
A Different Mushoku Tensei- Swordsman’s Journey

The Journey of a young man In a new world after his untimely death to the infamous truck-kun

TheCoffeeMonarch · Others
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New Start...

Here I was, lying, broken and empty with no senses remaining besides hearing, and blurry sight, in what I assume was a hospital room bed...


All my life was spent just me and my parents, living what most would call an average life, same small town, same old faces, nothing special.

over the years of this mundane life I lived, I started to take for granted what I did have.

A couple of nights ago after going to my mother's friend, Kathy's son's baseball game, we were heading home with Kathy and her only daughter, Eliza.

Due to her son's team's after party, he wasn't here.

Eliza was only 5 years of age, she had dark brown hair with hazel eyes, and two little dimples,

she also had a bright red bouncy ball to play with in her little hands.

While my mother and father just talked to Kathy and her husband, Eliza dropped her red ball, which slowly went towards the road,

She chased after her ball with little skips, which nobody seemed to notice anything strange until we all saw bright truck lights speeding towards Eliza.

Her mother, Kathy, screamed in horror "Honey!" and was about to rush to her daughters aid, but... she wasn't going to make it..

Without thinking, I rushed in, and grabbed the back of the girls pink sweater, and without much time remaining tossed her at her mother, knocking them both off the street and onto their backs.

With one sad but bright smile, I was hit by the speeding truck and launched several feet across the road.


And that's how I ended up here in a Hospital bed.

After a while of wallowing in my own sorrows, the door opened and my parents and, what I canonly assume, was a doctor came in,

"I'm sorry... " the doctor started... after a few more seconds he continued "We can't do anything more to save him.."

My mother started silently crying in the background, Which gradually turned into full blow sobs.

All the while my father walked to the bed silently while tears streamed down his eyes which seemed to have aged 10 or more years.

"I will leave you folks to say your goodbyes... he doesn't have much time left.." the doctor said while leaving the room, at his last word you can hear the click of the now closed door...

After a while of silence,

"Son..." my dad choked out in a low tone.

"I know I don't say this as much as I should..." He took a deep breath then finished, "But... I love you, and I am... so very, proud of you"

Then my distraught mother dragged her sobbing self over and hugged my practically dead body while crying, and after a few seconds said "I love you, my little cloud"

After calling me my childhood nickname,

She proceeded to kiss my bandaged forehead,

and that was all before everything else went blank...




Or that was supposed to be how it ended, but all of a sudden, I saw a bright light at the end of this tunnel of darkness.

All of a sudden I was forced to the light,

After what seemed like ages I opened my eyes once again, and although still blurry I could see a strict looking man, with what seemed like brownish hair, and Emerald eyes that shone brightly with nervousness and anticipation.

Close to him was a crimson haired women with glasses, and what seemed to be a maid outfit that matched perfectly with her near emotionless expression.

I slowly looked to my right and saw,

Extremely close to me, was a beautiful young women with golden hair with tired blue eyes, which held a hint of joy.

After a few more seconds I observe what seems like a older looking room, then start to think,

Huh... Shouldn't I be in a hospital bed?

Wait a second...

Why are my all my limbs small!?!?!

Leave any thoughts or concerns in comments so i know how to improve!

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