
Slap in the face (continue)

After a all the shit uncle notice me standing he called me, Kiara come her!!

Hello uncle!! how are you?

Uncle shah, "i am fine dear, how come you missed your way to my house!! "

Uncle and my dad laughed in sarcasm and i gave an stern smile out of compulsion.

Dad, i bought you lunch today... have it, this is much healthier to digest.

I said bye and left the house

Dad was frozen over my words, he knew that i heard it all.

All the way i was crying badly just thinking about what happened to my dad today.

I once read that Sorrow is one of the vibration that prove the fact of living and today i realized even after having good potential, people remain out of sight.

All day long that scene was playing in my head, i locked myself up in my room didn't had lunch just desperately want to find a way out of all this.

In all this the thought of results left my mind all around the day.

When my dad arrived back in evening my mom told my dad, ' I think she is too tensed about her results tomorrow, go and talk to her please she is not listening to me.'

Dad deep down knew it was not about results, it was about what happen today.