
a Fisherman's Tale

Welcome to a simple tale of a humble fisherman. Follow along to see what comes of his adventures to truly be the best he can be

Goose_The_Moose · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Prologue, the world at hand

Hello there, this would be God speaking. I know it's unusual for me to interfere with such an interesting story, but I didn't do my best work here. Let me give you a quick guide to my world.

I worked to form this realm with my brother, such a great guy he even let me be considered the good one while he resurrects every so often to challenge our creation to see that it's still working well. Problem being lately he's gotten out of hand with his antics stupid little shit. It's made me have to start making heroes instead of letting people find their own way.

You see we made it my job to give people skills, stats and a job upon birth. One second another one needs to go out. Let's see, we haven't had a good blacksmith in a while. Let's see I think giving him the divine smith would be nice.

Ah, right you probably would like it explained. Skills help those with a job do so better. Imagine a warrior who was born to use a bow. Most would get the archery skill, some would get an improved version like archery expert or even legendary archer. It could also be just as likely when I don't interfere for the same fighter to end up with a cooking skill alongside his other skills.

Then comes the statistical abilities. Yes God does go and give some an edge though I took this fancy rock from a human and do it that way now. After giving a job and some skills I roll these things and tada you have a new human.

Anyways I do have my favorites. You'd think it would be the heroic types, but I prefer those that are enjoying their life and doing the best with what they have. Like this man. He is a simple fisherman who had an adventurer for a child. Wonderful man. He even has a grandson on the way. It's amazing how much he enjoys something.

For now I'll let you know him as Fisherman. He's a simple man, honestly not my best work. If I dropped him in a crowd even I could lose track of him. Plain black short hair, brown eyes, about average in height, same for his build. He even is at all 5s in his stats. Average as can be! Still he fascinates me. He doesn't complain or ask for favors. He just enjoys his life and continues forward no matter what. Truly a remarkable person.

I should let you go watch him now. Just make sure to enjoy the tale and I'll check in if I'm needed!

Thank you for reading the prologue. I wanted to make this from a gods perspective to simplify some world building and get a start for this on a different note. I will be trying to make a chapter every week though I do have work obligations outside of here for now. I thank you again for taking the time to read this prologue and I hope you enjoy the story of Fisherman!

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