
A Dragon in Otherworldly Evil Monarch

A young man met his end in the road of life, clinging to his pitiful life, but sadly, his story has already come to an end, or is it? I have no clue what to do with this, Some of you people may enjoy this, and others, not. but to be real honest, I couldn't care less, I'm just a nobody trying to polish his writing skills. So, yeah, that's just it. This fanfic is just for self-fulfillment, and naturally, I don't own any of the original works that I'm gonna based on.

Kollide · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

In tian xian empire, There was once a family that holds the strongest great family, it hailed as greatest for their contribution and for producing selfless and righteous generals, however, due to unforeseen events, The once strongest family went downhill, Jun Zhantian, The First Family Head of the Jun Family was born poor. He had fought throughout the world and had become a general in his youth. His name brought terror to the military forces of every kingdom. He possessed superior military tactics and was endowed with a profound steadiness in character. He could maintain a calm exterior regardless of being joyous or furious. He was one of the few people in the Tianxiang Kingdom who had the cultivation level of Sky Xuan Rank.

He had proved his capabilities by rising from poverty to become a general in his youth. How many people could replicate this feat? How long did it take to become a general? He had managed to achieve this in his youth.

Jun Zhantian had fought his way up from a lowly pauper to become a highly decorated Grand Duke. It took him forty years to achieve this feat. It's said that the flow of time creates heroes. But, the number of such heroes was 'far and few in between' based on the history of the continent.

He hadn't cried when his son Jun Wuhui had died in the battle. Instead, he had boasted that his son was a brave hero. He had again held back his tears when his two grandchildren Jun Moyou and Jun Mochou too had died on the battlefield; as they were valiant heroes. He had cried for the first time when Jun Wuyi was crippled for life.


Meanwhile, In one of the courtyards of the Jun family manor, there was a youth laying in bed, squirming as if he was in pain, as the sunrise illuminate the room, the boy soon woke up.

"That old snake was really rough." The young man murmurs internally, holding his forehead begging for the headache to subside.

'Hello? Nihao? Moshi Moshi? Òla? Oy, brat! I know you can hear me, anyway here's what you need to ascend into other worlds, Naturally, you should cultivate to reach Godhood which is the threshold of the cultivation here, however, you don't need to, because of my bloodline, us, Primordial Dragons are innately Gods, meaning we are born as a god, however, your case is different you weren't born with it, more like acquired it, even you don't need to cultivate, you should practice and take control your strength, I don't want a dragon who can't control his strength in my house, anyways my bloodline and the memories of the previous owner of this body will integrate with you after this message though it'll hurt, don't say I didn't warn you.'

"Wha-ugh!" Before I could rebuke, my body broke down, like a broken vase, my blood was gushing out of my orifices, my bones were breaking and repairing, entering a repeating cycle and my blood was burning as if I feel I'm being cooked, my organs was wrenching like It was being stabbed a million of needles, and my heart it was like a million of ants crawling and gnawing it.

My clothes turn red from blood, I want to scream, I want it to stop, but as much I want to scream, I feel a pang from my heart, I remember this feeling, this feeling of humiliation, how can I forget? this is what made me keep going, To prove them wrong, To humiliate them how wrong they are about me.

This is my conviction, and no one can break it.

What it feels like an eternity, The torture was finally subsiding, though I still feel my body a bit stiff, I tried to stand with my body, however, I'm still having a hard time balancing and walking because of the muscle pain, but I didn't have time to think because the door was burst opened and it was an old man, although you could see his age is getting upon him, however, you can judge his lifestyle through his body, Well-maintained and disciplined, That's definitely a soldier, a veteran one, no doubt about it, not only his body is like that, but also his spirit.

'You can lie in the face of the truth but your eyes will always say otherwise.'

There's unwillingness, sadness, hatred, and also grief yet I can see his strong will, the will to carry everything in his eyes.

This Old man is Jun Zhantian, The Man who went from a common soldier to a respectable general and a Grand Duke in 40 years, forty-fucking-years!

"Jun Moxi, How long are you goin- What happened?! Did those bastards try to assassinate you as well?!" He shouted as soon he burst through the door, yet his attention was more caught on how I was drenched in blood than he originally came here for, I mean I look like I bathe blood.

"No, gramps." As I tried to speak, only for a hoarse voice to come out, though I believe he wouldn't buy my bullshit.

"Then, what in the Seven hells happened to you?!" Can you not shout? I feel like my ears are ringing, now, that reminds me of my aunts always screaming even the one they're talking to is in front of them.

"Well, you see, I found this book in our library, it was cool, and one thing led to another, I tried to replicate it, and here I am." As I cheekily said it, though I doubt he would even believe it, I mean no one would believe that as well, even me.

"....." The old man could only look at the boy in front of him, it was clear he was spouting bullshit, but also clear that he doesn't want to disclose what happened. Perhaps, this is a sign of him maturing and him starting to pull his own weight, if it were before, he would just complain and ask money for him to divulge his debauchery.

"Starting today you're going to the military camps and forge yourself into a real man, and for the last time, You should change your ways, instead of spending your life in debauchery and dying from kidney deficiency." Though he's a little happy that his maturing, but he can't put his eggs on that basket yet, perhaps the old man felt he needed to give his grandson a push.

He sigh and told me about his plans for me after going out and I was flabbergasted, I, debaucherous man? that's an insult, even I, the most virgin man, know on earth, would feel insulted.

It was clear my actions had a very changed impression on the old man than from the previous me, well, judging from the 'old jun moxie' he was an idle and indolent person. He was a useless freeloader, a scum of society, and a super-level debauchee. He was a typical parasitic worm who had no value or reason to be kept alive.

eh, sounds about right, but military camps, huh, that's perfect for me since I need to get used to this body and I need to sort out my memories first.

I then sit in a lotus position on my bed then sorted out my memories and the memories I received from the old dragon.

And no one knew at this point that there was a dragon that was bound to soar and rule the heavens.