
A Game Of Chance

Do you know what the worst day of your life was? Can you picture it? Do you remember everything that made it the worst? I shall tell you the story of 200 people's worst day ever, or rather, for 198 of them. You see, only 2 are considered the winners, the others merely survived. Let's begin shall we? 20,000 people from around the Earth have been chosen to participate in a battle for another world. 10,000 on one side, 10,000 on the other. That was what was proposed to the leaders of the world, a mere 20,000 and in exchange, resources, treasures, and power would be spread across the world. However, things are not always how they seem. The "deal" was not made public, the chosen were secretly taken, and power was never given. Those that have such power, as to enter another world in another dimension and/or universe, wouldn't have to listen or even acknowledge or existences, let alone keep a promise. They were taken. Stolen. But there was nothing to be done. In another world, in another dimension/universe, 20,000 human souls were given a test of might. For those that have power equal to the Gods, what better entertainment than a fight to the death. But it couldn't be as simple as that now could it? Oh no, instead, they decided that each side will have 10,000 and each with have to fight themselves till there are only 100 left. Incredible no? Absolutely marvelous no? Genius no? I've gotta say, it was an absolutely incredible battle, and I can't wait to see what they do next.

LincolnGlass · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Calm Before The Storm

The sound of the wind blowing through the knee high grass. The starry night sky ever watching. The green fields painted black by the night. The sound of a cricket, an owl, and maybe a dog, are together in an incredible orchestra.

"Huh....I think this the best view I've ever seen in person." An ash grey haired man stands in the middle of a field with his hands in his pockets of his black pants while staring at whatever is left of the horizon. "Yeah.....It'd be a perfect time to end it all right?" He digs around in his pants pocket till he pulls out a small pistol. He checks the clip, reloads, spins it by the trigger gaurd with his index finger, throws it up in the air and kicks it like a ball and it lands somewhere. "Score." He turns around and starts walking towards a small house.

He walks slowly, knowing that this is the last time he'll get to see this view. *Sigh* "Really don't wanna do this." He stops in front of the porch stairs.

"Ready to go sir?" Sitting on a chair in the corner is a woman with brown hair and pink eyes wearing a suit minus the jacket. "Yep, think so." The man walks up and pulls a packet of cigarettes and a lighter out of his pockets. "I'd wait till we get there before you start smoking sir." She says with a smile on her face.

"What'd I tell you about doing the customer service act?" He says lighting the cigarette in his mouth. She stares at him and shakes her head. "Well can you at least share?" She walk up to him and tries to take the cigarette out of his mouth. He puts one her mouth before she takes his. "Yeah, I can, but I'd prefer not to." She looks at him and pouts. She turns around quickly, "5 minutes till everything is fully set up." She sits back down in her chair. "You're not just saying that so you can smoke right?" He says staring off the porch. "You really need me to spell it out for you?" He laughs and shakes his head and takes another drag. He tries to enjoy it as long as he can. "You got a phone?" He turns and asks her. She pulls a phone out of her pocket and throws it at him. "That ones yours now. Don't. Lose. It." She really stresses out the last bit. "Yeah sure." He types in his old passcode and it works, he sees alot of apps he doesn't recognize, opens up the camera app. "Stand right in front of the stairs, I got an idea for a good picture." She gets up and stands where he said and stares straight ahead. "Perfect." *Click* "Let me see." He hands her the phone. "I love it. I'm gonna send it to my phone." He turns around and gets back on the porch but sits on the stairs. He holds his head in his hands and rubs his eyes. "Ugh." She turn and looks at him. "Something wrong?" He hangs his head and shakes it. "Well I think we're good to go kay?" He nods and stands up, drops his cigarette and stomps it out. She walks out into the field for a couple minutes and he follows. She stops and turns around. "Ladies and Gentlemen keep your hands and feet inside the portal at all times and most importantly Hoooooooold on to your butts!" She rolls up her sleeves and reveals intricate tattoos that look like a mix of Nordic rune and Japanese. The tattoos starts to glow a pinkish red and a portal of the same color forms under them. "Nice." He stares at the runes on her arms and commits them to memory. *Poof* A cloud of pinkish red smoke erupts from the portal. The front door of the house opens, and 2 tall men wearing suits walk out. "Told ya he wouldn't." He goes back inside. "Tsk, damn it." The other one stares at the pinkish red cloud dissipating in the air. "Well, he'll get what's coming to him." He turns around and walks back into the house.