
A Demons Adventure (Dragon ball Fanfic)

The excursion of Draccolo

Ashton_Wright_0871 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

5, Artic Sceme

In a familiar artic region, Lies a lone high mountain that peaks in the clouds,

Nobody knows that a being is resting inside, fully capable of controlling the sub branch demon world,

A being appears at the foot of the moutain,

the same artic emperor from earlier, he quickly chants a spell as he goes to the side of the mountain.

A carved door of stone quickly moves places of what was the mountain and allows the artic emperor to go through.

The artic emperor makes his long way of the steps the circle the inside of the mountain like a tower,

Soon he reaches the top even if he is a bit battered from that experience.

He quickly gets on one knee infront a being similar to him but 2 meters taller,

The once artic emperor, 6meteres tall, and CP Said to be the strongest in demon realm.

Now has fallen to such a state.

Slouched on his chair, not very far away from death.

What is it, you wouldn't come here to greet me,

you need something don't you.

The smaller "artic emperor" trembles slighty and says,

Yes father, I believe there to be another compatriot of the yellow duo, earlier I was suppressing the yellow duo and all of a sudden a intense ki ball hits my entire side of my body.

And father you know I'm not a fighter, I have always studied spells more.

Alright, The real Artic Emperor says.

Quit with all the extra tall and tell me the favor that you need, in recent years I feel very close to death doing to much for me anymore wears me out.

I would guess I have 10 years maybe.

If I'm lucky, I wish I could go back to the days where I reigned most the demon world and everyone revered and respected me.

The petite artic emperor speaks,

A sad tale father, I wish I could do something to help you lifespan, but I know nothing of such in the demon realm, it's to barren here.


The sad reality of demon realm, especially one of the weakest demon realms..


Father, I wish for you shoot against the new companion of the yellow duo, I'm not exactly sure what he looks like but he should be equivalent in strength with us,

We need to wipe him out as the yellow alliance is getting to strong, that means they will have 3 demon king bases to attack, not one.


The Artic Emperor Hms slighty,

I suppose sense you are my son, and my years are coming to a end and all I have done with my life recently staying here rotting away.


Green Geyser Moutain, King Cave,

1 meter green dudes are running about all over geyser basin now,

In king cave a Winged Demon is monitoring the entrance of the cave making sure no demon will interrupt the masters rest.

On the other side of king cave facing the basin a 3 meters Winged demon watches the little demons and acts as a supervisor, making sure none of them get hurt by a geyser, or a random animal in the basin,

Yeah, surprisingly there's still animals in the basin but, who can blame them there's only desolate sand everywhere else so.

A being in the king cave wakes up,

And is instantly getting by the kneel of 10 servants and wing 1, my designated bodyguard.

Your majesty, They all yell which echoes throughout the cave which echoesthrough the entire basin,

Every green demon race in green geyser moutain got one knee,

Your majesty! ,


I wake up with a slight smile on my face cause of the greeting of all my subordinates even if I'm in king cave, although green geyser moutain isn't big, they would have to basically scream that with 10CP,

These guys are really loyal, huh.

I guess that's a pretty good thing though, don't want a Dr. gero to happen and my inventions kill me,

Speaking of which,

Wing 1, have you found me my tribute for today?

Yes sire, wing 1 quickly responds,

Buts it's with wing 2 he adds.

Hmmp, slightly dissatisfied that I can't get my tribute right now but I quit talking and walk to the edge of the cave, and do my signature dive.

Swoosh -

I expand my wings quickly before I splatt on the ground like a pancake,

There I float a few inches off the ground still in flight.

I've gotten pretty good at flying, to the point where I can stand still without flapping my wings and I'll stay,

You basically have to put a thin layer energy around your body, and my wings help me stay up.

I quickly fly to the highest energy level in the basin, my other subordinate, wing 2.

Goodmorning wing 2,

I say as I float and land on the ground.

Your majesty, he quickly says,.

Now, wing 2, wing 1 said you had the tribute for today, do you where my tribute is at?

Yes sir, wing 2 says,

Your going to love this sir I don't know if there's more stuff like this around the demon realm but if so it's revolutionary!.

Wing 2 quickly fliw to a cave in the densest part of the basin, and dives in, as I quickly follow after him wondering what could be praised so much to be revolutionary,

If this is bullcrap and there's just trying to not give me tribute I may have to punish them.

I quickly stop talking under the bright luster of a gigantic green green the size of almost a person, a 1.2m wide, exuding magical fluctuations.

My jaw drops internally....

Where did you get that! I order wing 2 to tell me everything about this immediately,

He quickly goes on to say he found it in the deepest part of this cave, and the thing is, there's more,

That made my heart show a trace of green instantly,

But he quickly said that the other gems were not nearly as big and were a fraction of the size of this one, this one is the biggest by far.

Well, I know to never doubt my subordinates again, atleast not you wing 2,

I say as I quickly scoop up the gem and fly back to king cave,

A few Servant demons in the sparse woodland of the basin saw there great 4meter tall green demon king carrying a 1.2metere gem,

It was a spectacle for them as they just stared at the gem bigger than them wondering what its used for.

I quickly go to the depths of the cave and order the servant demons to evacuate, and for wing 1 to watch the entrance, even if it is a bit inconvenient for the servant demons as they have to trek from the top of the basin to wherever else they got to go, but they don really do anything anyway.

In what would be the dimest part of the cave, is light up a green light, And the 4 meter figue of Draccolo,

I wonder what to do with this, if I was on some technological planet I bet this would have a lot of use but unfortunately I'm still stuck in the demon realm,

For some reason it feels like breathing next to this gem makes me healthier, like it's breaking down the gem slowly nourishing my body,


So that's why there's random patches of vitality I the demon realm...

It's supported by something, like a green gem or the red pond,

So you won't find basically nothing in the demon world unless it's supported by something just cause of how barren it is here and we still manage to produce demons lords with CP over 500,






Race:Higher Demon


perks (Progreneitors Bloodline)(3)? (Ancestors Wrath)

Weakness last 10H

Servant Demon, Denizion Demkon, Winged demon,

It is time to increase the demon race again,

as I spit out 2 eggs with wing designs and 10 eggs with slight oval marks on the side,

I instantly weaken severely, but not at all to the point where I lost my CP, I could still display like 200Cp, but even my subordinates could beat me right now...

I'm glad there loyal to me.. it would be hard to deal with both wing 1 and wing 2 right now, I Ned to become stronger quickly, and Also find out how to activate that Ancestors Wrath form, is says its sustained by qi but doesn't tell me how to transform..

Well, I guess that's for tomorrow though because trying out that form with not even half my CP sounds like a bad idea..

As I tell wing to watch king cave while I'm asleep,
