
A Dragons Heart

boymom29 · Fantasy
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11 Chs


We rushed out of the castle as fast as we could and didn't stop until we reached the forest.

"We did it!" I shouted gleefully.

"Did we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think it's odd? You managed to escape your cell, venture to the torture chambers, and escape the castle with an injured man in tow with no sight of any guards?"

I pondered his statement for a few minutes, it was odd.

"Maybe everyone was asleep? I mean there were a few guards at the stairs to the torture chamber asleep..."

"I mean this in the best way possible...are you that naive?"

I knew he meant no offense but I couldn't help but feel personally attacked.

"Well if I'm that naive maybe we should keep going then!" I snapped at him unintentionally.

Sighing he took the lead, guiding us deeper into the forest. I couldn't help but sulk, I felt that was an amazing escape but he shot it down so quickly. I also knew deep down he was right, it was all too easy.

As I was pulling myself out of my sour mood an arrow whistled past my head scraping my cheek as it flew by. Gingerly I touched my cheek looking at my fingers I saw the bright red glisten of blood in the moonlight.

"David!" I hissed,

"hide yourself!!"

Whipping around I saw the guards on horseback, leading them was the scarfaced king. This was too easy and now they're here to kill me. When I turned back around I noticed David was gone praying he hid himself well I took off. Running through the forest tree branches slapped at my face, stinging my fresh cut on my cheek. I stumbled through the clearing the dragon on my shoulder, stopping abruptly as I realized we had reached a cliff. The thundering of hooves behind me came closer.

"Haha no where to go little lady." The king shouted as they crashed into the clearing.

"Now be a good girl and tell us where you took the slave."

I looked down the cliff to see my options before looking the king in the eye. It was either the king or jumping the cliff into the lake below.

"I'd rather die." I said flatly before leaping off the cliff.