
A Demons Adventure (Dragon ball Fanfic)

The excursion of Draccolo

Ashton_Wright_0871 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

4, Base Of Operations

Somewhere in a frozen tundra,

5 familiar little blue demons are trekking uphill through snow, they have traveled far to get here,

Through the great ravine, the endless tundra, to now the slightly mountainous artic region.

They have finally arrived to a outpost directly by the Artic Demon Kings Palace,

Stop! goes a loud shout as another group of little blue demons apear but slightly higher CP and darker blue

The artic guards, the little blue demons instinctively think, but quickly remembered that this is some random search team.

Before the little blue demons got to say anything the darker blue demon on the other side already piped in

Stop, And what have you here to the great demon kings territory! are you a spy of those damned yellow demons, if so come with me for questioning.

gch, a little blue demon clears his throat before speaking,

No sir, we are here to pass a letter that somebody has offended the great kings authority by killing his vassal group, he said he did not care about the consequences and blasphemed the great king.

Is that so..? The search team questioned as they brought them along into the output for further questioning and relaying to the Artic Palace


I woke up not energized, but still slighty tired and felt fatigued, I guess spawning that much demon kin takes a toll on my young demon lord soul and body.

As I woke up I discover that my strength has recovered but I feel my movements are slow and groggly,

I need to go out on a little warm up I decide while observing the cave I fell asleep in, my HQ in the demon realm.

I noticed the demon eggs are yet to hatch, I thought as soon as I spit them out they would hatch, but It does make sense for them to take awhile.

But I just wonder how long that will be..

I slowly walk out the cave and reach the edge of the cliff

I get to the edge of the cliff and I casually jump off.

As I set there for a second or two with my hands crossed I spread open my wings and soar to the sky,

Flying is a great feeling.

I set and think, atleast in this life I get to experience the wonder of flying.

As all of a sudden a 3 dangerous energy levels around with dozens of smaller energy levels around about a thousand kilometers away,

I Increase my pace while wondering who could have such a high CP, from the looks of it all 3 auras are stronger me.

It's got to be the demon lords right, my brain makes a judgement, would make the most sense because the surrounding auras would be there subordinates so it falls in place,

But other than that I don't think it could be anyone else.

As I get closer to the target I see there appearances and reality is in line with my thoughts,

I see two burly yellow demons without wearing anything about 5 meters tall(the causal wondering demon look/wear) and a similarly tall 5 meters artic demon with battle armor similar to the Frieza Forces, although the same size is a bit more petite due to not being a warrior but don't let that fool you,

The 3 Demon Lords respectively, 2 v 1 fighting it out and by the looks of it the artic emperor actually subtly suppressing them, if this keeps going it won't be good for the yellow duo.

But fortunate has struck and there savior has come inadvertently.

I decide to not directly fight sense there would be no goal in that so I just channeled all the energy of my body and made a small but super condensed ki ball,

I was still about 50 or so kilometers away from the Demon Lords but as soon as it left my hand they looked over and the ki ball disappeared and then

Boom! A cloud of smoke rises

All 3 of the demon lords get hit hilariously, and that was the gathering of my full 500 CP so that can't be taken lightly by some demons a 1-300 CP more than me.

The most damaged is the artic emperor, who spurted out blood, he was setting there leisurely suppressing the yellow duo when all of a sudden a intense yellow light and a sharp pain comes from all over the front side of his body.

He did not prepare for that attack at all,

That instantly put him in a disadvantaged position, he thought it was some unknown enemy stronger than him and he could not handle three people so he took a peice of sandpaper with intricate writing on it and rips it and the surrounding space ripples,

The artic emperor disappears and the 2 yellow duo stay there dumbstruck slightly bothered by the ki ball, but more bothered at the fact that they don't know where that ki ball came from so there lost birds of a flock.

As I set some 50, 60 kilometers away I quickly dash back to the direction of my base, don't want those 2 demon lords to find me and then there my problem.

I think laughing inside, being as silent as I can when I fly away and while laughing cause of how funny what I just did was,

As I reach the familiar geyser basin, I fly towards the main cave entrenched at the top of the basin overlooking it, I seem to hear some type of sound when I get close, and my my instinctively gets


I rush in my cave expecting there to be some animal eating my demonkin eggs, but I came in here just in time for the great moment.



2 eggshells break out first and and slowly comprehend there inheritance, which is a very short one basically just telling the newborn demon kin it's Progreneitor.

The two mediocre energy signals swiftly came to the front on me and get on one knee,

Great demon king Draccolo, What is your order.!.

Alright, you two are the wing brothers, wing 1 and wing 2, you are temporarily my 2 under bosses who will be in charge of the base and the rest of the Servant minions, that means the defense of the base and day I want a tribute of a animal of 100 CP or something magical like a fruit or something nourishing.

Before the wing brotherers get to speak,


Several crackling noises at once sounded,

A second or two later 40 Servant demons accept there inheritance and pledge there allegiance to me,

Alright now that I finally have a little bit of a following we should have a name for ourselves,

What should we name ourselves, well were green, we live in the green geyser basin and so I think the green theme fits so just the green demon race?

Even though it's basic atleast in easy to understand,

I declare myself the 1st and only king of the green demon race. and declare green geyser basin as our territory and homeland in the demon realm,

The safehaven and the green demon kings place to stay for the period of time in demon realm, depending on how things go I may ascend to a higher demon word, but I want to explore the outside world, there's a lot magical things in the 12 universes,

lots of secret items, fruits,enhancement methods, transformations magic, superpowers, and combat techniques,

I wonder if one day I could get the dragon balls and turn a entire universe into the demon realm, or maybe a galaxy or star system.

I tell my subordinates to spriffen up the base and get accustomed to life here,

the only three demons who can leave the base due to terrain difficulties and the geysers is the wing duo and me so any needs are obtained by the wing brothers while I'm asleep,

There essentially like sub bosses to help run everything and get me some food when I wake up..


We'll see what tomorrow has to offer