
A Game Of Chance

Do you know what the worst day of your life was? Can you picture it? Do you remember everything that made it the worst? I shall tell you the story of 200 people's worst day ever, or rather, for 198 of them. You see, only 2 are considered the winners, the others merely survived. Let's begin shall we? 20,000 people from around the Earth have been chosen to participate in a battle for another world. 10,000 on one side, 10,000 on the other. That was what was proposed to the leaders of the world, a mere 20,000 and in exchange, resources, treasures, and power would be spread across the world. However, things are not always how they seem. The "deal" was not made public, the chosen were secretly taken, and power was never given. Those that have such power, as to enter another world in another dimension and/or universe, wouldn't have to listen or even acknowledge or existences, let alone keep a promise. They were taken. Stolen. But there was nothing to be done. In another world, in another dimension/universe, 20,000 human souls were given a test of might. For those that have power equal to the Gods, what better entertainment than a fight to the death. But it couldn't be as simple as that now could it? Oh no, instead, they decided that each side will have 10,000 and each with have to fight themselves till there are only 100 left. Incredible no? Absolutely marvelous no? Genius no? I've gotta say, it was an absolutely incredible battle, and I can't wait to see what they do next.

LincolnGlass · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Out of the Dark, Into the Light

A small Dark cabin on the edge of a small Dark forest sleeps soundly in the deepest and Darkest of nights that will ever be. All is silent throughout the entire forest, for all who dwell within know of the power of Darkness. Darkness is searching. A small cabin on the edge of the forest, catches the eyes of Darkness. Darkness feels all throughout the forest, yet cannot feel within the cabin. It is furious. It presses against the cabin door, and it swings open.

"Huh." A voice comes from a chair sitting in front of a lit fireplace. Darkness can feel the emotions of all within the forest. Fear, sadness, despair. Yet it cannot feel anything from this cabin, and for that it is furious.

"Don't get your nuts twisted, I'm coming." The voice from the chair sits up and starts to walk towards the Darkness. *Mortal.*

Like a whisper of the wind, Darkness speaks.

"So?" Says the heavily bandaged, blond haired man who stops in front of the door.

"Give me a second to undo the enchantments." Light emits from the fingers of the man. Darkness can only watch as the man draws in the air leaving the Light floating, shimmering, until it finally shatters.

A well kept man in a black suit steps into the cabin. "This was supposed to be a very well kept secret from beings such as you." He tilts his head.

"Had a feeling." The man slowly walks back to his chair and sits down as the other follows and stops to stare into the fire.

"Well you're right! But I'm afraid that this isn't just a late night visit. Now we can do this the easy way." A mark glows on his hand and a beautiful golden sword appears in midair. "Or the hard way, and for the record I really don't wanna do this the hard way." He snatches the sword as it appears and puts the tip into the fire place.

"As much as I wanna say the hard way." Says the blond haired man as he stares into the fireplace, "I'm afraid that I won't be able to stop you, and we'll just damage the cabin." The "Darkness" points the sword at the man, "That's what you're worried about?" He raises an eyebrow at the old man in the chair.

"*Sigh* Yeah, yeah it is." He puts his head in his hands, "Go do what you came here to do." The "Darkness" stares at the man, then slowly nods his head and walks past him towards a hallway with a door on each side. The "Darkness" feels into each of the rooms to find Them. "There They are." He turns to the door on the left and twists the handle.

In a small dark room in a small dark cabin in a small dark forest sleeps a young man with black hair with bandaged arms that are wrapped around a small girl with black hair. "Darkness" sits on the bed next to them and brushes the hair out of their faces. "Time to go." A Light emits from his fingers and he starts to draw an array of complicated symbols.

"Do we have to?" Says the young girl. He stops and stares at her, he slowly turns his head to look at the Light to see that it's faded.

"Now I gotta start all over." He whispers to himself.