
Chapter 15: Costume Shopping

Halloween was on its way, and the Saturday before had a Hogsmeade trip organised, meaning everyone would be buying costumes for the upcoming Halloween ball.

It was tradition, every year, for the Halloween ball to be held, and had been since the founders day. In fact, it had been Helga Hufflepuff who had suggested that they hold a ball, due to the importance of it. It was a day to celebrate magic and all the founders had agreed upon the ball, it was one of the only things they had managed to agree upon.

Willow had agreed to go with both her friends in sixth year and the year above. Deciding to the do the costume shopping with Isabella, Lacretia and Mary and then meet up afterwards with Lily and the Marauders for lunch at the three broomsticks, Isabella, Lacretia and Mary had agreed to have lunch with her seventh year friends before going their separate ways.

Dressing in a pair of skinny jeans, a tight fitting red t-shirt with her favourite leather jacket slipped on top, a pair of black and white converse on her feet and her hair pulled back into a messy bun, Willow headed down towards the Great Hall with Mary. Both Lacretia and Isabella were still preparing themselves for Hogsmeade – sleeping in – and neither Willow nor Mary could be bothered to wait for them anymore.

Entering the great hall, they headed towards the Gryffindor table which was mostly empty except for a few over excited third years girls who were giggling as Willow and Mary walked past.

"I can't ever remember being that giggly," Mary muttered as they began putting food on their plate.

Willow just smiled.

"No-one could accuse you of being giggly, Mary." She said.

Mary rolled her eyes at this comment before a smirk spread across her face.

"I do believe your fancy man's just walked through the door."

Willow glanced towards the Great Hall doors to see Sirius stroll in with Remus and Peter, grinning. He too was wearing a pair of skinny jeans; a leather jacket was thrown over his tight white t-shirt while a pair of black converses – not unlike her own - covered his feet. She noticed that several girls were looking at him, several in lust, the others in admiration.

For some reason, she felt annoyed at the girls looking at him before a sense of happiness settled as he spotted her and grinned before sliding into the seat next to her.

"Alright, Willow?" he asked.

Willow nodded.

"Nice coat," she said, gesturing to his leather jacket.

He let out a bark of laughter, his grin widening.

"Nice jacket yourself." He replied.

Willow grinned at him before turning to face Remus and Peter and greeting them before introducing Mary to them.

"Where's James?" she asked.

From beside her, Sirius snorted.

"Where do you think?" he asked. "He waited for Lily; the two have been inseparable since they started dating." Even though he was pretending to be annoyed, Willow could hear the affection for the two in his tone but hid her smile behind a cup of tea she was drinking.

"Oh well, look at that. Drinking tea and having a great time without us!"

Willow's head swivelled to find Isabella and Lacretia walking towards them. Isabella was wearing a pair of leggings with an oversized jumped and her favourite flats while Lacretia wore jeans and a long sleeved red jumper, a pair of trainers on her feet.

"Sorry," Mary apologised as Isabella and Lacretia sank into a seat across from them. "But I learnt never to wake you, after what happened last time."

Willow hid a grin as Isabella scowled. Sirius, on the other hand, looked intrigued by this piece of information.

"What happened?" he asked, leaning across Willow to look at Mary.

Mary opened her mouth to reply but was silenced by a glare from Isabella.

"If you tell him," she hissed. "I will make your life a misery."

Mary pouted, knowing Isabella as long as she had; she knew it was probably true.

"Sorry Black," she said, facing Sirius. "But my lips are sealed." With that she made a zipping motion across her lips causing Sirius to grin.

"Never mind," he said. "I'm sure I'll find out soon enough." He winked at Willow who smirked.

"If you think that your charming good looks and ability to flirt with anything that has breasts is going to make me tell you, then you are sadly mistaken." And with that she rose from the table and headed out of the Great Hall leaving a gaping Sirius in her wake.

Sirius strolled round the peaceful village of Hogsmeade. He was searching for a costume for the upcoming Halloween ball that Hogwarts was hosting. He smiled to himself as he remembered the Halloween balls he had had while at Hogwarts, and if he remembered correctly, this one was going to be as good as he remembered.

Entering Gladrags Wizardwear he thumbed through the place looking for an appropriate costume, when he heard voices.

"I am not coming out!"

"Come on, Willow, you look fine!"

Turning, Sirius saw Isabella, Lacretia and Mary stood by the dressing room in which is appeared Willow was getting changed.

His heart thudding against his rib cage, he watched transfixed as Isabella dove into the curtains and pulled a struggling Willow out.

"Damn you're strong." Willow muttered as she was revealed to the crowd.

Isabella smirked.

"Why thank you," she said. "And I don't see what your problem is, you look great."

Willow just folded her arms over her chest, glaring at Isabella.

Isabella rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she said. "Let's find some random person to give a second opinion." And with that she turned to look round the shop in search of someone, Sirius quickly busied himself with looking in the racks for a costume.

"Professor Century?"

Sirius closed his eyes before taking a deep breath and turning to face Isabella who was stood beside him, a smile on her face.

"Miss Milano," he said, smiling. "What can I do for you?"

"Could you tell Willow, here," she gestured to where Willow was stood; trying to cover the outfit she was wearing. "That she looks fine."

The dress was a dark blue, the same colour as sapphires (the same colour of Willow's eyes, Sirius noted) it was strapless and hit the floor, fitting tightly in all the right places, the whole dress was littered with glitter and Sirius had to admit she looked stunning.

However, ignoring the pounding of his heart and the part of the brain that wanted to scream that she looked extremely sexy, he managed a smile and a nod of approval.

"You look very beautiful, Miss Briar," he said.

Willow looked at him, her eyebrow raised in surprise before she turned to face Isabella who held up a frilly pink dress.

"You can always be Aphrodite," she threatened.

Willow balked at the idea.

"I'll keep this dress." She said before diving behind the curtain once more.

"Who are you going as?" Sirius couldn't help but ask.

Isabella grinned.

"I'm going as Aphrodite, goddess of love, Lacretia," she pointed to the dark skinned girl, "is going as Artemis, goddess of the hunt, Willow," she inclined her head towards the changing room, "is going as Athena, goddess of wisdom, and Mary," she looked at Mary, "who are you going as again?"

Mary sighed impatiently.

"Hecate," she told her. "Patron goddess of witchcraft."

"That's it," Isabella said, turning to face him. "What are you going as, Professor Century?" she asked.

Sirius shrugged and looked at the rack.

"No idea." He replied, honestly.

"What about a prince?"

Sirius' head snapped towards Isabella who was searching through the rack before pulling out a tuxedo.

"Or maybe James Bond." She added as she looked at the costume. "What do you think?" she asked, glancing at him.

Sirius took the tuxedo from her and eyed her. He remembered watching the James Bond films with James, Remus and Lily after they had graduated Hogwarts, Lily and Remus explaining who and what James Bond was.

"Thanks, Miss Milano," he said smiling at her. "I do believe you have just helped me solve a slight problem."

Isabella smiled sunnily at him before he headed to the pay desk and paid for the tuxedo, with a departing smile to Isabella, Lacretia, Mary and Willow – who had now exited the changing room, wearing normal clothes – he exited the shop, quite thankful to be out of there.

Lily sat in the three broomsticks with Remus and Peter. James and Sirius had gone up to order, beside her sat a bag with her costume in it. She couldn't wait for the Halloween ball to come; she was going to look amazing.

The door to the Three Broomsticks opened and Lily glanced towards it, her face breaking into a smile as Willow entered followed by her three friends, each of them carrying a bag that, Lily presumed, held their costume.

"Over here!" she called.

Willow spotted her and inclined to her with her head to her friends, who followed after Willow before seating themselves at the table. Willow sat next to Lily, Lacretia sitting beside her while Isabella sat between Lacretia and Peter, and Mary plonked herself down beside Remus.

"Get your costume then?" Lily asked, inclining her head towards the bag that Willow dumped down beside her.

Willow nodded.

"Yeah, you?"

Lily nodded, inclining her head towards the bag beside her just as James and Sirius reappeared carrying nine butterbeers between them.

"Here you go," James said handing a butterbeer to Remus, Mary, Peter and Lily before taking a seat and leaving Sirius to hand butterbeer to Willow, Isabella and Lacretia before he pulled up a seat, squeezing between Lily and Willow.

"All set for the Halloween ball?" he asked, pulling the tab of his butterbeer.

Willow nodded before slapping at Sirius' hands as he tried to nosy.

"No," she told him firmly, "You'll have to wait until Halloween."

Sirius pouted at her.

"Please." He begged.

Willow shook her head.

"No." she said firmly, yanking the tab of her butterbeer causing Sirius to raise an eyebrow.

"She's just mad because Professor Century saw her in the dress," Isabella commented, tucking her hair behind her shoulder and resting her arms on the table.

Willow sent a withering glare at her friend who, either didn't see it or, ignored it.


Lily watched in amusement as Sirius' lips thinned and his eyebrow rose further, disappearing into his hair line.

"And what did Professor Century say?"

"Just that I looked nice." Willow muttered.

Lacretia snorted.

"I believe he said 'you look beautiful, Miss Briar.'" She pointed out.

Willow rolled her eyes.

"Does it matter what he said?" she asked.

"To you it does, obviously." Isabella pointed out before taking a swig of her drink.

"It doesn't matter," Willow snapped. "Professor Century is a friend, and that's it."

"Sure," Lacretia said sarcastically, "but you'd like to be more than friends, wouldn't you?" she grinned slyly at Willow who sighed deeply before saying calmly.

"There is nothing going on between Professor Century and I. We are just good friends, and besides, he reminds me of my father."

Isabella snorted into her drink at this and even Lily had to hide a smile behind her hand.

"So, there's nothing going on?" Sirius asked, and Lily could see he was struggling to keep his voice calm.

Willow nodded, sparing him a glance.

"Absolutely nothing." She said, before glaring at her friends. "Despite what you guys believe, I do not sleep with my teachers to get high grades, I work hard for them."

Isabella, Lacretia and even Mary smiled indulgently at this.

Willow retaliated by sticking her tongue out, causing everyone else to laugh.