
Chapter 2: Ruby rose

Isle of patch, remnant

11 months till canon starts

It has been 11 days since I arrived on patch and my draws

1: 50,000 lien(common)

2: aura enhancement pill (rare)

3: grey t shirt (common)

4: urban grey camo pants (common)

5: skeet launcher with infinite clay skeets (rare)

6: sky forge steel great sword (epic)

7: black combat boots (common)

8: 50,000 lien (common)

9: ocarina (uncommon)

10: sword skill ( master)

11: cooking skill (master)

Yeah they're lackluster in appearance but I'm grateful for them either way. While I've been here in patch for 11 days I haven't seen Ruby or Yang while I was here. They're at signal since it is the school year and they only get home really late apparently since both their Dad and uncle work at signal.

Anyway I'm hearing in the forest surrounding the town practicing my swordsmanship skills , at least the basics, and just listening to a news bulletin off my scroll's headphones. My attire is the urban camo and grey shirt that I gained through the gacha. A magnetic scabbard I bought from town is across my back as I swing the great sword. Soon I hear rumbling and some Beowulfs come out and surround me. I smirk and get into a basic stance with the blade pointing behind me ready to uppercut the first Beowulf. They charge the one in front gets the uppercut swing while I spin dodging the one to my right as I continue the arc slashing across that one's back cleaving it in half. The third tries to lunge but I block it with my sword before thrusting it into its stomach and jerking up and out, as I bury the blade into the skull of the first one. As all disappear into smoke I sigh. More pour out of the forest about 6 in total. I repeat the ass kicking and decide it was time to head back to the town since it was noon. As I turn to leave a Ursa bursts out of the forest.

" Oh come on, can't bear I'm having a good time," I say chuckling as it charges at me. It swings several times as I dodge," oh please, I've fought bees stronger than you. What is it am I unbearably frustrating." It roars and charges but a figure drops down and cleaves it's head off with a scythe.

Cue Ruby Rose, future huntress, and adorable cookie monster. As she raises up off the Ursa I get a good look at her. Her classic red and black Gothic dress and battle skirt,paired with a corset and a bullet belt containing silver bullets and a silver cross, knee high boots, and her signature red cape.

she takes off her hood and her short black hair that fades to red tips frame her beautiful silver eyes. As I look at her she notices me and waves," sorry was that yours?"

I nod and say," yeah but it's all good, that was pretty good. Is that a high caliber sniper scythe."

Her eyes sparkle and she rushes to me using her semblance leaving rose petals behind.

" Ohmyoum,yesitis,howyouknow. Hernames crescentrose. Whatisyourweaponsname." ." She says at a high fired speed. I chuckle and reply," woah slow down jabber jaw I couldn't hear you speaking that fast. Mind repeating it?"

She blushes and says," sorry, I said,how you know. Her names crescent rose. What is your weapons name."

" Well I guessed the high caliber part but I did notice the sliding bolt and trigger on the scythe. This weapon isn't named yet since it's still new to me but my other weapon I have is called Grimm's bane. " I say ," hey let's head to town and get something to eat I'll pay."

" Ok," says Ruby as we leave the forest a crow following us along the way. She starts humming as we walk and says," so I haven't seen you around patch before , ummm why you here? "

" Well it was happen stance I arrived here. My home village was destroyed by Grimm and I was the only survivor so I decided to go to beacon. I know they have a combat test for those that couldn't take a huntress prep school. And yes I have my aura unlocked but I don't know my semblance yet," I say seeing her nod along. As we reach town she rushes grabbing my hand and basically drags me to a cafe. She sits impatiently after ordering some cookies," so what's your other weapon, what is its name?"

I chuckle showing a picture of Grimm's bane," this is Grimm's bane my super shotgun. It's a 8ga. Shotgun double barrel comes with a grapple hook I call the meat hook" she gains stars in her eyes and asks me questions about my weapons as we eat our food and drink our drinks. She also talks about signal and gets depressed on how few friends she has and how they have lives that she doesn't.

" And then there's my sister Yang, she's overbearing sometimes," Ruby sighs," I'm not a little girl anymore I can make my own decisions."

" Well that's just how older siblings are," I reply as we leave the cafe ," be glad she cares about you. Some don't have the luxury."

She nods her head and goes on to talk about Yang's puns and her dad's dad jokes. I flinch and say," ok I warn you now I also do puns but I'll dial it back ,"

"Good," she says," well I got to go back home I came to town to get away from Yang and dad"

She leaves waving bye before running with her semblance rose petals being left behind. I smile at my first friend in both lives. As dusk falls I roll my Gacha.

[ Rip-a-torium training ground (legendary)obtained]

Rip-a-torium training ground provides waves of enemies to hone and practice your skills with weapons. Death isn't possible as the users will just reappear where they disappear at preventing death.