
Chapter 19: Last resort


The hospital wing doors opened and Sirius turned to see Willow sidle through the door, shutting it quietly behind her.

He grinned and sat up straighter.

"Where have you been?" he asked as she walked towards him, before frowning as he noticed her tear stained face. "What's the matter, is every-"

He was cut off as, without a word, Willow leaned down and captured his lips with her own, effectively silencing him.

It had been nearly a week since Sirius was released from the Hospital Wing and he hadn't spoken to Willow since the kiss. He had been shocked – but pleasantly surprised – when she kissed him, and had been about to kiss back when the Hospital Wing doors had opened, causing her to pull back just as Mr and Mrs Potter had entered, figuring that they had wanted to speak to Sirius alone, she had left leaving behind a very stunned – and semi-aroused – Sirius.

He had tried speaking to her at meal times but she was always surrounded by her friends and by the time he managed to get away from his friends she was gone. He had then waited in the common room, but she no longer hung out there.

Finally, after five days, Sirius decided that something had to be done and hiding inside a broom closet on the fourth floor that he knew she had to walk past to get to her next lesson from Charms, he waited – a small crack in the door – until she came past, and then, he struck.

Snapping his arms out, he grabbed her around the waist with one, while the other slid over her mouth, stopping her scream as he dragged her into the broom closet. He managed to close the door when she bit him, causing him to cry out in pain and withdraw his hand from her.

"What the fuck!" he cried, inspecting his hand.

"Sirius?" her voice sounded surprised.

"Yes of course," Sirius snapped. "What did you bite me for?"

"You put your hand over my mouth and dragged me into a broom closet." She replied, sounding annoyed. "What did you expect?"

Sirius just glared at her in the dark and she rolled her eyes.

"I've got to go, I have a lesson to get too." She moved towards the door, but Sirius was quicker, wordlessly he pointed his wand at the door and the lock clicked in place.

Willow turned to face him and raised an eyebrow causing him to smirk, before she pulled out her wand and pointed it at the door, nothing happened.

"It won't release us until I allow it to," Sirius told her, folding his arms. "And unless you care to explain why you're avoiding me, it's going to stay locked for a long time."

Across from him, Willow sighed.

"I'm not avoiding you," she said, running a hand through her hair. "I'm just-"

"Avoiding you?" Sirius supplied.

Willow sighed again.

"I'm busy," she said. "I have things to do."

"Uh-Hu," Sirius said, disbelievingly. "Well, we still need to talk, about what happened."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Willow said, folding her arms.

Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" he asked. "Then, perhaps, I should refresh your memory," and in one, swift movement, he had crossed the small gap between them and pressed his lips to her.

Her response was immediate.

Her arms wrapped round his neck, pulling him closer. Her lips parted under his allowing him to dip his tongue into her mouth, electing a moan from her lips, and then, just as suddenly as it started, it stopped.

Sirius stared at Willow who had pulled out and was looking at her feet, blushing furiously; he smirked as he saw this and pulled her head up with his finger.

"Why are you embarrassed?" he asked, softly.

Willow chewed her lip, a habit, Sirius noticed, she did when she was nervous.

"I like you, Sirius," she blurted out. "I like you, a lot."

Sirius grinned.

"I noticed." He said.

Willow shook her head.

"I don't just mean as friends Sirius," she said, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "I want to be more than friends; I want us to be something."

Sirius let out a deep chuckle causing Willow to glare at him.

"If you think that me saying this is so funny," she snapped. "Then maybe you should just fu-"

Sirius lowered his lips to hers, effectively silencing the swear word that was about to escape her lips.

"I want us to be something too, Willow." He murmured, resting his forehead against hers. "I don't know why, but you've got me under your spell, caught in your trap, however you want to put it, I want to be with you, have done for a while." He fiddled with a curl of her hair. "You entice me Willow Briar," he murmured, looking into her eyes. "And I want to know you, all of you."

"And when you know me?" Willow asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Sirius grinned.

"I want to continue spending every moment with you."

Willow grinned, the grin reaching her eyes.

"That's good enough for me." She murmured before pulling him down for another kiss.

Sirius complied instantly.

Isabella sat in Defence against the dark arts, impatiently tapping her foot. They had only been in the lesson for ten minutes, but Willow had not showed up and Isabella was slightly worried for her friend.

The door to the classroom opened and the whole class turned to see Willow walk in.

Isabella couldn't help but stare.

Her hair was a mess and her shirt was un-tucked from her skirt. She watched as Willow coughed embarrassedly and ran a hand through her tangle of curls.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor." She said, smiling meekly. "Something came up."

To her surprise, Professor Century just smiled.

"Take a seat, Miss Briar. You will stay after class to discuss what shall happen."

Willow nodded and headed towards the spare seat next to Isabella. She took her book out and flipped it over to the correct page number as Professor Century continued his lecture.

What happened to you? IM

I'll tell you later – WB

Tell me now – IM

Fine – Sirius and I kissed –WB

What? When? IM

Five minutes ago, he grabbed me after charms – WB

And? IM

And, what? – WB

Was it good? Did you enjoy it? Did he feel you up? IM

Yes, yes and maybe – WB


It was the best snog I've ever had – WB

I can tell, you look a wreck btw IM

Don't care. I'm soooo happy - WB

I'm glad – oh, and btw, told you so! IM

She watched as Willow smiled in amusement before leaning towards her.

"Guess you did." She murmured before returning to her work.

Isabella watched her friends and smiled. She really hoped it worked out for Sirius and Willow, after all, she had never seen her friends this happy, ever.

The class trailed out of the classroom leaving Sirius alone with Willow, who approached his desk, chewing her lip.

"I'm really sorry, Professor," she apologised. "Trust me, it wasn't intentional lateness. I just," she blushed, embarrassed. "Got side tracked."

"I noticed," Sirius said, folding his arms and leaning back in his chair. "I take it things went well with Mr Black?"

Willow nodded, her face heating up even more and Sirius grinned happily to himself.

"In light of recent events," he said, "I will let you off this time with a warning, and I suggest you tell Mr Black not to delay you the next time."

Willow nodded.

"Thanks, Professor," she said, grinning at him. "For everything."

Sirius smiled.

"It's no problem, Willow," he said. "Enjoy yourself but spare me the public displays of affection."

Willow laughed at this causing Sirius' grin to widen before, with a small wave, she slipped out of the classroom leaving Sirius to congratulate himself.

Finally, something seemed right in the world.

Willow exited the classroom, extremely happy.

"What are you smiling about?"

Willow turned to see Sirius leaning casually against the door, a grin on his handsome face. Seeing him caused her to smile.

"Hey," she murmured, walking towards him. "What are you doing here?" she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Sirius' grin widened.

"I thought it'd be polite to wait for my girlfriend after class," he explained. "Lily seems to like it when James does it for her."

Willow's smile widened.

"I'm your girlfriend?" she asked.

Sirius nodded.

"Of course, I'm not usually a kiss and leave guy, I tend to like to see my relationships through."

Willow laughed.

"What relationships?" she teased.

"Alright, this relationship," Sirius amended, looking down at her and cupping her face in his hands.

Willow smiled and reached up to place a gentle kiss on his lips. Sirius, however, had other ideas and deepened it.

Willow was just getting into it when a pointed cough broke them apart. Turning she blushed as she found Professor Century stood behind them, an eyebrow raised.

"I believe I asked you to spare me the public display of affection, Miss Briar." He said sternly, ruined slightly by his smile.

"Sorry," Willow smiled. "Won't happen again."

Professor Century nodded before turning and heading towards the Great Hall for dinner.

Willow watched him go before turning back to Sirius, who looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

"He wanted to know how we were," she said. "After all, you did make me late for class."

Sirius shrugged, unbothered before taking her hand and walking down the corridor.

"How did he know about us anyway?" he asked.

Willow smiled.

"He was the one who persuaded me to kiss you in the first place, although he said I should talk to you about my feelings, not actually kiss you, but you get the gist." She told him.

Sirius nodded, looking stunned.

"Wow," he said. "He is possibly the coolest teacher, ever."

Willow laughed and released her hand from his, instead wrapping it around his waist.

"Don't tell him that," she said. "His head will swell and then it'll be bigger than yours." She teased.

Sirius looked down at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Are you making fun of me?" he asked.

Willow grinned cheekily back.

"Of course," she said. "What did you expect?"

Sirius grinned.

"Not this," he admitted before leaning down and kissing her again.

And, as they found a more private place, Willow had to admit he was right. Whatever it was that she had expected out of life, it wasn't this.

Maybe, she thought, life was an unexpected event; something you couldn't predict for it was constantly changing. But, for this moment, right here, she was happy.