
A Game To Remember

Warning: This story is bad. After a tragic death of which I didn't write, Ren's soul stumbled upon Death's Realm. ....Now he's wedded to her and is now in Remnant? What the fuck?! 1st World RWBY: Complete 2nd World: Scissor Seven: Ongoing(Sadly)

Piiiiza · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Fighting A Pro Huntsmen (Gone Right?)


The ground crumbled beneath me, as I slowly got up.

Clarent, not letting me catch my breath appeared in front of me, his fist reeled back.

I throw my head back, watching his fist go by.

Activating my Aura, I throw a punch to which he simply jumps back.

'So, like... am I going to die?' I curiously thought. I mean, this guy has 100 more levels than me.

I lower myself to the ground, and propel myself forward, breaking the ground even more.

Behind him, I throw a punch, hitting him in the head.

To my surprise, he goes flying, crashing into a building.

....Either levels don't mean shit, or.

[He's holding back, duh.]

"This is exactly why I hate hospitals," I angrily grumble out, getting into a lousy stance.

The dust clears, revealing a perfectly fine Clarent. No scratches or anything. what ticks me off the most is that stupid smirk on his face.

I rush towards him, throwing another punch, to which he sidesteps.

As my foot touches the ground, I spin towards him, throwing a kick... He dodges.

I don't stop attacking. Punches, jabs, kicks, anything I could think of, he dodges.

All the while having that stupid. Fucking. Smirk.

I jump into the sky, holding a hand out. A dark orb appears. Then two. Four. Ten. Forty.

Before Clarent could blink, hundreds of dark orbs flew around him.

With a simple flick of my finger, they flew towards him, my vision growing dark.

(Clarent Pov)

This kid isn't normal.

That was my first thought of him. Stronger than most Huntsmen-In-Training, along with Aura almost rivalling Pro Huntsmen... Truly remarkable.

So dodging these weird orbs of his, proves my theory right.

Semblance? Unlikely. He hasn't even had his Aura for an hour.

Magic... Most Likely

'How did this kind of creation happen'

A roar of pure rage sounded out. I turned to his direction to find right in front of me.


I cross my arms as he punches out.

Bones broken... Ouch.

I crash through another building... I'll have to pay for all this... shit.

Before I could even get up he's right in front of me. Kid's fast.

I catch his punch, throwing him away from me, which only caused him to get even angrier.

"Welp. Lights out, kid"

Activating my Semblance, he simply falls to the ground.

I stare at him. If I leave him here, Ozpin might snatch the kid... can't have that.

Walking to the kid, I hoist him on my shoulder and walk off.

"This is not my day..."

-Timeskip from this lame ass fight scene-

(Ren Pov)

Opening my eyes(once again), I'm greeted with an unfamiliar ceiling... and a massive headache.

[Well you did just almost use up all your mana]

Did I... "What"

I jump out the bed, looking at the system screen. 'Explain'


Instantly, I'm bombarded with the events of the fight.

[Turns out, spending more than 100 years in the void can give one Void Magic]

'100! I thought I was only there for a day!'


Hearing the door open, I look to see Clarent walk in, a cup of water in hand.

"Man, I really need to get that fixed," He sighed, turning to me. "Good, your up. We need to talk."

He hands me the water as I take a small sip.

"You good?" I nod my head. "Good."

I fall to my knees as a wave of pressure washes over me. Fear instantly settles within me as I look at the ground.

"What are you... You have magic, yet I've heard nothing about you, not even from Ozpin"

I don't like hearing the word Magic or Ozpin from a guy who wasn't even in the show... fuuuuuck.

"So... Answer me."

The pressure disappears as I shakily get up. What the hell am I supposed to say? I can't exactly just give him all my information.

"I- I've just had this weird power since bir-"

"Lies" He spoke out in a dark voice, the pressure slowly returning.

'Motherfucker can detect LIES!'

"Speak the truth or die"

[He's not lying. Better think of something,. I'd hate to see this world explode from a God's Fury]

'THAT DOESN'T HELP' I thought, almost yelling it out. Okay, deep breathes, Ren...

"I don't exactly know... I'm just now learning I have this power." To try and prove my point, I try to use the same power I did, struggling to even make of of the orbs.

His eyes flashed an ominous red, before he sighed. "Your still hiding something, but that's good enough... Follow."

He walks off as I catch up to him. Getting lead through his house, I only had one word to sum it up.


The dudes house is the definition of Luxury.

[Now all he needs is some maids-]

""""""""Good Afternoon Clarent-Sama""""""""


Clarent sighed and waved his hand, dismissing the maids.

'I can't tell if he's lucky or misfortunate'

Eventually, he leads to a large vacant area.

"Look, kid. Having magic isn't exactly the best for you. Two people desperate to have you, both willing to go with extreme methods... you should lie low."

"Okay... and why did you bring me here?"

"To train you"

I blink. I blink again. "Train me in what?"

He sighs. "You know. Fighting, Magic Control, all that jazz."

"You telling me you have magic too?" I curiously ask "What is it?"

He smirks.


(End Of Chapter)

End Stats.

[Ren Ashborn]

Level: 20 - 34% EXP

Race: Human

Titles: Death's Gamer, Lover of Death,

HP: 4,800/4,800

A: 9,450

MP: 6,700

STR: 65

DEF: 65

AGI: 70

WILL: 75

LUK: 142

AP: 20



Gamers Mind - MAX

Gamers Body - MAX

Observe - 10/50

Dimensional Travel(Locked)

Weapon Mastery - 2/100

Aura Control - 4/100

Cooking - 0/100

Gaming - 0/100

Martial Arts - 9/100

Body Control - 5/100


Void - Level 1


Woah, two chapters in 1 day... cool. Found out what I wanted to say. What's Ren's semblance gonna be?

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