
A friend group gets reincarnated in the multiverse

This story does not have a main character and will consist of multiple point of views. Ahem I don't own anything. Will have at least 10000 words a month.

Diobutstronger · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


I felt myself being Hugged in a warm embrace. I also felt rain? That isn't good as I am a baby and being carried in the rain isn't good for babies. I hear yelling in what seems to be a British accent. "Hey get back here!" A man? yelled. I felt myself being hugged closer. I felt myself being carried into what seems to be a house. Well that is my assumption as it's warmer here and there is no rain. I guess I could check out this whole gamer thing.

(a/n Not exactly gamer more like a system.)

Status? I said mentally and wouldn't you know, it worked.

{Name: Lancelot}

{Age: 0}


{Str: E}







{One who dodges trucks.}

{Truck dodging capabilities increased by 90%}

{Magic resistance B)

{Magic Has a 80% chance to not effect you}

{Rich kid}

{Money can find you whenever you need it}

{100% increased chances of finding money.}

{Decedent of an Ideal knight}

{The capability to be a perfect knight is now yours!}

{Chances of ######### choosing you as its wielder goes up drastically.}

{One who has friends}

{Immune to Charm related abilities.}


{Short temper}

{When insulted 95% chance to retaliate in a violent manner.}

{Elegant posture}

{Even in battle being elegant is important! -80% chance to fall.}

{Sword talent.}

{You were born to use a sword at the cost of magic proficiency of course. 100% increase in all abilities dealing with swords. Can't use magic unless it relates to close quarters combat.}


{Sleep? What kind of fuck are you? Fuck sleep, train yourself dickhead!}

{Can't sleep unless knocked out or dead}







Cool. I guess I will learn to use a sword then. I felt myself getting drowsy and fell asleep.

..........Time skip (6 years old)..........

'Stats' I said in my mind after finishing my sword practice.







My stats aren't going up as fast as I would like them to. Even so my skills are still very helpful when it comes to certain things. I got a skill called swordsmanship which shows me what level of skill for it that I am. The max is the grand master skill level which I am approaching quickly the sword talent really helps. Alas my magic skills are complete garbage. Well unless I coat my sword with magic, but even then it's still rather weak. Mother says not to worry when it comes to magic as all I need to know is how to use a sword. Even if she thinks that I disagree. It's better to be versatile and know many weapons which is why I am learning how to use the spear and other weapons as well. I think mother is probably worried about where I am so I quickly run back to the house.

When I get back I put the training sword back in its stand and walk inside. I see my mother waiting for me to come inside. I don't know her name and I don't think she is my actual mother but that is what she told me to call her. My name is Lancelot which is nice as he was my favorite knight of the round table. I walked inside the cabin and saw that lunch was ready so I went to the table and started eating food. "Lancelot how is your sword training going?" asked my mother in a happy tone. "Very good mother I have almost mastered it, I am working on my spear skills as well though so I haven't had as much practice with the sword as you might have liked me too by this point." I said with a small smile. "Good. You will be strong in the future Lancelot." Said mother with a happy smile on her face. "Well then I will continue to train, mother." I said respectfully as I finished eating and ran out of the cabin grabbed my training sword and continued to train.

I ran through the green forest with a smile on my face. I loved the smell of nature and the sounds of animals scurrying around. I usually don't get much sleep due to my insomnia trait. The only times I really can sleep is when mother casts a sleep spell on me. Though I never do get very tired anyway I wonder if it has something to do with my game ability. I come to a halt when I see a rabbit hopping around. I smile at it happily but it runs away. I sigh and start practicing my sword. I try to picture my mother but suddenly can't seem to come up with an appearance for her. Eh, guess I will remember what she looks like later. I continue to swing my sword.

Wonder what my friends are doing. Hopefully they aren't slacking off and are training as hard as I am. I bet that I can learn how to use a spear before they do. I start humming to myself as I swing my sword.

...........Time skip (10 years old.} .........

*Clang* My sword met mother's as we sparred. Turns out mother knew how to use a sword as well and decided to teach me how to fight with real experience. I swung my sword to the left. She dodged and bonked my head with the flat of her blade. "Lancelot stop looking at where you are attacking it gives away the place you are swinging at without me even having to block." said mother shaking her head. "Yes mother." I said while nursing my head. "It's alright Lancelot don't fret you can take a break okay?" Said mother while she sheathed her sword. "Yes mother." I sat down on the ground and said 'Status' in my mind.

{Name: Lancelot}

{Race: Human/???}

{Age: 10}


{Str: C+}







{One who dodges trucks.}

{Truck dodging capabilities increased by 90%}

{Magic resistance B)

{Magic Has a 80% chance to not effect you}

{Rich kid}

{Money can find you whenever you need it}

{100% increased chances of finding money.}

{Decedent of an Ideal knight}

{The capability to be a perfect knight is now yours!}

{Chances of A######## choosing you as its wielder goes up drastically.}

{One who has friends}

{Immune to Charm related abilities.}

{Swordsmanship [Grand master]}

{Sword damage increased by 200%}

{Lake style sword [Advanced]}

{When using Lake style sword damage is increased by 40%}


{Will never falter in face of danger}

{Noble Etiquette [Medium]}

{Can act like a noble anytime anywhere.}

{Spearmanship [Grand master}

{When using a spear spear damage increases by 100%}


{Short temper}

{When insulted 95% chance to retaliate in a violent manner.}

{Elegant posture}

{Even in battle being elegant is important! -80% chance to fall.}

{Sword talent.}

{You were born to use a sword at the cost of magic proficiency of course. 100% increase in all abilities dealing with swords. Can't use magic unless it relates to close quarters combat.}


{Sleep? What kind of fuck are you? Fuck sleep, train yourself dickhead!}

{Can't sleep unless knocked out or dead}







I have grown tremendously. I can probably beat multiple grown men in a fight. I have 2 years till I meet up with my friends. I can use a spear and sword to its max potential. cool right? I can also use the sword style mother taught me. I just hope that I can get to New York. I don't even know where I am right now. I am apparently not a full human too. I guess I can figure most of this stuff when I leave for New York anyway. The locked traits bother me but I don't know what they do anyway. I can't wait to flex on my friends that I can beat them in a sword fight. I guess I will wait to find out what happens and how to get to New York.

.......Time skip (11 years old.).......

I ran away from home when I turned 11. I bet my mother can't find me as I don't even know where I am! I think I'm in Britain but I don't know where as I am just roaming the forests. I have been eating berries and other fruits I come across. I suddenly spotted two silhouettes looking almost as lost as I am. I run towards them and see a golden haired male pull out a sword that I can sense has some sort of holy energy in it. I get closer and he gets defensive while the girl gets magic ready? "Pardon me no need to get defensive I saw you guys looked lost and decided to help!" I said respectfully. "We don't need your help so if you mind we'll be off." The golden haired youth said not trusting me at all.

"Well um I am actually lost as well so would it be alright if I traveled with you?" I asked no matter how humiliating it would be I need to get to my friends even if it does mean admitting I am completely lost. It looks like he ponders it for a second before relenting and nodding his head. I mentally pumped my fist and asked "Well my names Lancelot what's yours?" "Isn't this ironic? My name is Arthur Pendragon and this is my sister Le Fay Pendragon." he said with a smile on his face. "Are you guys descendants of the king of knights?" I ask astounded. "Indeed we are Lancelot we have recently run away from the house of Pendragon. On another topic though are you any good with a sword?" He asked with fighting intent clear in his eyes. "Not really. Unfortunately I am not very good at fighting." I said lying through my teeth. "Ah that is unfortunate it would have been nice to fight someone." He looked disappointed. "On another note do you like tea?" He asked changing his tone quickly. "Yes indeed I do I am also quite skilled at making it would you like to try some at another time?" I was happy that I found someone else who enjoys tea.

"Of course!" he said happily. With that we started talking about different topics. Occasionally his sister would jump into the conversation as well but not often. After two or three days I saw the lights of a city. When Arthur and I got there I decided it was time for me to say goodbye as I needed to make it to New York in three months. "Well Arthur it was nice to meet you. You as well Le Fay I hope our paths cross again at some point." I said with a small smile. "I wish you good luck as well Lancelot wherever you go." He said with a smile as well. "Good luck Lancelot!" Said Le Fay with a cheerful smile.

I waved good bye and walked away. I am looking for the nearest airport I see a map and see that the nearest airport is nearly 10 miles away. I sigh and start running.

................Time skip (1 month till 12)...............

I am excited to meet my friends after 12 years. I bet they are going to make fun of my accent.

{Arondight has chosen you as its wielder.}

"What the Fuu?

....................Time skip (Empire state building).........

I feel bad after attacking Joshua. It was because of my {trait} short temper. "I am sorry Joshua I guess I got a little carried away." I apologized with a smile. "No problem man I was also in the wrong for insulting your accent and clothes." He apologized with a small smile. Zeke and Isaac had already stopped paying attention to us and were chatting about their powers. Mike was staring off into space. I sighed mentally. I guess I have to start bragging again. I dispelled Arondight. I miss Arthur already he was a fun guy to talk to I wonder if he would join the group if I asked? Eh, doesn't really matter I have Mike to talk to after all though Mike looks a little different then normal I wonder why.


{Name: Lancelot}

{Race: Human/???}

{Age: 11}


{Str: B+}







{One who dodges trucks.}

{Truck dodging capabilities increased by 90%}

{Magic resistance B)

{Magic Has a 80% chance to not effect you}

{Rich kid}

{Money can find you whenever you need it}

{100% increased chances of finding money.}

{Decedent of an Ideal knight}

{The capability to be a perfect knight is now yours!}

{Chances of Arondight choosing you as its wielder goes up drastically.}

{One who has friends}

{Immune to Charm related abilities.}

{Swordsmanship [Grand master]}

{Sword damage increased by 200%}

{Lake style sword [Advanced]}

{When using Lake style sword damage is increased by 40%}


{Will never falter in face of danger}

{Noble Etiquette [Master]}

{Can act like a noble anytime anywhere.}

{Spearmanship [Grand master}

{When using a spear spear damage increases by 100%}

{Mana sense}

{Can sense Mana signatures.}

{Riding {Advanced]}

{Can ride most vehicles and animals}


{Short temper}

{When insulted 95% chance to retaliate in a violent manner.}

{Elegant posture}

{Even in battle being elegant is important! -80% chance to fall.}

{Sword talent.}

{You were born to use a sword at the cost of magic proficiency of course. 100% increase in all abilities dealing with swords. Can't use magic unless it relates to close quarters combat.}


{Sleep? What kind of fuck are you? Fuck sleep, train yourself dickhead!}

{Can't sleep unless knocked out or dead}







a/n done Warren is going to be a simple person.


Diobutstrongercreators' thoughts