
Chapter 20: The store again

It wasn't long before Sirius and Willow's relationship was the talk of the school. It seemed everyone had an opinion on it. Many girls – mainly those who fancied Sirius themselves – felt it a scam, but the others – like her friends – congratulated her on tying down the infamous, single marauder.

"You know," Willow mused as they sat in the common room, Sirius' head in her lap, "I don't know what they're more surprised about, the fact that Lily said yes to James," She gestured to the couple who were doing homework together, "or the fact that we're going out."

From her lap, Sirius shrugged, his eyes closed as Willow played with his hair.

"Personally," he said, "I don't care. There's worse things out in the world, such as Voldemort and his ever growing army that should be discussed, not who's going out with who."

Willow smiled down at him.

"You're right, of course," she told him, "But I still think that our relationship is a lighter and more carefree topic than that of Voldemort and his every growing army, as you so put it."

Again, Sirius shrugged before sitting up.

"I want to fight." He said.

"Excuse me?" Lily asked, her head snapping up from her homework, her eyes narrowed.

Sirius rolled his eyes at her.

"I don't want to pick a fight," he said. "I want to fight Voldemort, join the resistance."

"Oh," Lily said before biting her lip and glancing at James who was looking at Sirius.

"I hear you," James said. "I wouldn't mind doing something to fight Voldemort. He shouldn't get away with it, and if Dumbledore can stand up to him, I don't see why the rest of us can't."

Lily looked at him like he was crazy.

"Probably because we'd get killed?" she questioned her eyes wide. "Honestly, James, going against you-know-who is the stupidest idea I've ever heard off."

"Why is it?" James asked, eyeing her. "Dumbledore does it."

"That's because Dumbledore's a powerful wizard!" Lily cried. "He defeated Grindelwald and you-know-who's not stupid enough to try and go against him!" she looked round at Willow. "You agree with me, right?"

Willow shook her head.

"Sorry, Lils," she said. "But if there is a group out there to stop Voldemort, I'm going to join it." She looked at Sirius who was looking at her with a distinct look of pride. "It's not right what he's doing, and if he can be stopped, then I don't see why we shouldn't."

Across from her, Lily sighed, deeply.

"Fine," she said resignedly. "Seeing as you all seem so content to kill yourselves, but," she added as James grinned. "Don't come crying to me when you do die, because all I'll have to say is I told you so."

James laughed and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead.

"You worry too much, Lils," he told her. "We've still got at least at least seven months of school left before we join the real world, and, hopefully, by that point, we'll have learnt everything we need to know in order to do battle."

Lily still looked unconvinced, but the topic of Voldemort was dropped and turned instead towards Christmas which was fast approaching.

"Are you staying at Hogwarts?" Sirius asked looking at Willow.

Willow shook her head.

"No," she told him. "I'm spending it with my Dad; he gets a bit lonely this time of year."

Sirius nodded in understanding, but looked slightly crestfallen.

Willow smiled.

"But don't worry," she said. "I'm coming back to Hogwarts before the new year, so we get to spend the first day of the New Year together."

Sirius nodded, looking slightly happier than before.

"Speaking of Christmas," Lily said, glancing at them. "What do you want for Christmas, Willow? You're the only person I haven't got a present for."

All three of them stared at her.

"What?" she asked, slightly defensively.

"You've Christmas shopped already?" Sirius asked, in disbelief. "But it's only the middle of November!"

"Exactly," Lily retorted. "We've only got one Hogsmeade weekend before we break up for the holidays." She gestured to the notice board where the Hogsmeade notice was stationed.

Both James and Sirius swore when they realised she was right, earning a disapproving glare from Lily while Willow hid a smile.

"I hate Christmas shopping," Sirius groaned, slumping in his seat. "I never know what to get anyone."

Willow laughed and kissed his cheek.

"I'm very happy with what I've got," she said. "And a box of chocolates wouldn't go down to bad either." She added with a wink.

Sirius grinned at her and lightly kissed her.

"You're a great girlfriend," he murmured. "But I'm getting you something more than a box of chocolates, I think you deserve a bit of spoiling."

Willow smiled and returned the kiss before turning her attention to Lily.

"What do you say that after shopping with my friends for you guys presents, you and I go shopping for theirs, and pick something out for these two." She jerked her thumb towards Sirius and James.

Lily nodded, looking exited.

"Sounds good," she said, "I do love Christmas shopping."

"And you two," Willow said turning to face James and Sirius, "get to spend a whole day finding everyone you're giving a present too, a present."

James nodded.

"Sounds like a plan," he agreed. "We've got to get Mum and Dad one, Remus, Peter, Lily, Willow and one for each other," he said, ticking them off on his hand. "That's ten presents between us, cause we usually do a join gift for Mum and Dad." He added, glancing at Sirius, who nodded.

"What exactly do we get for your parents this year?" he asked.

James shrugged.

"Probably a new china tea set, seeing as you broke the last one." He told him.

Sirius frowned before nodding.

"Yeah, I forgot about that." He said. "Yeah, well we'll get that for you Mum, and we'll get your Dad that whiskey he likes –Jack Daniels."

James nodded in agreement and the two began to discuss what they were going to get their friends causing both Lily and Willow to shake their heads in amusement.

Soon, the Hogsmeade weekend was upon them and after eating breakfast with Sirius, James, Remus, Peter and Lily, Willow headed down to Hogsmeade with Isabella, Lacretia and Mary.

"So," Lacretia said as they walked. "I take it that it's going very well with Sirius Black?" she smirked.

Willow smiled.

"Yup," she said. "He's brilliant."

"Is that all?" Lacretia asked, staring wide-eyed at her. "You're not going to give us any juicy gossip?"

Willow, Isabella and Mary laughed. Out of all of them, Lacretia was the biggest gossip in the group.

"No," Willow said. "I don't kiss and tell."

Lacretia sighed loudly but dropped the subject as they reached Hogsmeade and she was distracted by the thought of shopping.

The first shop they entered was the book shop where Willow bought Lily the new Hogwarts: A history, due to the fact that it was what Lily had specifically requested. She then proceeded to get Remus a book on different kinds of magical creatures – mostly due to the fact that he was a werewolf, a page she was defiantly editing.

When they had finished in that shop, they headed towards Honeydukes where they bought some sweets for themselves and Willow bought chocolate for Remus and Peter and a bag of Berite Bott's every flavour beans for Lily. From there they moved onto Zonko's where Willow bought Peter a bag of Dungbombs and James and Sirius a small bag of pranks.

When twelve o'clock came, Willow bid goodbye to her friends before departing for the Three Broomsticks where she had agreed to meet Lily and the Marauders for lunch.

"There she is!" Sirius cried, upon spotting her, a grin spread across his handsome face. "Good Morning, love?"

Willow nodded and allowed him to kiss her before settling into a seat between him and Lily just as Madam Rosmerta arrived, ready to take their order.

"Rosmerta," Sirius said winking, his hand slipping around Willow's wait. "Have you met Willow? My girlfriend."

Madam Rosmerta blinked, obviously surprised before grinning.

"Sirius, hon," she said. "That's wonderful, and from the looks of her, she's a keeper." She winked at Willow who smiled back.

"I know," Sirius replied proudly, grinning at her and causing Willow to blush.

Madam Rosmerta beamed at the both of them before bustling off to collect their orders.

"You didn't have to do that." Willow muttered.

"Do what?" Sirius asked, looking at her.

"Tell her that I'm your girlfriend."

Sirius' eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"But I want to show you off." He said.

Willow blushed beat red.

"Oh, well," she said, suddenly flustered, causing Sirius to be amused, but was saved from him asking any questions by Madam Rosmerta who bought them their food, causing Sirius, who was starving, to divert his attention to the food instead.

After an enjoyable lunch and a rather lengthy kiss with their respected partners, both Willow and Lily headed off on their own to shop.

"Any stores in mind?" Lily asked as they walked.

Willow nodded.

"Gladrags Wizards wear," she told Lily. "Isabella wants a top from there and I saw some earrings for Lacretia in there."

"Gladrags it is." Lily said and steered them there.

They entered the shop and Willow quickly located the top and earrings that had seen and purchased them before they exited the shop, they nipped into the book shop and Willow bought Mary a small book of magical facts vs. fiction before they headed out of the shop and down the street, looking at shops.

They came upon the shop that Willow had visited with Professor Century and she was struck with an idea.

"Here," she said, pointing to the shop. "James and Sirius will love it."

Lily glanced at the shop and shrugged before allowing Willow to lead her in.

The bell tingled as they walked in and Willow smiled as she took in the smell – dust with a hint of vanilla.

"How can I help – Willow, what a lovely surprise. That's twice in one year."

Willow turned to see Ernie stood there and smiled.

"It's good to see you again, Ernie." She said. "This is my friend, Lily Evans." She gestured to Lily, who waved and causing Ernie to smile.

"What can I do for you ladies?" he asked.

"Christmas presents," Willow said. "For our boyfriends, oh, and Professor Century, you know, the guy I bought in the last time."

Ernie nodded, he never forgot a face.

"The handsome one, yes," he said. "He was a nice man. How is he?"

"He's fine," Willow replied airily, eyeing some pottery. "Elfin?" she asked, looking at Ernie.

He nodded.

"Yes," he said. "The elves have worked hard this year."

Willow nodded.

"You got any elfin stuff you think Professor Century might like?" she asked.

Ernie looked thoughtful.

"Maybe," he said. "Follow me." With that he began to walk towards the back of the store, Willow and Lily following.

"I'm sure there's some stuff back here," Ernie said, shifting a pile of boxes.

But Willow ignored him. She had just found something that would suit the boys perfectly.

Reaching out she touched the necklaces, fingering the small, silver full moon that hung on the end.

"Ernie," she asked, turning to face him. "What are these?"

Ernie turned to face her and pushed the glasses he was wearing back up his nose.

"Oh," he said. "There rare, they are." He hobbled over to the necklaces and gently removed them from the stand. "Fairy made chains, soft but strong – vertically indestructible," he pulled hard on the string to prove his point, "and Elfin made moons," he gestured to the moon.

Willow smiled slightly.

"I'll take four." She said.