
A Gamer in Multiverse

A young man named Arthur was given an opportunity to have a cheat like the power he desires and a chance to travel the multiverse if he accept a task from an unknown entity. It's a gamer fanfic. as you read on the title. I'll write it mostly for my own amusement and practicing english .

Ragdin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Chapter 1: Getting A New Job

' ': speaking to himself

[ ] : status and store related sections

<Fireball> :silent activation

<Fireball !!> : voiced activation


In a near-infinite-sized dimension of darkness that lacked the concept of both time and space, a young man named Arthur Harris was trying to make sense of what happening to him.

At first, he thought he was seeing a nightmare but the flow of his last memories hit him like cold water and make him realize that what happening to him wasn't as simple as a nightmare,

At best he is just in a coma and still has a chance to wake up and at worst... he has just died.

This darkness around him, he just couldn't make a sense of it. He knows that this state of darkness is basically just the effect of lack of light around where ever he currently supposed to be but all 6 senses of his, he relied on, in his short life, make him felt like they have no true meaning in this place and the darkness around wasn't just a result of a physical effect he knows of but something more mysterious, something more obscure, something that he couldn't just comprehend.

Realizing that trying to make sense of this place won't help him anyway, so he decided to reorganize his thoughts since doesn't have anything to do.

'I always thought that I would die peacefully while sleeping in my bed when I'm in my eighties or maybe in a traffic accident or something similar if die young but no, I died because a little bird suddenly decided to attack me while I'm enjoying my coffee in the balcony. I get startled and fall to my death while hot coffee burning my face.

I didn't get flashbacks like what could I do better in my life. The fear of death filled my mind and expand those 3 seconds to maybe a year in my eyes but I feel nothing but fear at those moments.

After those 3 seconds, I opened my at here the void, the eternal darkness, limbo, hell, or whatever this place called but I'm sure I'm not in heaven...

I will call this The Void since I'm alone here I can call it whatever I want." said Arthur to himself.

A soothing voice echoed through the void "You are not alone Arthur. "

"Who's there? Where are you? " Arthur replied nervously.

Suddenly a fiery red light illuminated the void and cause Arthur to step back.

"Are you ... are you the god?" asked again Arthur

The lights surrounding the void condense and create an unstable fire body shaped like a humanoid and answered the question "In a sense yes, I could count as a god but I'm not the one you are looking for Arthur."

The figure keeps talking as he/she starts walking towards the young man. " I called you here for you to be my champion and give you a mission if you decided to accept the title."

"What kind of mission? How can I accomplish a task someone powerful as a god couldn't do?" asked Arthur.

"There are events that I can not interfere with lower planes without breaking the balance established from the very beginning of the existing, but by becoming my champion you can help me arrange what needs to be done without breaking this balance. Unfortunately, even if you accept my offer, the mission will stay hidden until you get strong enough to complete it."

The figure stops just a step in front of Arthur and looks him into the eye and starts explaining again "Of course you will not do these for free. I will grant you the ability to travel the multiverse and other abilities you can afford with the amount of karma you have. You can take your time for choosing your wish but I should warn you about changing your race or getting a bloodline. If you do so you might get limited by the progenitor of the race or a person with higher bloodline purity. Depend on the bloodline your mind might be controlled by them regardless of your power."

Looking at the dejected face of his champion, the figure spoke once more " You're not the first person I choose for these missions. Some of the champions choose to take bloodlines even if I did warn them. Races like Kryptonians has higher base power but their powers are limited by the gods who create them and others chose to reborn as Saiyans, they have a much lower power base but larger room for improvement if they managed to live long enough but in the end, regardless of the power they possess, they became a subject to those with better bloodline purity among them."

"It's not an uncommon thing as putting a growth limit to their descendants is common practice for powerful entities. They would rather keep their authority as the strongest and stand as monarchs of the race and destroy anyone has the potential to surpass them and cut off their races evolution chances but if you still want to change your race with the amount of karma you have, you can choose to be a member of these powerful races but only a normal one, not as a variant or a mutant."

After listening to the warning Arthur think about for a while and decided to follow the advice given to him.

"I get it. I shouldn't change my race for a momentary gain but look for abilities with a large room for improvement. But I have some questions. You talk about my karma amount but how much karma I have exactly and does things like devil fruits that give powers and all kinds of weird abilities count as some type of bloodline or anything related to that."

"Karma is what you get for the actions of your combined lifetimes whether ıt's good or bad you will get some karma out of it. If I take your karma amount as 1000 points; a normal level Saiyan bloodline will coast 750 points and 700 points for a regular Kryptonian bloodline and for the devil fruits they are little similar to bloodlines but boost they give are not comparable to the true bloodline, so at most, you will feel some suppression or can't use your ability at some places. " answered the mysterious figure.

"That's good to know. Is the ability to eat an unlimited amount of devil fruit without getting the weakness is over my budget," asked Arthur.

While shaking his head figure answered, " It cost about 1700 points, just with this you will be capable enough to get thousands of different abilities so of course ıts coast accordingly. Before you ask system with an AI helper cost 4000 points and The Gamer is 800 points and if you want to add a store section to gamer ability its extra 1300 karma points."

After thinking about his options Arthur decided to just ask a couple of things to see if it's possible " I want gamer ability plus store sections before you say it's above my limit but I have some questions."

Seeing his new champion eager to work, the figure gave a simple nod and let him continue.

Getting confirmation Arthur start explaining

"About store section, bloodline part: I don't need it, you already warned me couple times why shouldn't I get one and for the item part: as long as I have materials and blueprints I can craft them myself, the gacha part: instead of pay and hope for the best from a bunch of random stuff, I rather pay the full cost and get what I need. Finally the most important part, the skill section: instead of buying them directly I can buy them as skill books from the book section just like blueprints, so it's not necessary either, so can we downgrade the store section to just a book store?"

Listening to his champion's explanations burning figure was pleased with his logic but that was not enough to seal the deal.

"If its only books and blueprints you want, I can change the store according to your needs. Your store will be bounding directly to the akashic records and you can get what you need from it but prices will depend on who or where those books are originated from and most importantly you still above the limit by 100 points. "

" Then what about gamer ability can you downgrade it a little, " asks Arthur

"Hmm… I can further divide some of the attributes and you will get 3 stat point per level instead of 5, are okay with that?" asked the figure

"Yes definitely."

[ Statu Window ]

Name: Arthur Harris

Race: Human

Level: 1 Title: ( None )

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100













Elemental Affinity:


Stat Points:3

Store Coins:10.000


After deciding what type of power he will get, Arthur chooses himself a new body and a world to start his adventure.

Arthur chooses the world of One Piece as his starting point. Hoping that he can find a way the use devil fruits without the drawbacks and since this world has decently strong people with a straight forward type of fighting style, he doesn't have to worry about some random anybody one-shot him with a weird secret Jutsu.

For his appearance, he chooses the look of the H'el of the DC universe before his journey into space. He looks like a young man in his mid-twenties. Medium length black hair, black eyes, and body near 2 meters tall with muscles that looks like carved carefully and perfectly to fit where they belong.