
A less frightening form

The woman seemed to be crying her eyes out whilst staring wide eyed at the Demon. Her face showed defeat as she knew that the heat she felt from the demons flames confirmed his existence and her ultimate fate.

Steve moved closer to the woman in large painful strides due to his unfortunate landing. "Could you shut up for a sec!", he practically roared at the human. Quietly the woman let out a yelp before stifling her tears are looking up at Steve's burning crimson eyes.

"Thank god you've shut up for a second. Now tell me puny being, where is the nearest interdimensional portal.", Steve asked simply only to be met with silence and a young woman who seemed to be crying yet again.

"Answer me human or you would wish that you were dead! As a guard of a government Chamber I know thousands of horrific methods to make you talk, now where is your nearest interdimensional gate!", Steve asked again, the irritation now palpitable in his voice.

The woman manged to squeak out a quick," I don't know!?", before resuming her tear generation.

With a sigh, Steve took a step back and analysed the situation. 'Somehow i' ve seemed to have scared this puny one. Hmmm... ', with a sense of enlightenment Steve stepped towards the woman again.

'Is this it?', the woman thought finally accepting death as she hung her head low expecting the end. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the demons hoofed feet slowly striding towards her like a hammer hitting against an anvil, charring the ground with each step. She tightly shut her eyes when the footsteps stopped right next to her. She thought back to when she was a small girl and her mom was always encouraging her to study hard and be a good witch, at least then she'd had been able to do something in this situation, oh why did she leave her wand at home to go foraging for alchemical ingredients in the forest!

Suddenly she heard a loud sound as if something large hit the ground and the warm feeling she had gotten from the flames moved from above her to in front.

Then came the most unexpected thing she'd ever had imagined in such a situation. "*sigh* Look, girl, I'm Steve from the Chamber of dismemberment and I'd just like your help to get home."

"eh?", the woman sounded out, shocked.

"Did you not hear me mortal?", Steve said irritated...

The woman sat up and stared curiously at Steve's face before quickly responding., "I- I thought you wanted to kill me?",

Steve looked confused for a good half minute before the realisation dawned on his face and he burst out laughing. "ha ha ha, kill you, hhha it's the fire isn't it, hhdaha why would I want to kill my way home?!", Steve cackled maniacally whilst rubbing a molten tear from his eye. "No you've got me all wrong. Hmmm... How about this...?", Steve snapped his fingers and he was suddenly surrounded by a pillar of flames, the woman quickly lept backwards out the way as she continued to warily look at the fire, seeing Steve's large silhouette within.

Slowly Steve's height seemed to get smaller to around 6ft and his claws, hooves and wings seemed to disappear. A few moments later the flames were gone and Steve was stood there resembling a human with tanned skin and bright white hair with red eyes. "Now can we talk?", Steve asked the woman only to be met with a puzzling response...

"AAAA!!!", she shrieked as she quickly turned around wondering why the Demon had transformed completely butt naked.
