
A friend for life

Friend (noun) a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations Best Friend noun a person's closest friend True friend A true friend is a friend when is convenient and when it is not. They standby you consistently both when you are present and when you are not. They're Authentic and Honest with You. True friends aren't phony with you. They show you who they really are. A Friend for Life A person that is willing to stay no matter how flawed you are, might get angry or emotional at times but is still willing to stay even if you block them out, even if you don't have any treasures in life. A friend for life are people that can make you happy and be happy with you. And would be there not just on your brightest days but also on your darkest. What it takes to achieve one? Who knows? Maybe you already have one... a true friend... ... A friend for life.

FairyCrest · Teen
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17 Chs


Third Person's Point of View

Caroline eyed the blonde haired girl sitting at the far end of the room clearly irritated of seeing her pale state. The girl was busy with her book, her brows furrowed together as if she was having a hard argument with the book she's holding.

"Hey..." Laura's greeting enable her to avert her gaze at the blonde haired girl.

"Hi Laura, how's you and Arthur?" She asked, her question was not a surprise anymore as the first month of school year did Laura and Arthur became a couple. There were conflicts, but it was resolved with them having a decision to become one.

"We're good. How are things with you and Terrence though?" The good thing about being with Laura to Caroline is that they both can relate with each other's trouble, especially in being a person with an intimate relationship with someone.

"Well, we're in a steady pace for now." Caroline answered.

Soon their conversation died down when their teacher Mr. Prune went in holding a bundle of stapled papers.

"Class. I hope you are quite prepared for your first examination. I hope none will be caught cheating or will even have the idea of doing so." He casually stated, eyes roaming around the classroom where he can spot a few nervous students and some who seems like they're not a bit bothered about it. "Anyway your exam in my subject Anthropology, will start now. All bags in front."

Shuffling from the students can be heard as they all skimmed their books for the last time before putting it back to their bags and putting it in front. Many mumbles can be heard and many students try to calm themselves before taking notice of the upcoming papers coming their way that will determine the effects of their studies all this time.

Before answering her paper, Caroline's gaze landed on the person sitting beside her that eventually looked back giving her a bright smile.

"Goodluck to us Caroline." The girl said with a smile before leaning back to a girl sitting behind her to do the same.

"Goodluck to us indeed Cole." Caroline looked down at her paper and sigh in relief. 'Good thing Sir Prune is such a loving teacher.' She thought in gratitude curtly eyeing the teacher before gazing back at her paper.

"Alright, your one hour starts now."

Not long after Sir Prune declared the start of their exams, a deafening silence swallowed the entire classroom, and almost every student has their head down their hand scribbling on their examination papers.

Forty-five minutes have passed and movements can be heard from behind the classroom as Sonia stood up with her paper in hand, approaching the teacher with her back slouching.

"Are you done?" Sir Prune gently asked, careful not to disturb the other students. The girl nod with a smile. "Give me your paper then stay outside. Don't be too noisy okay?"

The girl mumbled a firm "Yes sir." Before grabbing her bag that was on the floor. Before exiting, she found Cole's eyes on her to which she immediately took notice and signed to her of the canteen.

Cole immediately nod going back to her paper and Sonia went out of the classroom with a sigh.


After the end of the first exam, a break was held for the students and  a poblematic grunt escaped Sonia.

"Why this for second subject?" She asked to herself eyeing the piece of paper with the exam schedule.

"General Mathematics." She and Dianne sigh again. "This is the worst!"

Cole watch her circle being swallowed by series of complaints about why Math still exist in Senior years.

"Its not that bad." She encouraged but her encouragement immediately flew out the window when Rianne spoke beside her.

"Its not bad for you since its your forte!"

The bells rang an indication of the starting of the next subject.

And the five of them including Yara instantly went back to their classroom where their General Mathematics teacher, Ms. Joy was waiting for them and asked them to form a line.

"So, this is the purpose of the line?" Caroline questions to herself watching different people sitting beside her. "To avoid cheating she changed the sitting arrangements."

"You can start!" Her teachers voice echoed in the room and immediately she looked down at the paper. All her worries doubling upon seeing the contents of the exam. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips before she started answering her paper. A minutes more have passed and she already give up, picking answers by just randomly landing her pen on which ever match and another minute later she found someone passing by her with a paper on hand and as she look up, the last she saw was Cole and Brianne going out of the classroom to while silently engaged in a conversation.

'What?! They're done already?!' She thought in surprise, instantly landing her gaze on Sonia a few seats away from her only to see her on the verge of taking a stand to pass her paper. 'I wish I have brains like that.' She thought before glancing back at her paper only to see that she's two more questions away from finishing the exams.

She hurriedly encircled the answers passing the paper the same time with Sonia who smiled at her.

"Good job for your hard work." The girl stated after the two of us were out of the classroom.

"I didn't do it properly." Caroline replied with a laugh.

"You're not the only one here!" She look at her in surprise, wasn't expecting her to not take the exam seriously.

"That's was unexpected." Caroline trailed off surprise hinting her voice. To which Sonia laughed off.

"Its okay Caroline, exams are not the measure of ones intelligence."

And with that, the conversation died down as Sonia vanish from her sight to go to the library where Dianne and the rest of her circle is waiting.

"Babe." Her gaze on the girl avert at her boyfriend that was standing behind her. She smiled pinching the boys cheeks.

"Let's have lunch."


Caroline's Point of View

Third period for exams started and I am inwardly cheering in delight upon seeing the same person sitting beside her.

"Cole, I didn't study." I said to the girl.

Cole look at her with a sheepish grin. "What a coincidence, I didn't study either."

"Then what are we going to answer?" The two of us looked at the busy Ms. Aimee on the other side of the room before slowly turning our heads to look at Sonia and Dianne that was seated at the back of the room busy on their paper. But then she glance up at us upon feeling our gaze on her.

I Instantly show my empty paper at her causing her to raise a brow.

"Your on test A" She mouthed to my direction.

Upon finding out the message, I immediately sulked, the test was divided into two test to avoid cheating, Test A and test B.

Saying that I'm in test A must instantly meant that she's in test B.

"This is bad." I mumbled to Cole sitting beside me.

"Yep, too bad for comfort." She calmly stated.

"It is indeed bad." A sweet voice in front of us stated, an all too familiar voice causing the two of us to flinch.

Me and Cole looked at our paper with a minus 5 signage the two of us looking at each other before bursting out in a whispered laugh.

Third Person's Point of View

Sonia watched as the two laugh their answers out sighing in the process.

"Ma'am Aimee will literally add more minus to the two later on."

And without a doubt, she was correct. As she watched the two she couldn't help but to rest her hand on her forehead resulting a facepalm.

"This is gonna be a hard examination day for those two."