
A Game To Remember

Warning: This story is bad. After a tragic death of which I didn't write, Ren's soul stumbled upon Death's Realm. ....Now he's wedded to her and is now in Remnant? What the fuck?! 1st World RWBY: Complete 2nd World: Scissor Seven: Ongoing(Sadly)

Piiiiza · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs



"Oh, great. It's you." My dull voice sounded out. This isn't a good way to start my day.

[Awww, don't be such a spoilsport.]

I punch the screen. But to no avail, nothing happened, making me grumble out curses.

I was already pretty irked when I found out anime didn't exist, so now I have to deal with this.

[If it makes you feel better, I have a quest for you]


Getting out of the (stolen) bed, I head out, hopeful for something good.

'Alright, show the quest'

[Daily Quest Added!]

[Gain Muscle and Brain]

Turns out, your pretty weak... we can't have that! Good news for you, I AM HERE!

Do 200 Pushups, Sit-ups, Burpees, Curl-ups, []

Complete 10KM Run []

Gain atleast 5 different skills from a Public Library []

Rewards: +20 Stat Points, 1 Mystery Box, Aura Unlocked

Failure: -100 Stats - 24HR Time Limit

Time Limit: 12:00:00


Staring at the screen, my only thought was why I had gotten such a system.

"I mean, I have like... 180 of those points"

[Yeah, those are pretty important. You should use them]

Doing as told, I use them. The feeling of pure power coursing through my body, made me shiver in excitement.

'I'll never get used to that'

[Nobody ever does]

That peaked my interest. "You mean there's more like me?" I curiously ask.

[You thought you were the only one? Nah, that was taken around 30 billion years ago]

"That's a long time." I thought, dropping to the ground.

"1... 2...3...4"

[A Timeskip is in order]

"7... What's a Timeskip? 9"


[Perk Gained]

[Self Aware - 2%]

[You are ?????]

"Well that's not ominous or anything." Finishing my 10KM run, I drop to the ground gasping for air.

Turns out the guide is sadistic. She was very obviously enjoying my pain, so fuck her for that.

Other than that it was pretty successful.

[Aww, your already done?]

Hearing her voice, I glared at the screen. "F.U"

Of course she didn't respond. Clicking my tongue, I get off the ground and stretch my body. Exercise is a bitch.

Also, 200? Of all those? What the hell! Cut me some slack, I don't want to do that everyday.

My ranting of course, went unheard by the Guide. So for the next 5 minutes, I was just complaining to myself.

"Now that that's done. Time to read." I open up my inventory, and take out a book.

(The Art Of Weapons... For Idiots)

Though the title may irk me, It's currently the best choice for me. Because turns out. Classes are lame.

I could be anything I wanted. Mage? Yep. Warrior? Sure, why not. The possibilities are endless. I could even be all of them.

So. My system is op as hell. Downside. I hate the Guide

[Would you like to absorb SkillBook]



I waited for atleast something to happen, but it never came. The books still in my hand, and I don't feel any different... I'm pretty sure I heard a camera.

"Did... did It work?"


...Okay then, moving on, I guess.

I take the other 4 books out my inventory and absorb them. The same thing of nothing happening happened.

[Daily Quest Completed!]

[Rewards: +20 Stat Points, 1 Mystery Box, Aura Unlocked]

"Am I gonna feel the Aura this- OH GOD!" I couldn't even finish my sentence, before I screamed out in pain.

What felt like thousands of hammers smashing into my body, and especially my soul, came over me.

My body glowed a red hue, as I felt a little bit stronger.

[Aura Unlocked! +50% to STR, DEF, and AGI when active]

[Quest Created]

[Unlock Your Semblance]

Reach Level 95 [20/95]

Reach [Aura Control] Level 55 [0/55]

Reward: Semblance, 950,000 EXP

Failure: Semblance forever locked


As I read it, my vison slowly grew dark. Before passing out, I managed to get a couple of words out.

"But Why."





My eyes slowly opened, greeted by a white ceiling and the beeping of a heart rate monitor.

'Okay, so I'm in a hospital now... Nope" I jump out the bed, going for the closest window.

With on foot on the edge, before I could jump out, a doctor quickly rushes in, grabbing my hand.

"Woah, woah woah! Slow down young man!" The doctor yells out, trying to pull me back.

Not budging I pull myself closer to the window. "I don't like hospitals... so goodbye." I calmly say.

However, once again getting interrupted. An older man comes in, easily grabbing me.

My eyes widen in shock, twisting my body in an effort to escape.

"Slow down kid, nothings gonna hurt you" Said the man, making me stop and glare at him.

His only response it to chuckle, putting me on the bed and blocking the window.

I take the chance to use observe on him.

[Clarent Stray]

[Title: Pro Huntsmen]

[Level: 159 - 59%]

I held back my shock, dismissing the screen, cautiously staring at the man.

An awkward pressure settled in the room before the doctor coughed in his hand, signaling us to both look towards him.

"Young man, could you kindly tell me why you were passed out practically in the middle of nowhere!? While you didn't have any injuries, your lucky we found you"

I looked at him... then glared at the man (now named Clarent). He once again did the chuckle I now hate with a passion.

Slowly, I let out a sigh. "I was training" A simple answer.

Clarent raised an eyebrow. "Ya training to be a huntsman"

I shook my head. "I was just training."

"Mhh, I see." The doctor stroked his beard, glancing at hit board. "The reports say you just recently unlocked your Aura, not even 10 minutes ago... you also have quite a large amount."

Hearing that, I took a quick look at my aura.

[A: 9,450]

Before I could say anything, I disappear from the bed as it gets destroyed.

Landing onto the ground, I look into the eyes of the smirking Clarent.

His fist the was embedded into the ground, slowly get's picked up. He clenches his fist before rushing towards me.



(End Of Chapter)

Current Stats

[Ren Ashborn]

Level: 20 - 34% EXP

Race: Human

Titles: Death's Gamer, Lover of Death,

HP: 4,800/4,800

A: 9,450

MP: 6,700

STR: 46 ---> 65

DEF: 47 ---> 65

AGI: 48 ---> 70

WILL: 48 ---> 75

LUK: 46 --- 142

AP: 20

Skills: Gamers Mind, Gamers Body, Observe, Dimensional Travel(Locked) Weapon Mastery(NEW) Aura Control(NEW) Cooking(NEW) Gaming(NEW) Martial Arts(NEW) Body Control(NEW)

Affinities: None


I was gonna say something here but forgot... Thanks For Reading 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪