
A Dragon in Otherworldly Evil Monarch

A young man met his end in the road of life, clinging to his pitiful life, but sadly, his story has already come to an end, or is it? I have no clue what to do with this, Some of you people may enjoy this, and others, not. but to be real honest, I couldn't care less, I'm just a nobody trying to polish his writing skills. So, yeah, that's just it. This fanfic is just for self-fulfillment, and naturally, I don't own any of the original works that I'm gonna based on.

Kollide · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Clearly not a Chapter

So, Uhm, I didn't expect some people would read my fanfic, at first, it was more like a whim for my imagination, but I never expected this to get someone's attention.

but here's the reason why I'm not gonna post a chapter, clearly everyone who read this could tell I'm a novice with no experience of writing, lmao, and also I've started reading the novel/manhua that this fanfic is based on clearly I've skipped a few parts where it was needed to move the plot, so forgive me if this isn't the chapter you have been waiting for, I'm trying to making a fanfic without plotholes, once again, sorry.