
A Fated Day

World travelled to far, in order: Arifureta, Ankoku Kishi Monogatari, Disclaimer: THE COVER IS NOT MINE. If you are the owner and want it removed, let me know. All characters used in this fanfiction are not mine except the OCs. All characters go to their respective owners. ====Synopsis If one asked the terrifying strong beings that lives throughout space, they would undoubtedly say, “it’s the one that lives at the center of all.” ... A man who had been studying aboard for a long time, finally returns back to his homeland. But unfortunately, Fate had other plans for him. Due to an unfortunate event, ended up separated from his family during a world transportation. Using the system that he has, he becomes stronger in hope of reuniting with his family. but along the way, he finds out his true identity as well as meet companions that he will deeply care for. Even Fate didn't foresee that thing that she shook awake... That thing called— Or so they thought... ========Extra Info ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE SO EXPECT SOME MISTAKES SUCH AS GRAMMAR AND BAD USE OF WORDS. WARNING! A BIT OF NETORARE IN CHAPTER 2 (When the MC's father cheated on the MC's mother) BUT THAT’S IT.

Lunare · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 27

"Yue, troublesome people are coming. You stay here and watch over our group with Shea. I'll go and ask them to leave." Seal went next to Yue and whispered.

"Un." Yue nodded as she told Shea and the group of heroes.

Meanwhile, Seal waited for the arrival of the unknown people. He wanted no trouble tonight as he was in a good mood for an unknown reason. The other reason is that he wanted to have more time to spend with Yue and Shea.

Not soon after, a group of 3 burly men appeared. The first thing they noticed was Seal up ahead, blocking their way.

"Who are you?" One of the men asked while trying to intimidate Seal.

"You don't need to know." Seal did not get affected as he shook his head and responded calmly.


"Stop it!" The leader of the group, seeing one of his men about to attack Seal, hurriedly stopped him. Perhaps if they weren't transporting a cargo, then whether his men attacked Seal or not didn't matter to him. But if fought with this unknown person, then the goods might be damaged. And that would mean less profit for them.

"Is there something wrong?" The leader asked while putting on a smile.

"There's nothing wrong, but I ask you to take another route." Seal answered in the same tone as before.

"Hah? Why would we do that?" One of the men couldn't help but let out a dissatisfied voice.

"Because I don't like you guys."

The group of burly men was surprised when they heard that, but they soon became angry.

"Brat, what are you talking about!?" One of the men rushed toward Seal why swinging his sword.

"I'm not saying it twice." Seal said, then he gave a kick at the charging man.

The man received the kick head-on, thinking it would be weak. But his face twisted in horror in the next moment. The seemingly ordinary kick had a tremendous force behind it. And when it made an impact with the charging man, it sent him flying back.

"Sh*t! Get him!" The leader yelled at his other men.

Meanwhile, Seal stared coldly at the charging men while standing still.

The leader saw a chance and rushed toward Seal while aiming his blade at his head.

"Haha, die for me, bra—"

The leader suddenly felt something was wrong. He couldn't make a sound anymore!

The next thing he knew, the world turned upside down for him. And in front of him was a body without ahead.

'Did he die just like that?' The leader was shocked. He did not expect Seal to die like this.

"No, it's not what you think." He heard a cold but familiar voice. Isn't this the voice of the brat they were attacking?!

Before he could say anything, his vision turned black. It was then that he realized that the headless body was not Seal but his!

He had provoked a monster!

But, now it was too late to regret.

The head of the leader rolled on the ground until it came to a stop. Behind the leader's head were his three subordinates' decapitated heads.

Meanwhile, Seal kept his cold stare and spoke in a frosty tone.

"I gave you guys a chance. You should've taken it."

He walked toward the carriage of the dead men to see if there were any valuables in it.

On the carriage, inside a box, many weapons ranging from short ones to long ones.

He inspected the weapons with appraisal and found that they were of good quality. Furthermore, the number of system points he would get if he sold them was considerably good.

He stored all the weapons equipment inside his system storage.

Then he noticed something in the corner of his left eye. It was something covered in a big piece of rag.

He went over and took the rag off.

And what was beneath that rag was a small cage.

Inside that cage held a child-like figure. It was a little girl.

She had sky blue hair and eyes along with ears that looked like fins.


A/N: Sorry for not giving you guys an update, I had to make up some work from school that I missed when I visited my grandparents' house, and it took quite a long time. But now I'm officially back to writing.