
A Druid In Game Of Thrones

When a teacher dies to save his student, he is sent to the Game of Thrones universe by a R.O.B. Then he chooses to be a druid. Let's see what he can do when he wakes up as a commoner child. This is going to be a slow-burning series, and this is my first project as an author. He starts as weak as possible then he will get strong. If everything goes right, I'm thinking of writing 500 chapters at the very least, and this will not be a carbon copy of the plot. I m going to change things like the timeline, age and more. The story starts between Robert's Rebellion and Greyjoy's Rebellion. This is an AU. A/N: mc will trade his memories of the book and tv show to gain more power, but he will still remember his life in the modern world and will carry all the knowledge he gained in this world to his new life. I do this because I don't want an omniscient mc, I want him to make mistakes and develop by learning from these mistakes. Disclaimer: I don't own the ASOİAF or the G.O.T. series; they belong to author G.R.R. MARTİN. Cover art is taken from a stock photo site. A/N: there are knights in the north; they are just not called knights. Heavy cavalrymen in the north serve a nearly identical function to knights south of the Neck and are considered knights in all but name. I just don't want to call them cavalrymen. So there are knights in the north, but they don't take their oath to the seven. A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is a grammar issue, please tell me, and I will try to fix it. I will try to release 3-4 chapters a week. If you want to read ahead or donate, you can visit p-a-tre-on/kurowashi

KuroWashi1903 · TV
Not enough ratings
306 Chs


A/N: I have started writing another Fan-fic, this one is a One Piece fan-fic called Sword Saint In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them and I'm always open to constructive criticism. 

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



291 AC

Third Person POV

The sun was slowly dipping behind the rugged mountains, casting long shadows over Winterfell. The bustling activities of the day were winding down, and the people of the castle were retreating to the warmth and safety of their homes.

Amid this peaceful transition, the diligent Stable Master was concluding his duties. It was a role passed down from his father, and he knew the importance of thoroughness. With practiced hands, he locked each barn and stable, ensuring the safety of the valuable animals within.

As he reached the final barn, he firmly grasped the lock and gave it a shake to confirm its security. Satisfied that all was in order, he began to turn away. But then, an earth-shaking crash shattered the tranquility of the evening.

Startled, he swiftly turned back, his heart pounding. The source of the disturbance was evident—the barn door lay in splinters, a gaping maw leading into the darkness beyond. The panicked cries of the sheep and goats trapped inside filled the air, adding to the chaos.

In the dim light, the Stable Master glimpsed a massive shadow within the barn. His trained eye recognized it as a beast, but not just any beast. It was Ser Aermir's formidable companion, the shadowcat.

The shadowcat had seized one of the sheep by the nape and was making a hasty retreat towards the sacred Godswood. The guards stationed around the stables, alerted by the commotion, arrived in haste but were unable to catch a glimpse of the elusive creature.

The Stable Master, still catching his breath, managed to explain, "It was Ser Aermir's shadowcat. It destroyed the stables gate and made off with one of the sheep."

Realizing the significance of the situation, one of the guards nodded and said, "We must inform Ser Rodrik immediately."

Without wasting a moment, the guard set off towards the main keep to find Ser Rodrik and relay the peculiar incident involving Ser Aermir's enigmatic companion.


Lady Stark sat serenely in the courtyard, her eyes fixed on the playful antics of Bran and Rickon. Her skilled fingers danced with grace as she knitted, the rhythmic clacking of needles accompanying the soft hum of life within Winterfell's walls.

Amidst this tranquil moment, the distant echoes of commotion began to filter through the air, originating from the direction of the stables. Though the sounds were muffled, they did not escape her keen ears. She paused in her knitting, a faint furrow forming on her brow, but chose to pay the disturbances little heed.

However, her reprieve from curiosity was short-lived. A guard came into view, his hurried footsteps pounding against the cobbled courtyard. His approach did not go unnoticed by Lady Stark, and with a graceful rise from her seat, she inquired, her voice measured but with a hint of concern, "What is going on?"

The guard, his breath still heavy from his dash, wasted no time in delivering the unsettling news. "My lady, I must find Ser Rodrik. Ser Aermir's beast has raided the barns and made off with a sheep."

The lady's eyes glittered with a resolve that had been quietly brewing. This incident presented a golden opportunity to put the brash Ser Aermir in his place—a man who had dared to challenge her, Lady of Winterfell. How dare he instruct her on the propriety of her speech? If she could hunt down the beast that was his companion, it would be a stern lesson indeed.

"Ser Rodrik and my husband are in Wintertown," she mused, contemplating the urgency of the situation. "Waiting for their return would be too late. Where has that beast gone?"

The guard, ever dutiful, responded promptly. "It was last seen heading towards the Godswood, my lady."

She suppressed a disdainful grimace at the mention of the Godswood—a place she regarded with skepticism, for she worshipped the Seven true gods, and these ancient woods held no place in her faith. Due to the influence of Ser Aermir, the septa, and septon had been expelled from Winterfell, a fact that irked her deeply.

"Summon all the household guards you can find," she commanded, her gaze unwavering. "We must maintain order until my husband's return. However, there is no need to trouble other knights with this creature. I shall dispatch word to my husband directly."

With her orders swiftly disseminated among the guards, they dispersed to their respective posts, carrying out her instructions. Turning to the last guard remaining by her side, her tone turned more intimate as she spoke with authority.

"You remain concealed and out of sight for approximately twenty minutes. Then, convey to my husband the situation at hand."

The guard, though puzzled by her directives, replied with a respectful nod. "My lady?"

Her patience thinning, she asserted, "Just carry out my orders. Do not compel me to repeat myself."

With that, she shifted her gaze toward the elderly figure of Old Nan, who had been observing the unfolding events. Her tone softened as she addressed the loyal servant, "Old Nan, please take the children inside. There may be a disturbance in the Godswood, and I would have them away from harm's way."

Old Nan hesitantly said,

"My lady, please appease your anger; that is a sacred beast. If you hurt it, Old Gods will punish this household."

Lady Stark looked at the old nanny with a stern and cold look and said as coldly as possible,

"Nanny, don't get involved with things that have nothing to do with you; take the kids and do what you are told."


In just ten minutes, Lady Stark had rallied around 80 men, all determined to confront the mysterious beast in the Godswood. The fire of resolve burned in her eyes as they closed in on the ancient woods. However, as they approached the heart of the wood, an astonishing sight greeted them—a radiant pillar of light piercing the canopy above.

The men accompanying her were filled with a strange mixture of awe and fear, their superstitious hearts guiding their reactions. Some among them sank to their knees, their voices trembling as they whispered prayers to the old gods, seeking their forgiveness and protection.

Lady Stark, resolute and undaunted, couldn't fathom the meaning behind this ethereal display but knew they couldn't afford to be deterred. She urged the men forward, their determined footsteps crunching leaves beneath. Finally, as they reached the towering weirwood tree, they were met with an unexpected scene.

The beast, once perceived as a threat, was now nestled right beside the unconscious form of Ser Aermir. Instead of aggression, it displayed a gentle demeanor, nuzzling the fallen knight and tenderly licking his face. It seemed a stark contrast to the fearsome creature they had anticipated.

Confusion gripped the men as they encircled the peculiar duo, their apprehension preventing them from offering any assistance to the fallen Ser Aermir. Meanwhile, Sith, the faithful companion of Ser Aermir, grew increasingly agitated. Her growls and roars filled the air, striking terror into the hearts of the men who dared to approach.

-Stay away from Master!- 

She bellowed, her fierce protectiveness unmistakable. Lady Stark, still grappling with the bewildering situation, exchanged a hushed conversation with one of her men, voicing her uncertainty. 

"My lady, Ser Aermir is unconscious. What should we do?"

"It must have harmed Ser Aermir," she reasoned, recalling the circumstances leading up to their arrival. 

"You saw it as well. If we had arrived any later, it may have done him harm."

The beast, meanwhile, continued to nudge and coax the unconscious knight, a palpable concern in its actions. 

-Master, please wake up. Those humans are acting strange. Master... please wake up.-

With curiosity and concern, the creature turned its gaze toward a raven perched on a tree branch, addressing it with questions only intelligible to the familiars.

-Poe, what should I do?- 

Sith inquired, her voice laced with worry. Poe felt a profound sense of helplessness in the face of Aermir's plight. Though they had rushed to the Godswood upon sensing his distress, they were now powerless to intervene directly. Poe's voice, too, carried a note of weakness and frustration.

-We can't do anything right now- 

Poe replied solemnly, her thoughts clouded by uncertainty. 

-I don't know why they're behaving this way. Aren't they Father's friends? All we can do is protect Father until he wakes up. Please ensure they don't get too close to Father.-

Sith seemed on the verge of saying something more, her hesitation palpable.

-What is it?-

Poe inquired.

-If they try to harm Master, can I... eat them?-

Sith's question hung in the air, heavy and charged.

Poe, taken aback by the suggestion, responded firmly, 

-Are you out of your mind? Absolutely not. Regardless of the circumstances, these are Father's people, and this is his home. We cannot harm them. Just focus on protecting Father without causing harm. I doubt they possess any magical weapons, so they shouldn't pose a real threat to you. Why would you even consider such a thing?-

Sith's response was a peculiar one, and Poe couldn't help but express her exasperation. 

-I am so hungry, and I can't leave Master to go hunting. Don't you remember the idiom Father taught us? Something about birds and stones?-

Poe, as a bird, would have sighed if she could. Sith's behavior, at times, seemed to defy all reason. Sith said innocently,

-What? They taste half-decent. It's not as good as deer or boar, but I am hungry.-

Poe said angrily,

-No means no!"


Lady Stark issued the command for the guards to attack, her orders filled with urgency. However, hesitation lingered among the soldiers. They couldn't easily dismiss the fact that this mysterious beast belonged to Aermir, a known warg. Could it be possible for a warg to lose control of their own creature and become its target? Doubts gnawed at them.

Seizing the moment, Lady Stark feigned concern for Aermir, attempting to sway the hesitant soldiers. "We must act swiftly. This creature might attempt to harm Ser Aermir once more. Are we truly going to allow a beast to harm the Hero of the North?"

Her words were more than enough to dispel any lingering indecision among the troops. After all, defying the Lady of Winterfell was not an option. The soldiers, driven by duty and their lady's command, surged forward, ready to confront the enigmatic beast.

Meanwhile, Poe, the raven familiar, intervened with a telepathic directive. -Do not kill them.-

As Sith, the majestic creature, toyed with the soldiers like a cat toying with a mouse, she replied with defiance. 

-Come and fight them yourself, and stop ordering me around.-

Poe responded, her voice carrying an air of authority. 

-You know I would. If Father's life isn't at risk. I cannot dispel my minimization spell. As long as Father is Ser Drasil, you are the one who can wield her powers. In his absence, we must behave like ordinary animals, and you understand perfectly that in his absence, I assume command.-

With Aermir having successfully sealed the curse, the familiars could sense his safety, even though he had passed out from exhaustion. Relief washed over Poe, knowing that her father was out of harm's way. Although they might show some leniency towards the soldiers, Sith was known for her heavy-handed approach. She was likely to maim most of them, even if she refrained from killing.

Those knights and soldiers were not sent to the battle, so they had no idea about Sith since nobody had the time to tell them about their war stories yet. Sith displayed her combat prowess by expertly dodging the spears aimed at her head. She retaliated by biting down on one of the spears and flinging the man aside with a powerful motion. Her roars and growls served to deter the soldiers from pressing their assault.

One of the guards, in a desperate attempt, thrust his spear toward Sith's foot, but it barely scratched her. This minor injury only served to further infuriate the formidable creature. Sith unleashed her tail like a whip, striking the man squarely in the stomach. He promptly vomited and fell unconscious.

Over time, the soldiers began to realize that the beast was not actively seeking to kill them. It only retaliated when they attacked and staunchly defended her territory. One of the guards voiced his newfound insight, saying, "My lady, I don't believe it intends to harm Ser Drasil. I believe it's attempting to shield him from us."

- You're absolutely right; why would I harm my Master! You foolish humans!-

Sith's response was laden with frustration and contempt, but no one understood her. Lady Stark's voice thundered above the chaos. "Did I solicit your opinion? Dispatch the beast! Is this the best our Household Guard, sworn to House Stark, can muster? Are you truly the finest soldiers we have? Incapable of dealing with a mere creature!"

These men were entrusted with the defense of Winterfell, and their ignorance about Sith and her capabilities, as well as Lady Stark's vehement dislike for any mention of Aermir, only fueled her harsh judgment.

Sith, growing increasingly impatient and irritated by Lady Stark's repeated orders to eliminate her, voiced a different desire to Poe. -Poe, may I at least silence that insufferable woman! She keeps inciting others to kill me. Let me at least bite an arm off?-

Poe shared her sentiment but adhered to the same principle. 

-I don't care for her either, but she happens to be the mother of Father's friend. So, no, you cannot. You cannot harm anyone in the North, so cease making such inquiries!-