
Chapter 16: Halloween Ball

Tuesday arrived faster than they thought and while the Heads, Prefects and Professors walked down to the Quidditch pitch to decorate it, for it was decided, after much begging and pleading by James and several other Quidditch fanatic prefects, that the Halloween ball would be held there.

After much persisting and consultation with the other Professors, Dumbledore had agreed and so the Quidditch pitch was decorated to the hilt with pumpkin candles that floated in mid-air, a dance floor covered most of the Quidditch pitch while several tables lay out filled with a buffet of Halloween treats that the house-elves had cooked up.

Professor McGonagall had transfigured the Quaffle into a full moon and levitated it high into the air before Professor Flitwick charmed it so that it bathed the Quidditch pitch in an eerie glow. James, on the other hand, made a mental note to inform Remus on the fake full moon before he got down here and freaked.

Meanwhile, up in the sixth year Gryffindor girls dorms, Willow and her friends were getting ready. All four of them were rushing around, fixing their hair, doing their make-up and struggling to put on their costumes.

"Zip me up?" Isabella asked to which Mary complied, holding pins in her mouth.

"How do I look?" Lacretia asked twirling in the short, white toga with a green sash that was her Artemis outfit; she had a crossbow slung across her back.

"You look great," Willow said smiling at her before sticking a pin in the complicated twist that she had decided upon, before standing up and pulling her dress up. "There," she said, satisfied. "What do you think?"

She turned to face her friends who all nodded before making last minute adjustments to their own costumes.

Isabella straightened out one of the pink ruffles on her dress and curled one of her curls round her finger before letting it go, it bounced straight into place.

"Everyone ready?" she asked.

They nodded and huddled together as Mary charmed the camera.

"Cheese!" they all cried just as the camera clicked, taking a photo of them all.

Grinning at one another, they donned their cloaks and headed down towards the Quidditch pitch, anxious for the party to start.

Upon arriving at the Quidditch pitch, Willow was pleased to find that it was crowded, meaning no-one was paying much attention to her costume. Hanging her cloak on a peg, she headed through the crowd.


Willow turned to see Lily Evans walking toward her looking gorgeous in a one shoulder, short, dark, green dress. Her red hair fell down her back and she had managed to charm some ivy vines to stay wrapped around her.

"What do you think?" she asked, doing a little twirl.

Willow smiled appreciatively.

"Poison Ivy." She said, nodding.

Lily nodded.

"I know she's a villain," she commented. "But she's my favourite."

"I can see why." Willow replied.

"Hey girls, wow, Lils, you look amazing."

Lily blushed at the comment that James gave her as he stared at her outfit.

"Hi James," Willow said with a smile. "Nice costume," she added gesturing to the Quidditch robes he was wearing. "Let me guess, Arnold McKinney?" she said, referring to the Tornadoes lead chaser.

James nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "Sirius wanted to come as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, whoever they are."

Both Lily and Willow grinned.

"There characters from the muggle film, Star Wars." Lily informed him. "Who's he come as instead?"

"Someone called Hans Solo," James told them. "He managed to get Peter to come as Chewbacca, whoever that is."

Both Lily and Willow burst into peals as laughter while James looked confused.

"Where are they?" Willow managed to ask, through her laughter.

James turned and pointed to where Sirius was stood by the refreshments table next to a disgruntled looking Peter who was wearing an extremely hairy costume that wasn't that far off a werewolf's costume. Sirius, who was stood beside him, was dressed in a pair of black, tight fitting trousers with a black belt slung over the top and a holster wrapped round the middle of his leg which appeared to contain a fake gun, a pair of black boots covered his feet while on top he wore a three-quarters sleeved shirt that revealed quite a bit of his chest, a black waistcoat was slung on top.

Willow grinned as she saw him and excusing herself from James and Lily's presence, she made her way towards them.

"Nice costume, Sirius, Peter." She said grinning at them.

Peter let out a noise that sounded as though he was disgusted while Sirius glared at him before turning to face Willow.

"Thank you," he said, grinning charmingly at her. "And I take it, this is your costume." He admired the dress and Willow felt a light blush cross her cheeks and was thankful for the dim lighting. "Professor Century was wrong," Sirius murmured. "You don't look beautiful, you look stunning." Willow blushed harder as Sirius looked her dead in the eye.

"Thanks." She stammered.

Sirius grinned before bowing low.

"Would you care to grace me with a dance, ma'am?" he asked.

Willow giggled at this before accepting the dance and allowing him to take her hand and lead her onto the dance floor.

Sirius stood on the edge of the dance floor, dressed impeccably in the tuxedo he had picked out on Saturday, with Isabella's help, and watched the dancing couples. He smiled as he watched Lily and James dance, seemingly oblivious of what was going around them as they stared into each other's eyes.

He watched them for several moments before allowing his eyes to drift across the dance floor.

A flash of blue caught his eye and he found himself staring at Willow who was laughing as her partner twirled her. Sirius glanced at her partner and blinked as he saw the Hans Solo costume they were wearing, before letting a grin cross his face as he realised it was him. He watched as his younger self said something to Willow that caused her to laugh harder and clutch at him as he led her around the dance floor. His younger self was grinning widely, his grey eyes sparkling as he looked down at the giggling woman in his arms.

As Sirius watched this, an idea struck him.

Just because he, at thirty-six couldn't be with Willow, didn't mean his younger self couldn't. After all, if he loved Willow as she was now, and then surely his younger self would? The only thing, of course, he thought as he watched them, would how to get them together without either one being suspicious?

Willow was a highly intelligent girl and would surely notice if she was being set up, as would his younger self.

He would have to think about this in more detail, he thought, as he watched the couple dance.

But it was definitely an idea to consider.


Sirius turned to see Professor Sprout stood there; Sirius had to admit she looked very nice in the emerald green robes she was wearing.

"Pomona," he said, bowing low.

Professor Sprout giggled and Sirius bit on his lip to stop the grin that threatened to spread across his face at this.

"Would you like to dance?" Professor Sprout asked, her cheeks holding a rosy tint to them.

Sirius smiled, Professor Sprout had been one of his favourite teachers at school when he was younger.

"Of course, Pomona," he said, "I'd be absolutely delighted." And with that, he took her hand in his and walked her onto the dance floor just as a waltz began to play.

Sirius and Willow came off the dance floor laughing hard. They had just enjoyed a very enjoyable dance that had mostly consisted of laughter rather than dance.

"Here you go," Sirius said handing her a cup of pumpkin juice.

Willow took it with a thankful smile before taking a sip of it.

"Much better," she said, before turning to face the dancers.

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"What is it?" Sirius asked, following her gaze.

He too stared as he saw Professor Century dancing with Professor Sprout, as he watched; Professor Century twirled Professor Sprout out before bringing her back in and dipping her low. Professor Sprout giggled girlishly.

From beside him, Willow clamped a hand over her mouth, trying to stem the laughter that threatened to spill from her mouth.

"Sorry," she apologised as Sirius looked at her. "I just never imagined that that would happen." She let out a snort of laughter as she watched them dance.

"In a weird way, they make a cute couple." She commented before taking a sip of pumpkin juice, her eyes fixed on Professor Century and Professor Sprout.

Sirius just nodded and took a sip of his own drink as a guy Sirius vaguely recognised from the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, who was dressed up as a Vampire approached Willow.

"Want to dance?" he asked her.

Willow eyed him before shrugging.

"Why not," she said. "Save my drink, Sirius?"

Sirius nodded and took Willow's drink from her before she accepted the guy's hand and allowed him to leave her on the dance floor.

As Sirius watched her dance, he admired her dress. She looked very beautiful in it, the blue complimented her eyes making them stand out while the complicated knot that she had twisted her hair back into highlighted the her natural features making her look beautiful than usual.

He watched as she danced with the Ravenclaw guy and smiled before heading over to the refreshments table to stuff some food in his mouth. Moments later, Professor Century joined him.

"Nice dancing, Professor." Sirius said with a grin.

Professor Century smiled.

"Thank you, Mr Black." He said, "Nice footwork yourself."

Sirius' grin widened and he turned to see Willow walking towards them, holding her gown up slightly.

"Enjoy your dance, Willow?" he asked, handing her a butterbeer.

To his surprise, Willow shook her head, looking disgruntled.

"No, he kept stepping on my feet."

Both Sirius and Professor Century burst out laughing causing Willow to scowl at the both of them.

"Glad I amuse you so much," she snapped and made to stalk away but Sirius grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Come on, Willow," he said giving her his most charming grin. "It was just a joke."

Willow sighed.

"I know," she said, "I guess I'm just the joke of the night. I didn't want to wear this dress, it makes me look stupid, I have no dancing ability, what so ever and this whole ball thing sucks."

Sirius stared at her surprised.

"Willow," he said, taking her hand. "You look absolutely stunning."

Willow sighed.

"You're just saying that because you're my friend," she said. "Just like Professor Century said I looked beautiful because he's my teacher."

Sirius sighed deeply.

"Willow," he said, stooping down to look in her eyes. "I maybe your friend, but I would never tell you that you looked great if you didn't."

Willow looked at him and a true smile crossed her face, tears in her eyes.

"You really think I look stunning?"

Sirius nodded.

"As for the dancing, you danced beautifully with me out there," he gestured to the dance floor. "You just lack confidence, Willow," he said. "But you have no reason too."

Willow sniffed and threw her arms around Sirius, hugging him. Sirius returned it.

Sirius watched as his younger self hugged Willow and smiled. Maybe he didn't need to intervene at all.