
Welcome to London

Looking around the dimly lit apartment Steve was at a loss. Now what? he asked himself, with whilst quickly taking stock of the situation. He seemed to be in some sort of room with two large glass windows looking out onto the street somewhere in an urban area. Without the convenience of the Evil Eyes provided by the Chamber for surveillance, Steve had no way of finding this 'Hogwarts' thing from the air without reverting back to his original form and from the reaction of the 'Stacy Human' that might not be the best of ideas in a crowded area. With no ideas coming immediately to mind Steve decided to travel around a bit and ask anyone he sees where this Hogwarts thing is.

With that Steve strode directly to the windows and walked through them, shattering them in the process as he fell a couple of stories onto the pavement below. "What the hell?!", Steve shouted startled as he had expected the energy screen to part for him as he exited the premises, not shatter! Tutting Steve mumbled something about poor quality energy arrays before marching down the street, not noticing the few old grannies dart off into alleyways and peer from the corners in confusion at the orientally dressed, scruffy looking man who seemed to have just vandalised a property. 'Hopefully, the police will deal with these youths!' The grannies cried internally as Steve turned the corner onto the main street lined with shops and pedestrians.

Eyes lighting up like a child, Steve sprinted up to the nearest person and grabbed them firmly by the shoulders. Startled, the office worker looked away from his phone and dropped his doughnut to the floor, much to his later annoyance, only to get a faceful of Steve's saliva when he shouted "WHERE IS HOGWARTS!", at full force right into his face. Delirious, the man only had time to murmur and shake his head as if he didn't know what the crazy white haired dude was on about until he had run off to the next guy leaving the businessman staring on in pure puzzlement as he proceeded to watch the man question everyone on the street in a similar manner before he turned the corner at the traffic lights.

Minutes passed with only the sound of the passing cars making noise, everyone who was shouted at stood stock still in a daze before the initial businessman suddenly realised... "My Doughnut!!!".

... Meanwhile ...

Steve was walking down some dark, dingy back alleys wondering why no one around here had heard of the Hogwarts thing that the one known as Stacy had spoken of. Steve himself knew of one 'Hogwart' but the thing he was thinking of was a delicacy back up in District 8, and he doubted that someone called the 'overseer' would live in a food item. As he was caught up in his thoughts, Suddenly Steve noticed that he was surrounded from all sides. Looking around briefly he noticed that they seemed to be smaller humans dressed in some sort of hooded robe and a plastic-y suit underneath. Wanting no trouble so early into his search, Steve thought to try and communicate with these beings, "I mean no harm little Mortals, I would like to know where the Hogwarts you know of is located."...

For the second time, that day, silence ensued the street and a tumbleweed appeared from nowhere to provide some sort of movement in the still, still alley. After what seemed like hours, one of the youths started chuckling followed by another and another until all of the small humanoids were practically rolling on the floor in hilarity. After a while they finally composed themselves and what seemed like there leader started to speak, " Yo- ma dude. Look, man, me an' me boys see you looking fire and we want some of the action- if you know what I mean". He said whilst smiling menacingly with his hand reaching for something in his inner pocket.

Steve, not feeling threatened whatsoever, decided to be honest with the little humanoid imps. "I have absolutely no clue what you just said"


Suddenly the atmosphere turned dark and the leader signalled to the rest and collectively they pulled knives of varying shapes and sizes form the pockets and started to wave them menacingly whilst getting closer to Steve.

"Yo- we're soz man but we gotta eat, you know what I mean? GET HIM, BOYS!", suddenly the gang of boys charged towards steve fully intent on injuring him before making off with any valuables they could find. Steve had had enough of this so he started building up power to vaporize these fuckers whilst casually breaking the nose of one the humans that had gotten too close with his fist. Feeling a warm pressure build inside of himself, Steve was ready to deal with the threat when a bright light appeared out of nowhere and all five of the youths vanished and in their place was five intricate little wooden balls on the floor.

A shadowy figure approached from the side of the alleyway and whilst point at the balls he chanted "Obliviate!" a few times before turning to Steve. "Come on man! Why've you got to make my job this hard? Fudge'll killed me if I let what you did get outta hand!"