
A Fantastical Journey

In wold that is suddenly covered in darkness. Sulien must uncover the truths of the strange events that are beginning to happen. Animal begin to devour each other while humans become insane. In this crisis Sulien must discover his destiny. The beginning part of the story will start out in a type of apocalypse fashion in which the main character unlocks a new power which many people are also gaining. His goal is to reunite with his family and to do that he has to travel across the country. This is my first story and I am writing to pass the time, it will be a fan-fic from many sources most of these will start out subtle. There will probably be many grammar mistakes as I am not a very good writer. I am a very slow writer and the update will probably be not very frequent as I will write when I feel like it.

RegisofNex · Others
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10 Chs

V1-CH3: Abomination

Saying I was afraid is an understatement. No, more than that I felt disgusted; a creature like that shouldn't exist it is an abomination.

"John, Ratsel the apartment is in the next block, let's just hurry up"

The three of us start running again, I look behind me and see the mutated deer is slowly walking towards us. I quickly turn back around and lead the two into the apartment. Once inside I start pushing the sofa in the lobby to the door.

"You guys!! I need your help, we need to barricade before that thing reaches us".

John: "What do you mean what thing".

"I saw the thing that tore the dog in half, it saw us and is coming here right now".

John: "Ok, I don't know what's out there, but if you think we need to do this ill follow".


John and I both look over and see that Ratsel has collapsed. That's not possible, Ratsel is in the college volleyball team she shouldn't collapse from such a light run. We both reach Ratsel and check her condition, her body is completely limp and her heart is beating really fast.

John: "Her condition is similar to your when you fainted earlier".

John picks her up and lays her down on the carpet.

"Just give her some time, I think she will wake up soon."

John just nods and we return to barricading the apartment entrance. Once we finish we quickly carry Ratsel to the elevator and head to the third floor where our room is. I quickly turn on the TV hoping to make sense of the situation. Unfortunately, the television is not working. I check my phone and see that there is no signal or wifi. I was hoping to call my parents to see if they are alright but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen.

I walk over and start talking with John and telling him what I saw in the old professor's house, he has a hard time believing what I said but cannot disprove it either. I return to my room and start packing, taking anything that could help with whatever is outside. During our conversation, John and I both agreed to head towards Waukesha, Wisconsin where Ratsel's father is.

While I am packing I hear a loud deafening noise, and the noise continues in quick intervals.

John: "Sulien!!! Come here quicky it the mutant deer you were talking about".

I take what little I have packed and quickly run over and see John standing by the window. I approach the window and see what appears to be the mutant deer being attacked by two police officers. They are shooting their pistols but the damage towards it doesn't seem to be very deep.

As the police keep shooting, one of them runs out of bullets. The mutant deer noticing this quickly approaches the officer and stomps him down with its legs. The officer's chest caves in at the sheer weight of the assaulting animal and immediately dies. The other police officer seeing his partner die succumbs to fear, he drops his weapon and begins sprinting away. The mutant deer begins chasing the officer and impales him in the back with its elongated horns. The officer gasps for breath as blood comes out from his mouth and he slowly dies. The deer noticing the death of the officer swings it's head and tosses the corpse to the ground. It slowly walks up to the corpse and begins eating it.

John and I both watch this in silence, we are both unable to accept the event that occurred in front of us.

"We have an even bigger reason to escape this place now"

John only nods and grabs his backpack and empties it of the books. I start walking back to my room when I hear some rustling. It looks like Ratsel is awake now.

John: "Ratsel are you ok, you just passed out on us when we entered the apartment".

Ratsel: "I think I am ok, I was in the weird dream surrounded by darkness; it felt like the darkness was trying to swallow me. It was slowly climbing up my legs but then I saw this light when I looked at it It turned into a giant lizard, it had beady eyes, its skin was green with red stripes and had spikes going down its back. After that, I was awake again and found myself in your apartment."

"That sounds similar to my dream, except I didn't see a lizard but a ball of fire."

John: "I don't know what is going on but we have to get out of here, we will fill you in on the details on the way."

"Guys we have a problem and that is the beast outside, it took out two police officers easily. We have to find a way to protect ourselves we need some weapons."

John: "Down on the second floor there is a resident that has a bunch of hunting rifles and bows. I am sure if we explain the situation to he will help us out."

"We also need a car, we can't get to Mr. Lee's (Mr. Lee is Ratsel's Father, Her full name is Ratsel Lee) house on foot. Who know's what we will encounter on the way there."

John: "My car is in the Apartment garage we can get it once we go down."

"Ok, sounds good, lets head to the second floor to get some weapons; Ratsel can you finish the packing we will be right back."

John and I quickly use the stairs to head down one floor. Immediately I smell iron, looking over I can see many broken doors there are patches of blood everywhere. The two of us quickly approach the room closest to the stairs, the door is on the floor broken at the hinges. I take a peek and notice that no one is inside. I wave at John and the two of us slowly enter the room. There was no one inside, it seems like the resident hasn't returned home yet. Whoever broke the door probably left because no one was home. I walk over to the kitchen and notice a knife laying there, I pick it up. My hands shake a little bit, still afraid of whatever it is that is out there. I walk over and exit the kitchen and see that John is holding a chair up pointing at something. I look over and see a man standing at the exit of the apartment room. His hands are covered in blood and his eyes are completely glossed over.