mostly for my own amusement and practicing english .

Ragdin · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 2: First Day

' ': speaking to himself

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation

*...* : action


On the coast of a medium-sized island covered with lush forests and rugged mountains, a young man covered with wet sand can be seen walking alongside the coastline, looking for traces of a settlement.

'So I got no clothes, no tools, and no shelter... I got to at least find shelter before the night, I don't know that can I actually suffer from the cold but with only 1 point in vitality I shouldn't gamble to stay outside at night.' Arthur thought to himself.

He has been walked for an hour without seeing any trace of a settlement but found a large rock sticking out of the ground that can protect him from rain and decided to settle there until he gets strong enough to travel into the deeps of the forest.

'If I can reinforce this rock from sides with branches I wouldn't need to worry about wind too but before starting that I should check out the store and gather some stuff that can help me from now on'

"Open [ Store ] " said Arthur.

While looking at the bluescreen Arthur said " With Gamer's Body I don't need to eat or sleep so skill for hunting and tracking type skills are unnecessary. I need skills or spells for the attack, defense, support, and some passive's that help me with my mana capacity. I can't just spam my stat points to intelligence."

Arthur searches a couple of seconds for possibly the most useful spell he can get for a long time "❃Instant Dungeon Creation/Escape, with this I can level up, get stat points and store coins, and practice my skills without needlessly killing animals in the forest. At the first level of this skill, I would possibly face zombies so I should buy some extra fire spells to help with it. "

Before looking into the fire spells Arthur first chose to look into the passive techniques that grant him stat points and find two of that he can afford

❃Lihosen Empire Knight's Breathing technique ( basic ): Can be practiced until each body stats reach 100.

Cost: 3250 coins

❃Mana Gathering Technique ( basic): Can be practiced until İntelligence stat reaches 250.

Coast:5000 coins

"Mana gathering skill is a sure buy but If I buy the other one too I can't afford the rest of the spell I plan the buy. Well, I can just keep in mind this skill for later on."

For the defensive techniques, some of them were too expensive, and cheap ones look useless in Arthur's situation but he found two skills that both useful in their own way and affordable. Mana shield that surrounds the user on all sides and offers extra protection against the magic and Ironflesh it lacks in magic defense compared to mana shield but offers a far greater physical defense. After pondering awhile Arthur decided to buy the cheaper option Ironflesh and the spell Resist Fire for a little plan he has in his mind for combined 1300 points.

The offensive part is by far easiest to handle because of the wide range use of these spells they are rather cheap compared to their actual worth.

❃Flame: 5 coins

❃Frost: 5 coins

❃Sparks: 10 coins

❃Mana bullet: 8 coins

❃Mana needle: 10 coins

❃Fire bullet: 20 coins

❃Water bullet: 20 coins



❃Fire arrow: 25 coins

❃Water arrow: 25 coins


❃Firebolt: 30 coins

❃Fireball: 50 coins



Arthur chose a bunch of fire spells and a couple of spells use similar effects with different elements and at last, he started searching for the support class skills.

Carefully observing the list in front of him, Arthur tried to contain his greed and buy only the stuff he would need and stuff can be used immediately and finally finish the shopping.

"Let me check one last time see if I miss anything and let's hope I have enough coins buy all of them," said Arthur and opened the tab see store account.

❃ Instant Dungeon Creation/Escape: 100 coins

❃ Mana Gathering Technique ( basic): 5000 coins

❃ Ironflesh: 1200 coins

❃ Resist Fire: 100 coins

❃Flame: 5 coins

❃Frost: 5 coins

❃Sandblast: 5 coins

❃Gust: 5 coins

❃Sparks: 10 coins

❃Fire bullet: 20 coins

❃Firebolt: 30 coins

❃Fireball: 50 coins

❃Foundation Footwork Technique: 500 coins

❃Foundation Sword Technique:500 coins

❃Haste: 750 coins

❃Bound Greatsword: 250 coins

❃Meditation: 100 coins

❃Observe: 30 coins

❃Purify: 50 coins

❃Healing: 5 coins

❃Cure wounds: 10 coins

❃Frenzy: 50 coins

❃Trap making: 25 coins

❃Fundamentals of woodworking: 20 coins

❃Search: 650 coins

[Overall: 9470 coins, Confirm the Action] [YES/NO]

10-C: Below Average Human level

Characters capable of exerting force comparable to humans who are below the average norm in terms of strength, such as small children or infirm people, as well smaller animals such as cats and dogs.

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