
A Female Forensic Doctor Transmigrates into a Book as the Female Supporting Character

Yin Tao, a modern forensic doctor, transmigrated into a book and became the female lead's older sister. At the same time, she was also the female supporting character for the female lead.After reincarnating, the female lead helped to grow the family's business and married a handsome, talented man. Ever since then, her career and love life began to prosper.However, Yin Tao, who lived with her grandparents in the book, had always been jealous of the female lead because everyone in the family favored her over Yin Tao. Yin Tao grew up and became a forensic doctor. However, due to the nature of her work, she was shunned by her family. In the end, after much pressure from her family, she quit her job and married a man from a rich family.Ever since then, she has had to become a people-pleaser. She could only stand firmly on her feet thanks to her own family and children. Yin Tao was not interested in living such a sorrowful life. All she wanted was to escape from the original storyline and live the simple life she desired.Hence, Yin Tao moved out of the house almost instantly. She moved into a dormitory and buried herself in her work as a criminal investigator. She dealt with corpses every day. She also made use of her knowledge of the book's storyline to earn some money. Just as Yin Tao's life was beginning to get better, and just when she thought she had escaped from the original storyline, a murder crime linked her to the male supporting character who was infatuated with the female lead.Feng Jing became her direct superior! Fortunately, he didn't seem interested in her in the least bit. One day, Yin Tao and Feng Jing found themselves standing before a bloated cadaver that was salvaged from the river. Feng Jing's eyes widened while he looked at her. There was a glimmer in his eyes that could not quite be explained. Yin Tao started speaking hastily. "Don't fall in love with me. I'm only a myth.""..." Feng Jing was speechless.

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Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The next morning, Yin Tao was woken up by Bai Luo's cell phone ringing in the dormitory.

"Bai Luo, wake up. It's for you."

"Hello…" Bai Luo answered the call. When she heard Captain Chen's voice on the phone, she instantly sobered up. "What?! Zheng Jun is missing?"

Bai Luo swiftly got out of bed. "Alright, Master. I'll be right there!"

Yin Tao was also more than half awake by now. She rubbed her eyes and saw that Bai Luo was quickly getting dressed.

"Didn't Zheng Jun always have someone monitoring him?" Yin Tao looked at Bai Luo, who was already dressed, and asked in puzzlement.

"The police officers monitoring Zheng Jun realized that he hadn't gone out for a few days. By the time they felt that something was amiss and barged into Zheng Jun's residence, they realized that there was no one at home at all." Bai Luo carried her bag and turned to Yin Tao. "I'll go to the police station first. I heard from Master that Chief Wang is there. If Zheng Jun commits another crime, I'm afraid our division two will be penalized."

Yin Tao also realized the seriousness of the issue. After Bai Luo left, she hurriedly packed up and rushed to the police station.

When she reached the entrance of the conference room, she heard Chief Wang's stern reprimand.

"You can even lose track of a suspect! Is your division two skiving?!" Director Wang An was usually kind and gentle, but when he lost his temper, he would be so stern that no one would even dare to breathe aloud.

"Chief Wang, I was careless." Captain Chen was visibly upset . The few junior police officers beside him looked like they were on the brink of tears.

"Hey, Old Chen, it's not that I want to criticize you, but the Municipal Public Security Bureau just transferred Feng Jing over, and such a thing happened. Are we not making a fool of ourselves?!" Chief Wang and Captain Chen had worked together for many years, so he couldn't be too harsh with his words.

"It's my fault." Captain Chen lowered his head and said, "I've already arranged for people to conduct a thorough investigation of the places where Zheng Jun usually appears. As soon as he appears, the police will immediately provide an update."

"Hopefully, there better not be a fourth victim." Chief Wang sighed. Even the province took this serial murder case very seriously. If another victim appeared, it would be difficult for him to explain.

Chief Wang turned around and was about to leave when he saw Yin Tao standing outside the door. "You are…?"

"Hello, Chief Wang. I'm Dr. Su's disciple, Yin Tao." Yin Tao had been hesitating and didn't dare to go in. She didn't expect Chief Wang to walk out instead.

"Oh, it's that intern forensic doctor." Chief Wang suddenly remembered and smiled at Yin Tao. "I heard from Dr. Su that you're very capable. You're young and promising. Keep up the good work!"

"Yes, Chief Wang." Yin Tao nodded slightly as she watched Chief Wang leave.

As soon as she walked into the conference room, she saw a worried looking Bai Luo.

"Xiaotao, you're here." Although Bai Luo was not assigned to do the surveillance duty, she had always been very concerned about serial murder, hearing that the suspect went missing was undoubtedly the worst possible news.

"Eh, how's the situation?" Yin Tao was a little worried when she saw that everyone was looking downcast.

"What else can we do? That Zheng Jun is very cunning. We haven't had any evidence to apply for an arrest warrant. It wasn't easy for us to wait till he made a move, but when he did so, we lost him again." Xia Jin was also a little dejected. He already had a headache because of his hangover, and after suffering such a blow early in the morning, he couldn't muster his energy no matter what.

"Captain Chen, did Zheng Jun have any disputes with anyone recently?" Yin Tao felt that considering Zheng Jun's meticulous personality, he wouldn't disappear for no reason. He must have set his eyes on a new victim.

"No, I don't know if that guy had noticed already. He had been very quiet recently. Otherwise, the police officers we arranged wouldn't have let down their guard." Captain Chen regretted being lax recently. He thought that this case would be a long drawn out battle, little did he expect Zheng Jun to suddenly make a move.

"How can a person who committed three consecutive crimes stay low the whole time? Zheng Jun has a bit of an antisocial personality to begin with, so he won't be able to resist the urge to kill." Yin Tao recalled Zheng Jun's face and felt that he must have prepared for this crime for a long time.

"So in your opinion, the fourth victim will appear very soon?" Captain Chen was also feeling a little uneasy. Three consecutive murders were already bad enough. If another victim were to appear, City A's reputation would go down the drain.

"Captain Chen, are you saying that Zheng Jun didn't have any conflicts with anyone during this period of time? Did he witness any medical disputes?" Yin Tao suddenly thought of something and her tone became anxious.

"No, the police officer's report is very clear. Zheng Jun is usually amicable to people. There's no issue at all." Captain Chen looked at Yin Tao's serious expression and was eager to hear what she had to say next.