
Lighting a path

"Host why are you not using the Byakugan to its fullest potential." the system said after having it's way with me. I was bruised and battered, with cuts all over but that wasn't what was one my mind right now. Even the systems question went in one ear and out another. No, the question I had was this. "Why the hell did you keep spamming one thousand years of death. I was taking the fight seriously and using techniques I had been working on for months and you literally put your finger up my ass," I said as I lay on my belly in pain and indignant. The system giggled. It giggled. I made a vow at that moment that one day I would wreck this fool or die trying. After making this promise to myself I ran through what the system had initially said and was confused. "Dude, the Byakugan hasn't been relevant since Naruto kicked Negi's butt. Why would I use it when even Kaguya didn't." I said thinking that this was common sense. Though Kisimoto claimed up and down that the Hyuuga and the Byakugan were the strongest in the hidden leaf there was no evidence to confirm this. Since I have it I realize that it is useful but I knew it wasn't anything special in front of hacks like Susanoo, Mangekyo Sharingan, or any of the crazy stuff that the Uchiha pulled off. Over its giggle fit the system seemed to be able to tell what I was thinking and sighed. " You lack imagination host. Just because the author was an idiot and down played its power because of his aforementioned idiotcy doesn't mean that you could." the system began going into lecture mode, " You are not in the Naruto world and you are not being oppressed by an idiot so you should be able to use the Byakugan's true power. If you had not noticed the Byakugan can see a lot more than just chakra and can interact with the things it sees if its user is competent and has enough power. You would have eyes akin to a gods." the system said ending it speach. But a light bulb went off in my mind. I had to ask this question before I made anymore plans. "System does chakra, ninjustu, genjutsu, and techniques from the show work the same as they did in the series." I asked suspecting the answer but needing it confirmed. Sighing at its host slowness. " No host. While some of the basics are the same the advanced techniques and principles that govern chakra are not the same for you as they would be in the Naruto world. This same logic goes for the powers you gain from the Nasuverse system but to a lesser extent as it had more logic but into it by its creator and didn't need as many improvements. Host will have to figure out most of the changes on his own but you have the potential to exceed the highest levels reached in either series." The system said answering my questions and shedding new light on what an opportunity I had. I was in a world with advanced technology that I could use to aid not only in developing axillary tools but deepening my understanding of how both chakra and mana interacted with my body and forging my own path to Opness. I had a lot of work to do, not the least of which was preparing for the coming invasion. I turned to the system and said," We have three years to make me a jonin level fighter. That's not a lot of time. Let's get to work." After my statement the system smile and changed into Kaguya and proceed to beat into, I mean teach me the proper of Byakugan until my time was up.

Points deducted from having the system point out obvious stuff 2000.
