
Slap in the face

Today was a bright sunny day and i was with a novel just about to finish and my mom called my name.She always interrupts my gala time.....

She called again.... No mom not now please.... She entered my room with a red face full of anger and said, "Get up and give your dad his lunch box now!!!!"

To inform you in my family nobody dares to say no to my angry mom.

I instantly gave an affirmative answer and left my place.

Dad's firm.... I made my way to my dad's cubicle but he was not no his desk. After looking around for a minute i ask his colleague about his where abouts. He replied, "he i at boss place"; i thanked Mr. Molean and left to find my dad.

To tell you he does not pick my call when he is working at boss's place and since my dad and his boss Shah uncle are old friends i am allowed to enter his place.

As i entered i saw something terrific Mrs. Shah was scolding my dad for some reason..... to tell you i hate her, she is a self centered women with lots of attitude.

I new what the matter of transaction was i had my discussion with my dad but as much i can recall it was not my dad's decision but Shah uncles decision, then why the hell my dad was been scold.

After an 15 minutes continues yelling and absurd allegations she acclaimed on my dad Shah uncle entered the drawing room.

I was on a side hearing them silently.

Shah uncle said, " dear this was my decision not his, i instructed him to do so"

Mrs Shah..., "Ooh dear you should have told me, nevermind i completely trust you. "

(Saying she left drawing room)

Shah uncle, i am sorry you now how Rita(Mrs Shah) is right Heet(my dad)!!!!!

My dad, "yes i do, don't worry"