
Chapter 1: finding out where I'm at

Unknown location, remnant

It's finally morning, and the Beowulfs have stopped coming at me for now. I sit at the bottom of a tree and catch my breath while dismissing my super shotgun. My body is a little tired from running all night but I don't feel like I'm going to kneel over and pass out.

After a few minutes resting I get back up and start walking ahead. My mind goes to the world of RWBY. The ugliest divorce fight in history between Salem and ozma, The four relics and the maidens, the two brothers and finally dust. What's the truth behind dust. Is it the souls of the first civilization that the brothers destroyed, or is it basically nature magic solidified.

I hear a twig snap and pull out my super shotgun towards the sound. My extra set of ears swivels around listening closely.


A bullet rips through my leg causing me to kneel as whoops and hollers come around. Then three bandits come out surrounding me. I look at the lead bandit as he speaks

" Hoo wee look at this a feral mutt and he has some good stuff." He laughs ," to bad he wo-"


I blow his head clean off with the super and reload as the other bandits charge at me. I blow the one to my left in his chest, and fire my meat hook into the right ones knee.

" Ahh, you fucking mutt," she screams," don't you know who we are. We're the most feared tribe in all of solitas, the branwen tribe." I point the barrel at her head and say," isn't the motto of your tribe the strong prey in the weak." Her eyes widen at my tone and shakes in fear. I swing my super shotgun at her head knocking her out and look at a raven perched on a branch. I turn and scoffs at the worst mother ever, and leave.

Raven's pov

The wolf faunus was smart, he didn't wait like an idiot for the finishing speech and took action. He's fast and strong to wield that weapon. I look at the pathetic bandit that he left and transform landing beside her. I believe she is in need of a new purpose. Maybe a chew toy for the wolf that left her alive. The strong prey on the weak but honor is still valued in my eyes. She now owes her life to him.

" So the raven wasn't a real one," I hear a voice say and look at the wolf faunus coming back," I thought you would have left" I pull on my odachi 'Omen'.

" No I just went to grab their packs, spoils of battle." The wolf says," but it's bad manners to not state my name. It's Alex Slate"

Alex throws the bags at my feet keeping one and leaves.

Alex pov

Never do that again, never go near raven branwen. At least anytime soon. As I leave the area a huge Ursa comes out of some bushes in front of me. It roars and a wave my hand in front of my nose.

" Two words, breathe mint" I say and fire two shells into its leg staggering it and fire another two shells into the Ursa's neck. It's breathing labored as I fire the meat hook into it's skull killing it.

" Must have been an un- bear- able headache" I say jokingly as I continue on my journey using the looted map to the next town or wherever it is. Soon I'm humming Phil Collins," I'm on my way" as I Trek through the forest coming out on a road after about a half hour. I look to the left and the right and sigh. No signs of use, I flip a lien card that I took from a bandit and it lands on the numeral value of 25£. I go left.

When night starts to fall I come across a broken shack and decide to stay in it the night. I check the shack not seeing anything of concern. And start to rest.

[ Gacha draw ready. Want to pull it]

"Yes " I say.

[ Common item: 50,000 lien]

Ok a nice nest egg for now I don't really know the economy so it could basically be only 100 dollars or something. I close my eyes and rest for the night.

Next day noon

It's noon and I finally find civilization. A small town with a large faunus population but I'm fine. The lien I got and took from the bandits proved to be ok investment. I have a full belly and new clothes as well as some dust rounds for my weapon. I even had it dyed, silver and blue ,and call it Grimm's bane. I also get a Bull head pass for vale when it leaves tomorrow.

The fate of my ' home' has already spread. It was as bad as the mount Glenn incident. The number of Grimm was more than what was usual. I got some books to read, laws, history, etc. for as they say knowledge is power. When the bull head leaves the town I stare at the setting sun. Rolling the free Gacha draw.

[ Uncommon item: training lance]

About midnight we arrive in vale or the island of patch. I get off and get a motel room for tonight and decide to sleep. I hope this will be ok for now. I sleep never noticing the crow outside my window flying away.

Ozpin pov

I slip my coffee as my scroll goes off showing a video of a wolf faunus killing Grimm and two bandits.

{ Qrow: he's not normal}

Of course he isn't, with all my lifes I've seen and heard about this one is unique.

{ Ozpin: be careful don't spook him. He is probably foe but treat him as a friendly.}

I sit down the scroll and look past the clock face window out into vale. " Just who are you Mr. slate, are you with her. Or are you different. "